Wednesday, February 16, 2011

High Speed Rail From Moterrey To El Paso

By Semperpapa

By now, everyone has heard of the $53 billions Obama wants to spend for the construction of high speed railways and trains.
That was in his budget proposal, strongly supported by his VP, Biden the Amuser. The expenditure proposal has received very poor response from the new GOP House of Representatives and from many Governors who have flat out refused the money allocated to their states.
Florida Governor, Rick Scott, rejected the idea of millions of dollars going to his state, claiming that his state has much greater issues to contend with.
The newly elected Ohio Governor, John Kasich, turned down the $400 million slated for his state as did the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

My state of California will probably accept the money, so that the bureaucracy in Sacramento will be able to have access to federal funding that will be promptly wasted on social programs.

The truth about the high speed rail system is that it only benefits the highly congested north east of the United States, but considering the highly questionable management of the current system, Amtrak, the idea of an even greater money-loser handled by the government is enough to make for good comedy.

What remains not a laughing matter is the total disregard that the federal government is showing for the problems our country has with the southern border.
As we hear the news of another ICE agent gunned down in Mexico by the drug cartel and we witbess the obvious incompetence of the Mexican government in dealing with the ever increasing violence, the federal government in Washington should be more pressed in allocating resources for the lock down of the border and to deal with the illegal immigration.

Currently, the only high speed mode of transportation is the one from Mexico into the United States and the Obama regime and its cronies are more than happy with its development.
Obama is willing to renounce the safety and security of the Nation in favor of the prospect for millions of illegals being given amnesty and create a new voting block for the Democrats.

While the empty words of condolence still ring in the ears of the families of those who have paid with their lives for the criminal inconclusiveness of action on the part of the federal government, Dept. of Homeland Security and its incompetent leader Napolitano, have announced that there will be no more addition to the wall at the border with Mexico.
It is clearly obvious that the government is not interested in the least to secure the border. Obama himself even stated few days back that illegal immigration is not really a big concern of his. Surely, the families of those killed while defending our country at the border, the families of those who on a daily basis fall victim to the crime perpetrated by illegal aliens and those people whose land is being overrun by illegals may feel differently, but that does not matter much in the context of the realization of the Obama's agenda. Just collateral damages. Small sacrifices in the totality of the wanted outcome. After all, Mao Tzedong killed millions of Chinese people to realize his Cultural Revolution.

I was against George W. Bush immigration policy as much as I am against Obama's, and there is no future in my support for any candidate who does not have a clear stand on the elimination of illegal immigration and border security.

The American people are increasingly becoming intolerant of the open border attitude of politicians and even as the voices from illegal aliens advocates grow louder, emboldened by the criminal posture of the administration and of shameless Republicans like Lindsay Graham and John McCain, voices of common sense and their stand at the ballot box, will make the will of the people known.
Until then, we can only hope and pray that the men and women wearing the uniform defending our Nation will not have to pay too high of a price for the criminality of politicians.

Just my thoughts!

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