Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Call Me Senator Hypocrite

Please, everyone, watch this video. It’s only one minute long.

For all of you Californian that have voted this numbskull into the United States Senate over and over, I would like to ask you: what the hell were you thinking?

This boob is but the latest Liberal prostitute (my apologies to prostitutes all over) to do the bidding of this moronic Socialist lying jackass currently occupying the White House.
It is really interesting to watch how the Liberals, who spent the last eight years openly protesting Bush regardless of the damage they did to our Military involved in two wars, are getting all bent out of shape by American people protesting their disastrous policies.
The “community organizer” in the past exhorted people to get in the faces of those they disagree with them, exhorted ACORN activists to disrupt the national discourse in order to advance the Socialist ideology of his majesty Obama, including voter fraud and the New Black Panthers to test the waters of voters’ intimidation as a prelude to the next electoral cycle.
But now, faced by common American people who are obviously fed up with the Nation’s suicidal policies that this Socialist donkey has shoved down our throats and willing to finally voice their opinions, Obama is going on his counter offensive by utilizing all his administration cronies and Media concubines in order to discredit the importance and significance of the protests.

It is obvious that the socialist leadership of today’s America is bent on silencing the American people. To these people, the First Amendment only applies to them when they are prone to place the American people into harm’s way, especially the Military, which they loath more than anything. But when the common American citizen starts asking uncomfortable questions, suddenly grass roots movements and congregation of citizens becomes mob action.
Calling the kettle black, Mr. President?

Going back to the wicked witch of the west, it is a real embarrassment for California, the state that gave America President Reagan, that Barbara Boxer is a representative in the US Senate.
She, an almighty Liberal, has the gonads to label American citizens, who are exercising their sacrosanct right to free speech, according to the way they are dressed. If this is not a hypocritical example of profiling, I don’t know what is.
I would like to ask the battleaxe if she can decipher from the clothing wore by the people who are trashing every Liberal idiot across America, how she would react if I would look at all black teenagers walking around showing me their underwear, with their hats at a predetermined angle and $400.00 snickers as gang bangers. She would be the first to accuse me of profiling. But she can stereotype with impunity.
Now I understand that the type of riffraff she is used to is the garbage that has in the past eight years made themselves a nuance for our Military, people like Code Pink. I also understand that considering the disgusting San Francisco crowd that supports her, clean cut, showered and articulate Americans must be something alien for her.

As I said above, she is an embarrassment for all of California, together with Feinstein and Waxman and Harman and so many other that have contributed to the destruction of the most successful state of the union. California used to be the envy of people across the world, as testified by the influx of immigrants from across the United States and abroad, but people like these Liberal bloodsuckers have succeeded in turning this once great state into a sewer with their illegal immigration posture, with their entitlements for the worst members of the population spectrum. They have succeeded in bankrupting us financially and morally.
My only hope remains that the conscientious and intelligent people left in this state will make their dissatisfaction known at the polls in 2010. It would really be the best thing that could happen to our state if, come the elections, all the incumbent would be thrown out, including all those in the state legislature.
But considering the percentage of losers in the state, my hopes are hanging on a thin line.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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