Sunday, August 16, 2009

Silent No More!

16 August 2009

It is absolutely appalling the open level of hypocrisy that the Liberals in America have reached. It is so completely out in the open that I find myself, at times, speechless. Does not happen often but it does occasionally.
In the last few weeks, such hypocrisy has reached the pinnacle of disgust and bad taste. The Liberals in Congress who have been pelted by common Americans in the famous town halls over various subjects, especially heath care reform, are resulting to vindictive tactics to basically shut the people down and prevent them from expressing their dissent.

“Dissent is patriotic” was the battle cry of the Left during the Bush administration. Hillary Clinton was literally screaming it at her campaign rallies. The same assertion was invoked by all who would get access to a public forum, that as Americans they had the freedom and duty to protest the actions of what they called the Bush regime. And yet today the same people who were so eloquent regarding the “American people right to dissent” are incensed by the American people exercising that very right. Dissenting with the current regime is racist.

Pelosi supported and encouraged deranged and psychotic Code Pink lowlifes in her district of San Francisco as they marched through the streets with signs depicting Bush with Hitler-style moustache and covered with swastikas. Today, queen Pelosi is accusing the American people to show up at her town hall with swastika signs. Curiously enough, there were no pictures of any of these offenders taken at the meetings, which is suspicious to me considering the extent to which the media goes to insure their shameless support for Obama and his cronies. Moreover, what some American people are becoming aware of is the parallelism between what Obama and co. is doing with the historical knowledge of Nazi Germany.

The accusations on the part of Liberals against the vociferous protestations of common Americans at their town hall meeting have been of disruption and rudeness. In 2006 Pelosi, at one of her rallies, was interrupted by anti-war protesters and she actually stated that she welcomed the disruption, as it was a right for Americans to disagree. And yet, she now calls those who are finally voicing their rejection of the Obama and Congress socialist take over as rude and obnoxious un-Americans.
So for all intents and purposes, according to queen Pelosi, the RIGHT of Americans to protest is conditioned by the party association: protest against Republicans is patriotic. Protest against Democrats is un-American disruption.

Liberals have leveled accusations against those Americans who have taken the time to participate in protests against an ever increasingly intrusive government, of being organized and funded by special interests. The Left has downplayed the Tea Parties and the millions of people who took time out of their lives to publicly express their rejection of Socialist governmental tactics, calling these public exercises of First Amendment right as being sponsored and fueled by special interests and the Republican Party. This really makes me chuckle, as I have attended couple of these protests and have not received any kind of encouragement from any lobbying entity and I don’t even consider myself a Republican any longer.
At one specific rally on July 4th, a car went through the intersection we were gathered at in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and a black man yelled out the window “You f……. racists!” which made me take notice, again, that what the Left has accomplished is to poison the minds of some American people that it is about Obama being black. The all “inclusive” president has drawn the battle lines on the race issue in order to insure his own political power grab. And the ignorant, fickle masses of blacks don’t realize that it is just by doing such thing that Obama is condemning them to a new kind of slavery. Governmental organized slavery.

But the level of hypocrisy that the Left has reached is somewhat amusing, as the images of the town halls protests appear on the news. As the so-called Health Care Reform bill is being analyzed by the American people (HR 3200) there is an increasingly strong realization that many of the provisions enumerated in the bill are just not what the American people want.
In pure Soviet Socialist approach, the Left has been denigrating the protesters with the intention of destroying their ability to express their discontent by virtue of down grading them. Pelosi and Co. called them un-American; they have been called an unruly mob; Harry Reid labeled them “evil mongers”. And yet, what appears to the viewer is a conglomeration of senior afraid for their lives and prosperity, young people afraid for their young families, middle class folks who are very concerned about a deficit spending that is condemning their grand-children to a huge debt even if they are not even born yet. There are Veterans and housewives and doctors and professionals at these meetings, voicing their concerns. There are unemployed workers, who see an enormous spending going on in Washington directed at the Government intrusion into our lives, but nothing being done about providing jobs for Americans. These are people who would rather work than being “taken care of” by the politicians in Congress and White House.
Yes, these are the insurance companies’ plants into these meetings, and according to the Left, a despicable show of evil companies flexing their muscles. So Socialist Congress responds to this by sending bus loads of union thugs to “counter-protest”. If one looks at the videos of these rallies and meeting, one can see that those voicing their dissent are all common Americans, dressed like common Americans (regardless what Barbara Boxer says), while the counter-protesters are all wearing the union shirts. So my question is: who is organizing what?

And finally, the most disturbing hypocrisy of all! The White House has set up a web link for Americans to snitch on Americans. Officially, the link is designed for supporters of the Obamacare disaster to report any “erroneous” information regarding it. But in reality what the link does is gives the ability to Obama supporters and ill-informed Americans to snitch on fellow Americans. It is a way for the White House to create a database of e-mail addresses of people who disagree with Obama. So the question comes to mind: why is the White House collecting these data? What are they planning on using it for? Already it has been revealed that some folks across the country have received unsolicited e-mails from none other than David Axelrod, raising the suspicion that the first goal of the data collection is being used as a harassment tool. The step from this to full blown intimidation is short. And if the approval numbers of Obama keep on slipping, that step will become even shorter.

Back to the hypocrisy, I still remember the ruckus made by the Left and organizations like the ACLU about the wiretapping of suspicious phone lines authorized by the Patriot Act just after the attacks of September 11. Accusations and falsehoods started flying against the Bush administration that Bush was listening to grandma’s phone calls and stupid statements like it. The Liberal nutcases went ballistic on the notion that the government was intruding in our lives, our privacy, conveniently ignoring the fact that the wiretapping was only done on international phone lines that could be connected to potential terrorist entities. What would have the ACLU said if Bush would have advertised a web link for people to report suspicious terrorist activities? Would have they just be silent as they are today about Obama snitch link? I leave it to you to ponder and reach an answer.

Ultimately, it is up to the American people to decide the direction our country is headed for.
Many, unfortunately, are still inebriated by the historical significance of the election of a black President, indicating that racism in America is still alive and well. These people are willing to ignore the damage this man is doing to our country because he is black. That’s racism in my book. And many of them are more interested in getting as much for free instead of working for it.
Fortunately, there is many more that are not pleased with the direction the country is on. Their ranks are filled with people of every race and religion, gender and political affiliation. These are people who feel it is more important to safeguard the principles of Liberty in our country above any political leaning and Party allegiance. And, as one woman stated to Sen. Specter during a meeting, the Socialist Liberal Left has awaken a sleeping giant: the silent majority of America, who is not going to be silent no more.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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