Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Feeling Heartless

So the Iranians have three of our bravest and brightest in their custody. Three hikers were taken prisoner by Iranian authorities when they, allegedly by mistake, crossed the border from Iraq into Iran.
The three University of Berkeley graduates, two men and a woman, whereabouts are unknown at this time and the State Department is actively trying to employ the Swiss help in gaining information about them.
Shane Bauer, 27, graduated in peace and conflict studies, minor in Arabic and attended undergraduate studies in journalism.
Sarah Emily Shourd, 30, graduated with a degree in English and aspiring journalist.
Joshua Felix Fattal, 27, graduated with a degree in environmental policies.

By reading a little about their bios, one can clearly understand that these three are the types that would have the “war is not the answer” bumper sticker on their Prius. The same types that most likely had some big bash when Obama was elected in the hope that the Imperial America was finally meeting its redeemer. The same types that would be first in line protesting the Marine Corps Recruiting Office right next to the Code Pink wackos.
By looking at their study majors, with the exception of Sarah, the other two are the typical example of the ruination our higher education is in. Peace and conflict is a major of studies? Environmental policies?
But, as usual, I digress. The disaster our education system is in deserves a whole book!

It is also safe to assume that the three hikers are the type of people who look down at those who decide to join the Military, as they fit the profile of the nutcases who believe that the enemies of this country are just there waiting for our government to sit down and talk, but it is our imperialistic approach that prevents it from happening.

So now, in my opinion, they are where they belong. They are getting a close, insightful look at one of the enemies of the United States, a real close look at their correctional system. Surely they must be experiencing the “better” side of a detention system, as I am sure they are highly critical of Gitmo and the inhuman treatment of the poor terrorists there.

Personally, I could care less about their faith. Sorry if I am feeling heartless about it, but these types of people are so brainwashed by the progressive educational system that they believe to have the obligation of go abroad and “experience” those places that are occupied by people that hate America. What it comes down to is that they made the choice of being where they were (BTW, what were they doing in Iraq, a country so ravaged by American Imperialism?) and they should be prepared to face the consequences. The extent of the involvement in this event on the part of the State Dept. should be to make the diplomatic efforts necessary to insure their fair treatment. Good luck with that!

And I sure want to hope that no consideration is given to the possibility of placing even one single American Military life in jeopardy for these people, as the three of them and the whole Berkley student faculty is not worth the life of one American soldier.

I felt the same about the two journalists being held in North Korea, who have been sentenced to 12 years hard labor. Bill Clinton is there right now negotiating their release. Good for him, but I wonder what concessions the Obama regime has made to the Communist country.
Maybe Bill Clinton can head for Iran next and take Jimmy Carter with him. If America is lucky, the Teheran regime will keep them!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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