Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Are Dead Bin Laden's Pictures Necessary?

By Semperpapa

After three days of dithering, Obama has decided that the pictures of a very dead Osama bin Laden will not, after all, be released to the public.

The opinions about this decision abound from both sides of the political spectrum. Some are rational and well thought out, some are as fringe and unhinged as possible.

Sec. of Defense Gates and Sec. of State Clinton have been vocal in their counsel to the President about not releasing the pictures, the most heard reasoning being that the images could have a stirring effect upon the radicals in the Middle East.
Does anyone really believes that showing the picture of bin Laden with few extra holes in his head is going to instigate hatred further in the radicalized followers of the religion of peace?
These are the same people who make it a pseudo-Hollywood production out of cutting people's heads off. The same people who captured American soldiers, torture them and after killing them, they booby trap their bodies to kill more soldiers.
These are also the same people who, in the effort to "convince" an Iraqi tribal leader not to help the Americans, killed and roasted his small son in his own home.
And we do not even want to mention the dozen of people who have died because someone "disrespected" their holy book, true or not.

At this point I am not sure anymore who are Obama and Gates and Clinton trying not to piss off. Are they the beheaders or the cookers?
My personal thoughts are that I want to see the pictures. I want to see the last facial expression of the devil frozen in the moment when that 5.56 round removed the bastard from the community of men, a community he did not belong in.

But our culture has been poisoned by the continuous venom of the Left. Even pop figures chimed in in defense of bin Laden.
Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall twitted the following, just after the news of the death of bin Laden and the spontaneous celebrations in the streets:

"What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have ever even heard speak. We've only heard one side..."

The comment went literally viral, not because anyone really gives a rat's behind about what an overfed, oversexed and overpaid football player may think, but because it represented a moral judgment of this individual upon the rest of America. I personally do not want to be lectured about my morality by someone who makes a very comfortable living playing the game, and is a member of a community, the NFL, that is not really a prime example of moral integrity.
Moreover, Mr. Mendenhall, if he based his opinion on reality, would realize that the man he laments was not listened to was of the opinion that sport fields were only to be used for public executions, an ideology that would translate, for the Steelers athlete, in having to make a real living.
Mendenhall issued an apology today, surely inspire more by the pressure from the Steelers' front office as they do not want such bad PR for their organization. And the chance to lose his multi-million contract, I bet, helped his contrition.

Comments like these are the result of a false sense of intellectual superiority that the Left is fostering among the elitists of our society. I am expecting any day that the old regurgitated expression "make love not war" will reappear on pro-Obama public announcements starring all sorts of celebrities. Already we are delighted by bumper stickers telling us that "war is not the answer" and, one of my favorite, "coexist".
But what if the other guy does not want to coexist, what then?
What if the other guy is hell bent on taking your life and the lives of your family, what then?

Then we will have to resort to the kind of violence that the Left claims to so abhor, unless it is directed to Conservatives, and it will be left to those who believe in freedom and self-determination to clean up the mess and protect those who had instead spent all their time blaming America.

One way to avoid having to reach that ugly destination is to make it clear to our enemies that their ideology of conquest, their desire of domination and the methodology they are willing to adopt is a sure way to arrange a close encounter with someone like the men who took a field trip to Pakistan last Sunday.
And showing the visual results via photographs may drive that point well.

Just my thoughts!

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