Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Celebrity Scum At The Cannes Film Festival

By Blitzkrieg

Yes, it is time to take a little excursion to the Cannes Film Festival, the yearly congregation of celebrity pukes taking place in the always fun French city.

This year the attempts to push the limits of decency even further have been successful with film directors openly praising Hitler to the showing of “films” who were so outrageous and disgusting that even the most hardened progressive and forgiving Cannes audience run out of the theaters in total horror.

But the best of the best must be given to one Peter Fonda, and not because of any work he did on a movie set, but for some of the best crap that has ever spilled from the mouth of a liberal.

Few days ago, Peter Fonda called President Obama a “fucking traitor”, statement that I agree fully with, although for totally opposite reasons than the sibling of the infamous Hanoi Jane.

For Peter, Obama is a traitor for selling off to special interests or something like that, blah, blah, blah.

For me, Obama is a traitor because he is purposely destroying our Nation for personal gain in his desire to turn the United States of America into the Socialist States of Amerika.

But good old fart Peter was not done. In an interview with some media puke, Peter Fonda made the following statement:

“I’m training my grandchildren to use long-range rifles. For what purpose? Well, I’m not going to say the words ‘Barak Obama’, but…”

Then added:

“It’s more of a thought process than an actuality, but we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots. I came here many years ago with a biker movie and we stopped a war. Now, it’s about starting the world. I prefer to not to use the words, 'let’s stop something’. I prefer to say, 'let’s start something, let’s start the world”

So what the rethread is saying is that he is calling for “something” to be started in America, calling for the violent expression of the dissatisfaction that he and his progressive scum feel toward the failed Messiah.

I wonder if the brilliant words of Peter Fonda will warrant a visit from the Secret Service and some heavy duty questioning.

As Semperpapa wrote about in a recent post about America turning into a police state, the Secret Service paid a visit to the school of a 13-year old for posting something on Facebook that was not threatening in the least, questioning the boy without the parents even being present. The words of Fonda should buy him a nice trip to the nearest Secret Service office the moment this piece of shit tries to re-enter our country.

We shall see.

In the meantime, I have this message for Fonda: careful what you wish for, douche bag!

Blitzkrieg – hit them fast and hard!

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