Monday, May 9, 2011

Inevitably, The Enemy Is Even Closer To Our Shores: Terrorist Group Setting Up Shop In Tijuana

By Semperpapa

Or more exactly, our borders.

On May 4th, 2011, in San Diego, California, published a report that was compiled after an investigation on the presence of Islamic terrorists in northern Mexico.

According to the report, the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah has been setting up base in the Mexican city of Tijuana, just few minutes south of the Mexican-U.S. border and the city of San Diego.

The report was based on an interview with a former U.S. intelligence officer who states that while the presence of terror groups safe houses in Mexico and other south American countries has been a reality for years, an Hezbollah base so close to the border and a major urban center should be of concern for the federal government and the American people.

Hezbollah has been linked and has claimed responsibility for a myriad of terror attacks against U.S. and Western interests for years, including the one, under the name of Islamic Jihad, against the Marine barracks in Beirut that killed 220 Marines, 18 sailors and 3 soldiers on October 23, 1983.

Today we hear that this sort of people is at the doorstep of our Country, aiding the Mexican drug cartels in conducting their murderous business and involved in the illegal aliens smuggling activities.

According to the intelligence official, the terror group has struck a deal with the narco-terrorists of Mexico: they will provide safe houses for Hezbollah and Hezbollah will provide knowledge of operation, which we have already seen in the last few years.

The danger represented by Hezbollah can be simply stated as the presence of an organized faction of a violent and ruthless terror group within striking distance of our own sovereign territory. They are described as a group that is less ideological than al Qaeda, and possibly more dangerous, because they are more inclined to exploit circumstances in order to gain financial and militant power.

The alliance between Hezbollah and the drug cartel is a very lucrative one for the financiers of the group, as they reap some benefits from the drug trafficking.

Probably the most dangerous aspect of the statements made by the intelligence officer to is that if these terrorists wanted to engage in wide spread attacks across the United States, they could do it right now and we would not have much of a way to prevent it. Instead, they are more interested, at the moment, to reap great profits from the drug sales in America and send that money back to Lebanon where they can utilize it in their local efforts.

While the potential events in Lebanon are of limited interest to me, the presence of Hezbollah just across the border in Tijuana is greatly disturbing, mostly because of the refusal on the part of the federal government to even consider securing the border. Politics on the part of Obama and Holder and Napolitano and the rest of liberals in Congress, from both parties, has trampled the safety and security of the American people. What appears is that when it comes to the movement of drugs across our borders, the southern portion of the United States bordering with Mexico is not much better than the conditions in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan, as a matter of fact worst, because at least in the Helmand Province we have the United States Marine Corps.

Also greatly disturbing is the realization that the only element saving our streets from becoming killing fields, courtesy of Islamic radical terrorists, is the profit level gained by the drug trade. Basically, the safety of our Nation depends on the whims of people who hate us and want us dead, that we must hope their love for money remains higher than their hate for America.

The report is only the latest word on this subject that appears to be of importance only to the American people, but not the political leadership in Washington. The American people have been demanding that the federal government address the lack of security at the border, only to be treated to a barrage of lies from the President on down.

We hear Napolitano boast that apprehension of illegal aliens has dropped significantly, attributing it to the brilliant policies of the Obama administration which have made the border more secure than ever. And she says so with an absolute straight face!

At the same time, we find out that hundreds of law enforcement officers from jurisdictions across the southern States have stated that the Border Patrol is under order not to apprehend caught illegal crossers but turn them back to Mexico without arresting them. These encounters are not recorded so those number do not make the statistics. That is how Napolitano keeps the apprehension number down in the effort to hand Obama a political victory.

Also in concomitance with the lies promulgated by the political leadership, we gain knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious and Operation Gunrunner, which have provided thousands of weapons to the drug cartel with the blessing of the ATF, read U.S. Government.

Instead of listening to the demands of the people, the government takes the opportunity of the complaints from Americans concerned and fed up with the situation, to sway the issue of immigration reform. The only immigration reform that we must have is the one that involves the federal government enforcing the laws of the land. That is the role of the government: to insure that the safety and security of the people is safeguarded, that our lives and interests are protected from enemies, foreign and domestic.

The problem, though, lies in that the worst enemy of the American people has become the U.S. government itself, in the name of political power.

As of right now, the reckless policies of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barak Obama in regard to illegal immigration are increasingly becoming the focal point of many American citizens and the presence of the Islamic jihadists like Hezbollah just across from the U.S. border will eventually, I am afraid, bring the people on a collision course with illegal aliens, their organizers and supporters on one side, the American people on the other. A certain explosive recipe for potential clashes.

Just my thoughts!

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