Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Obama's And His Liberal Cronies' Logic

By Blitzkrieg

Let's see if I understand the liberal position on immigration:

we must be accepting of illegal aliens, because after all they are just trying to better the lot of their families.

Ok, I will accept that notion when I have a choice about paying taxes or not. If I decide not to pay taxes, I would have more money to improve the lot for my family.

But if I don't pay my taxes, you may say, I commit a crime, or better yet, an illegal action.

So why is it illegal for me not to pay taxes and I can end up in jail for that illegal behavior, but illegal aliens get amnesty, free education and free health care for their illegal behavior?

Why am I not allowed the choice to give or not a good portion of what I earn by WORKING my ass off, while illegal aliens benefit of what America has to offer and are not required to pay any taxes.
The fact is that the politicians, like good whores that they are, could give a rat's ass about the plight of the illegals, or the will of the people. They only care about the amount of power they are able to concentrate under their belt, even at the cost of ruining the country and its principles.

Harry Reid, the moron senator, poster boy for term limits, spoke of standing up and make your opinion heard, obviously thinking of those who support the invasion of America. I ask to Reid: hey asshole! Do you REALLY want the American people to get involved in the issue of illegal immigration? Careful what you ask for!

Blitzkrieg - hit them fast and hard!

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