Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Eco-Terrorism In California: Kill 4th Of July Celebrations

By Semperpapa

Another eco-terrorist attack against America comes now in California.

On Friday, 27 May, Superior Court Judge Linda Quinn said that the La Jolla, California, Fourth of July display of fireworks must be evaluated for its environmental impact under the rules of the California Environmental Quality Act. A legal challenge against fireworks display had been brought up by an environmental group, the Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation in Encinitas, against the City of San Diego, charging that the fireworks display the city of La Jolla conducts annually, has a detrimental impact on the environment.

What the ruling does, if not overturned in appellate court, is to place the additional cost and time delay upon any municipality that engages in firework shows for any occasion. The California city of Chula Vista has already cancelled its annual Independence Day show due to lack of funds and the expenses related to environmental challenges.

It is hard to believe that the attack from the environmental nutjobs against America could get to be as blatant as this one, and that there would be an activist judge who would actually take such an absurd case seriously, but these days everything appears to be possible in the land of freaks and loons that the state of California has become. And the freaks and loons are in charge!

The ruling has the environmental miscreants jumping for joy, for they were able in one swift move by Quinn, to advance their irrational agenda and to place one more nail in the coffin of American traditions and customs.

The city of San Diego issues about 400 permits for special events and about 20,000 permits for small park-type events. While the court decision was directed to the La Jolla event, it will also impact all the smaller gatherings that everyday citizens engage in to advance a sense of community among the citizens.

The lawyer for the environmental group, one Marco Gonzalez, was ecstatic about the ruling, saying that the judge’s decision was a vindication for his client and for the environment, because the suit had been deemed frivolous by the opponents who sought its dismissal.

Gonzales summed up the basis of the suit:

“There are a whole host of impacts that we know occur from fireworks shows, from marine mammals to marine birds to water quality to traffic to noise to the air. We want it studied and we want it mitigated.”

Which in reality means that this idiot and the group of idiots he represents, want the government to have the control over the ability of the American people to celebrate Independence Day as they have done for over 200 years. The approach of these eco-terrorists is shrewd and cunning, as it uses the out-of-control court system, the out-of-control environmental cultism to intrude in American lives and to undermine the traditions of our land.

In this case, eco-terrorism affects the American people’s right to celebrate American traditions, once again activism of a minority being able to trample the will of the majority. It would be interesting to see what the reaction of the people of San Diego would be if they were actually allowed to weigh into the controversy. I would bet my bottom dollar that the citizens would rail the environmentalist douche bags out of town.

But just as in the case of the Sacramento smelt, activism is out to destroy people’s lives and the voices of the majority is institutionally ignored.

The day will come that all these absurdities will just be a memory. I have to believe so, because the alternative is too disturbing to contemplate. In the meantime, I will keep on pointing out the excesses of the progressive movement, be it political or environmental.

We must stand up to these idiotic measures of control that a government gone wild is placing upon us and reject them. The voice of the people must be heard.

Just my thoughts!

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