Friday, December 31, 2010
Reflections Of A Year Past And Hopes For The New Year
It is the time of the year when every person reflects on the past year and expresses the hopes for the year just about to begin. And I am not immune from such practice.
2010 was certainly an interesting year.
The year has seen a steady decline of President Obama approval rating, surely fueled by the economic disaster the Country is experiencing.
Unemployment inched upward very close to the 10% level. Considering that the promise from the administration was that thanks to the out-of-control spending they have been engaged in that number would not grow past 8%, it is not surprising that many Americans, especially those who crowd the unemployment lines, would be inclined to lose confidence in the political leadership.
States like California and Nevada saw their unemployment rate climb decisively above the 12% and 14% respectively, demonstrating that the economic pains that are pronounced nationwide, are even worst in states that were once economic examples.
The whole year saw the increase impact that the TEA Party exercised upon the political scene. Regardless of the virulent campaign of attacks and vilification that the Left conducted against those who identified with the protestations of this true American grass root movement, political candidates supported by the TEA party were successful in the mid-term elections of November 2010.
While on a national scale the elections were successful in giving some hope to those who, like me, hope for a return of America to a more conservative, common sensical political environment, as a resident of California I was astonished by the results.
The economy of the state, which once used to be the 7th economy of the globe, is in the worst possible condition, ushered in by the control that liberals have had over the state legislature.
And yet, union thuggery and illegal aliens' special interests were able to make California an exception once again. While the rest of the country decidedly moved toward a conservative stance and against Marxism and Socialism, the people of California elected Jerry Brown as governor and re-elected Barbara Boxer as US Senator.
Politically, the mid-terms were the event that left the most important mark on 2010.
With Republicans gaining the majority in the House and gaining in the Senate, the American people, via the ballot box, expressed their general dissatisfaction with the corruption, overtaxing and power abuse in Washington D.C.
It is my hope for 2011 that the 112th Congress, once seated, will actually concentrate on the business of the people, instead of the growth of political power.
2010 saw the failed Obama trips to win the Olympic Games for, of all places, Chicago and the expensive and useless trip to a global warming conference that was practically the last farce of a completely discredited attempt of environmental terrorists to gain control of the world energy industry.
And speaking of trips, taxpayers founded trips, who can forget the lavish vacation in Spain that Michelle Obama took with her daughter in summer and the escape of the First Family to Asia just following the November elections.
2010 also saw the official end of combat operations in Iraq. As the administration claimed it as a political victory and Obama, personally, as a proof that he had actually achieved one of his goals, the situation for our troops in theater did not change much.
The staged images of the 4th Striker Brigade exiting Iraq into Kuwait as the last combat unit leaving the country, contrasted starkly with the news from other units in that country whose designations were changed from "combat" to "support" to satisfy the Administration image, while their operational duties remained unchanged.
Not to mention that the political victory claimed by Obama was none other than the realization of a timeline that the Bush administration had established.
And 2010 saw the increased operational activity in Afghanistan with the change of the Military leadership in that theater. Gen. Stanley McCrystal was ousted by the President for criticism expressed and Gen. David Patreaus replaced him as Commander.
Some victories were achieved in the effort of hitting and killing Taliban terrorists, but the casualties in that conflict escalated.
On a personal note, 2010 was a year of great emotional significance.
A year ago today, I was just hoping that the day would go fast and that I would get one day closer to the time my son would come home from Afghanistan.
The year was marked by the day in May when my family finally got a glimpse of him as his unit returned home from their deployment and we saw him hugging his wife and son. That was the day when everything was good, when the family's collective anxiety was lifted.
And in July, we were ecstatic in welcoming the newest member of the family, my grandson Alexander Francis.
As I get ready to say good bye to 2010, I am grateful that every member of my family is enjoying good health and harmony.
My wishes for the new year starting is that a new form of common sense will prevail in the political arena of my country; that love for our Nation will become the prevalent interest of those who were placed in charge of Washington; that the number of unemployed will shrink, allowing Americans to re-discover their dignity in working and being productive.
I also wish that the casualty announcements from the DoD will go to zero and that our Nation will express its gratitude toward our Veterans in the way they deserve. I hope that the suicide rate among Veterans will also drop to zero and that those suffering from the consequences of their service to that country will seek the help that the country owes them.
2011 is shaping up to be another interesting year and I am ready.
Happy New Year to all of you!
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Political Landscape For 2012
The political landscape is starting to take shape for the 2012 Presidential Elections.
It was only expected that the all important 2010 mid-term was going to create the inspiration for what we will witness to be, most likely, one of the longest Presidential campaigns of our history.
The American people clearly stated their rejection of the Obama crowd Socialist blueprint, but the message does not appear to be influencing the administration in its effort to circumvent the will of the people.
President Obama may have lost control over the House, at least in numbers, but still enjoys a liberal majority in the Senate, albeit much reduced.
There is no escaping the fact that the President is more than willing to utilize his executive powers to impose policy upon the people without Congress oversight, so it will be the job of the Republican majority in the House and the improved position in the Senate to stifle the progressive agenda of the President.
Unfortunately, the political landscape is littered by Republicans that are traitors to the Conservative ideology, especially in the Senate.
We have people like Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Voinovich and Scott Brown, and that great piece of work that is Lisa Murkowsky. And we have people like Lindsay Graham and Lamar Alexander.
These are all RINOs who are more interested in appeasing the radicals across the aisle than to promote a return of the country to a Conservative footing.
Surely these individuals will develop conservative epiphanies if they face re-election in 2012, but their true colors will never change.
So where is the Nation at this point? What are the prospects for those Presidential elections for conservatives? I wish I could be more optimistic.
There is no doubt in any conservative mind that the regime of Obama must be defeated. Our country cannot afford another term under the radical socialist control of the man.
But the most pressing issue at this point is that conservative Republicans must select a true ideological candidate in order to have any chance at defeating Obama.
Names have already started to be circulated, shrewdly floated on a fishing expedition to see what the people reaction may be.
Mitt Romney's name has been going around. My reaction is: no thanks.
After the "performance" of Scott Brown, I do not want any so-called Republican from Massachusetts. And I feel exactly the same with any "republican" from California or New York. These states have been monopolized by liberal progressive for so long that even those who call themselves conservatives are infected by the desire for a over intrusive government.
Sarah Palin's name keeps on coming up. I am not sure about it.
Ideologically, Palin is conservative and I may agree with most of her positions on issues. But even in the conservative realm, Palin is so polarizing that her governing agenda may not receive the support and backing necessary to be effective.
Newt Gingrich. Sure a conservative, but has shown too much propensity toward trying to compromise with the opposition for my liking. On the positive side, Gingrich is an historian and a believer in American Exceptionalism, a supporter of a strong Military and of drilling for our own oil.
Other names have been floated around, which will be analyzed in due time.
Personally I am of the opinion that at a time when America is involved in a war against radical Islam and global terrorism; at a time when we have rogue nations nearing the acquisition of nuclear weapons; at a time when Russia is returning to a position of superpower and China is increasingly expanding its military, our country needs a leader in the White House that understand the world we live in.
That is why I believe that the best candidate for the presidency should have Military background.
Mostly I believe that such background would bring an element of duty and service to the country that has been missing for a long time in the White House.
Placing National security as the number one priority is not limited to a strong Military stance, but it extends to securing the southern border, reduce governmental interference upon the people and becoming energy independent.
In the plethora of names that have been suggested there is only one name that fits my vision for the 2012 Presidential Elections: Florida's Allen West, LtCol. Allen West.
Allen West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress as the Representative for the 22nd district of Florida. He is a decorated Combat Veteran that has shown his dedication to his Nation and, in combat, to the mission and his men. And he has a learned knowledge of our enemies.
I am willing to bet that Mr. West would not bow to any foreign leader!
It is unlikely that my wishes for a West candidacy in 2012 will materialize, mostly because of the fact that Mr. West has just been elected to Congress, but I truly believe that the dire conditions in our country call for extraordinary remedies.
And LtCol. Allen West would be an extraordinary choice.
Just my thoughts!
Extortion Is Always The Best Weapon
There are allegations in New York that union workers slow their efforts of cleaning the streets of snow to put pressure on city officials in view of budget cuts.
The union has rejected the accusations, but some remorseful plow workers confessed the action to a NY councilman, Dan Halloran.
According to the New York Post, the workers admitted that they were ordered to slow their response to the clean up efforts, following the blizzard that hit and paralyzed the city this week.
The record snow falling created nightmare conditions for the citizens of New York and for emergency services that were unable to respond to calls for help because of the inability to negotiate the snow covered streets.
One woman in Brooklyn, who had fallen in her home and broken her ankle, waited 30 hours before emergency personnel was able to reach her house.
Sanitation Dept. workers have been in a fight with mayor Bloomberg for budget cuts the union sees as unfair. The union, meanwhile, strongly rejects the allegations, but it appears that there have been instances of plowers operators running their vehicles with blades too high so that the clean up would require additional passes hence allowing the operators to have to work longer hours. Which translated in more pay.
While the responsibility for shady work ethics fall on the workers and union leadership (extortion from a union: what a novelty!), the ultimate responsibility remains with the mayor.
Bloomberg was quick to dump blame in every possible direction, including the very people he is supposed to be serving, accusing New Yorkers of causing problems by their shoveling the snow from their front yards into the streets.
Considering that New York has the highest taxes per capita, the failure of Bloomberg to effectively respond to the crisis must be remembered when this man will tell the American people that we should trust him to lead us from the White House.
Bloomberg is not even capable to stand up to extortion from union thugs, how well would he do standing up to his radical Islamic friends?
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Way To Stimulate Economy: Making Fuel Prices Unaffordable
By Semperpapa
I am a commuter. I travel fifty miles each way to go earn my wages, so when I see headlines telling me that soon the price of gasoline will hit the $5/gallon, my curiosity in naturally high.
The Blaze, and other outlets, report that the former CEO of Shell Oil is predicting that by year 2012, the price per gallon of gasoline will hit the mark.
Other oil industry experts say that the price will hit that mark, but not that soon.
Is any of this supposed to alleviate my concerns?
We in America are sitting on an enormous amount of crude oil that is just there waiting to be extracted from the ground.
Such simple process, and I mean it in a conceptual sense of the word, not technological, is a matter of economic and strategic security.
What would drilling for our own oil do?
In the first place, it would create thousands of good paying jobs, something that may upset Obama and the liberals, but would be a really good thing.
Secondly, it would allow the United States to get off the Saudi oil tit and end the dependency we have to sworn enemies of our Nation. It would also greatly diminish the amount of revenue for Saudi Arabia which in turn would reduce the amount of funding for Islamic terror groups across the globe.
Lastly, it would allow the American people to enjoy lower gas prices and therefore greater availability, from their personal budgets, of money that can be spent elsewhere, feeding the general economy.
So what is stopping us?
In simple words, environmental terrorism and its supporters.
Environmental terrorism is one of those phenomena that are characterized by both militant and elitist components. The militants are those who vandalize automobile dealers, burn down construction sites and hate corporations and businesses in general.
The elitist, and the most dangerous component of environmental terrorism, are characters like Al Gore and Robert Kennedy Jr. who fly their expensive, gas-guzzling private jets to made-up conventions where they attack America and its industrial basis with pseudo-scientific witch-doctor falsities.
And they are the most dangerous, because they are given a forum by pandering political elite, which includes the Obama administration, to advance the lies they are personally dedicated to greatly benefit from.
At this point of our history, we as the people of the United States must concentrate our efforts to usher into Washington D.C. and at a local level, a political structure that is dedicated to the solution of the energy crossroad we find ourselves in.
We have two choices: we can either allow the environmental terrorists to hold us hostage to foreign oil and foreign terrorism, or we can push politicians to use the common sense necessary to do whatever is needed to make our Nation independent from our enemies.
The current liberal progressives in the White House and the US Senate may be of the opinion that strangling the American people financially, redistributing wealth and forcing people on unemployment is a winning combination for our economy.
They may even be able to sell the absurdity to the brainwashed crowds of ignorant American liberals, but there still is a vast majority of American people who use common sense and hopefully we will be able to reverse the damage that couple of decades of environmental subversive terrorism has done.
Just my thoughts!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Feisal Abdul Rauf Rock Tour
By Semperpapa
He’s back. America’s favorite moderate jihadist is in the news again, probably jealous of the fact that his name has disappeared from the headlines.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the proponent of the Ground Zero mosque, gave a telephone interview to the Associated Press. He did so while, he said, he was shopping. Probably at the local fashionable suicide vest outlet in Manhattan.
The latest offensive launched by Mr. Rauf is one that, I hope, will generate as much protest as the controversial issue generated last summer across the Nation.
The new strategy, surely financed by our “friends”, the Saudis, is based on a rock tour that Rauf is planning to take across the United States “to inspire interfaith understanding.”
Rauf told the AP:
“The major purpose is to make people aware of what America means as a country that protects the right to freedom of religion,”
It is gratifying to see that someone like Rauf is finally going to “explain” to the American people what freedom of religion really means within the context of our country’s laws.
It is a good thing that we will have a believer in Sharia law tell us how intolerant our society is of “other religions” even as he has been conducting his covert work of Ialsmization of our culture utilizing just that tolerance he is accusing the American people of not having.
This megalomaniac sees himself as an important interlocutor between the United States and the Muslim world. Wow, I am truly impressed!
So, let’s see where Mr. Rauf will be touring. First stop is going to be Detroit, Michigan, on January 15. What a surprise the he chose the place that has the largest Muslim population in the whole United States. It must have been a suggestion from the Obama circus to go pander to a friendly crowd.
We can expect raving coverage from the defeatist media on this, most likely including extensive interviews with bearded men lamenting how mistreated and insulted they have been at the hands of the blasphemous infidels, hinting that the beheading of us infidels is really our fault, that we asked for it.
The part of the AP article that really gave me a chuckle, though, was the list of known other stops Rauf is planning: college campuses like Harvard and Yale and Georgetown.
So what we are going to be treated to is a radical Muslim going to lecture in environments that are ripe for further anti-American radicalization.
A clear case of “preaching to the choir” aimed at fomenting a resurgence of the good old days of campus unrest that was so constructive in the 1960s.
And obviously, the fact that his “lecturing” will take place in the controlled environment of college campuses will allow his supporters to stifle any popular protest against the lies that Rauf wants to feed the impressionable and brainwashed students.
No safer place than elitist universities to censor free speech.
Rauf also stated in his interview that the so-called Islamic center will be “a community space where people of all faiths can come to participate in everything from athletics to cooking classes, adult education programs, and panel discussions on issues of importance.”
I say that the Ground Zero mosque should be built at the same time that a Christian center will be erected in Mecca where athletics, cooking and important interfaith issues can be discussed.
I could gain some respect for this guy if he would instead take a trip to Nigeria or Indonesia or Iraq, where Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims just for professing their religion.
How convenient and hypocritical it is that this charlatan accuses America of religious intolerance but steers clear from decrying Islamic intolerance everywhere else.
Lastly, another disturbing detail of Rauf’s rock tour. In Detroit, the imam will be the key note speaker at the “Diversity Forum” banquet organized by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
ISNA, a proven face organization for the Muslim Brotherhood and sister organization of the Islamic supremacist group CAIR, will be the perfect audience for the “moderate” jihadist Rauf.
It is impossible for me to accept Rauf’s premises of good will. When last summer Rauf went on his State Department paid vacation to the Middle East to “promote” American good will to Muslims, the results of that trip, which ironically the American taxpayers paid for, have been kept secret. If the intentions were the stated ones, Americans would have been deluged with a propaganda campaign of immense proportions.
But the trip was veiled in secrecy, as the good imam got his marching orders from the enemies of America.
It will be interesting to see what the reaction of the Media will be to the rock tour, and it will be interesting to find out, if America ever will, who is going to be funding the moderate jihadist Rauf’s escapade.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Why Are Non-Elected Officials Making Laws?
By Semperpapa
Last week, the FCC voted 3-2 to approve a much greater involvement of the government in the regulation of the Internet. The vote, as expected, was cast on a party line, with the three Democrats in favor and the two Republicans opposed.
The agency chairman, Julius Genachowski, an Obama appointee and the obvious supporter and inspirer of the order, stated that the provision is aimed at guarantee the freedom of the Internet.
“As we stand here now, the freedom and openness of the Internet are unprotected… That will change once we vote to approve this strong and balanced order,”
The FCC move has provoked rejection on the part of both Democrats and Republicans in Congress.
Conservatives are denouncing the overt attempt on the part of the federal government to increase control on the dissemination of information that may be contrary to the Marxist agenda of the current administration. This move, according to Conservatives in congress and throughout the country, is nothing less than the first step toward censorship and a state controlled information industry. A clear attack against the First Amendment.
Liberals are crying that the provision does not go far enough in its scope. This reaction is not surprising, as for some time the ultra liberal voices of the fringe Left have been plagued by the increased popularity and success of conservative radio and blogs. These entities have been a real thorn in the side of progressives and their agenda of misinformation and radicalization of the masses.
Robert McDowell, one of the Republican members of the FCC, stated instead.
“The FCC is not Congress. We cannot make laws. (the vote of the commission is) one of the darkest days in FCC history.”
“The era of Internet regulatory arbitrage has dawned,” Also adding that the decision will certainly make its way into the courts.
The question for common sense, Conservative Americans is a pressing one, as we see our liberties being eroded piece by piece: why are non-elected officials, with apparent no Congressional oversight, been allowed to institute policy that affects the American people without popular recourse?
It is apparent that the FCC, on orders of the administration, is embarking in a campaign of speech oppression that is aimed at eliminating the ability of the people to freely express their opinions without fearing the wrath of the federal government.
It may take different names, Fairness Doctrine for example, all with armless sounds, but the ultimate goal is to turn the Nation toward the direction of government controlled speech and action, a direction that our Founding Fathers have warned us strongly against by giving us the tool necessary to combat it: the US Constitution.
And I know there are those of you who will say that I am seeing too much into this, but I am not alone.
Also for those who say “this would never happen in America” I say “Wake the hell up! Because it’s already happening!”
Next thing we will see is an attack on the Second Amendment…but that too will never happen in America, right?
Just my thoughts!
The Organization That Keeps On Giving
By Semperpapa
This morning I came across an article in the NY Post written by Bill White, CEO of Constellation Group.
The title of the article, Thanking The Troops, is simple enough and yet carries a message that is of extreme importance and value to the whole Nation.
Those who are familiar with my writing know that I am not one to waste time on celebrities, from the entertainment or the sport world. I have said in the past I have no use for them and their negligible contribution to the totality of our society beyond the expression of their talents.
By reading Mr. White’s article I feel that actor Mark Wahlberg deserves a mention. I particularly appreciated the detail that his visit to our troops in Afghanistan had not been publicized, demonstrating to me that the intention of bringing a recognizable name to express a Nation’s gratitude to those sacrificing so much for our Country, was in the true spirit of the endeavor. I do not know the political leanings of Mr. Wahlberg, but actions like this make that detail irrelevant.
There is a component that is common to every one of these tours on the part of celebrities to visit our men and women away from home. The USO.
While the publicity the USO receives is mostly attached to their efforts to bring recognizable names to our troops overseas, Toby Keith, Robin Williams, Kid Rock and many others, the work of the USO that does not receive news coverage is incalculable.
Thousands of volunteers man USO locations across the Nation. At airports, where troops come through on their way to their deployment or, in much more joyous cases, home, Military members can always count on a place where they can spend some time while waiting for their next leg of travel.
There, they can count on a meal, a place where to catch some sleep or communicate with their loved ones.
Again, these USO posts are manned by volunteers who give up their personal time to help making travel for our Military a little bit less hard.
I personally know several of these volunteers. I am honored to ride with them as Patriot Guard Riders, and these men and women donate much of their time to the USO offices at the Ontario, California, international airport and at LAX, many times on graveyard shifts, helping and serving from two to two hundred Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.
Since its inception in 1941, the USO has been associated with its most famous icon, Bob Hope.
Bob Hope brought a little piece of levity from America to servicemen and women across the world through WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf, and everywhere else in between.
But many more names can be associated with the service that the USO brought to our Military over the years: John Wayne, Ann Margaret, Mickey Rooney and so many others.
Today’s troops enjoy visits from Trace Adkins, Carrie Underwood, Gene Simmons, Montgomery Gentry and others who donate their time for an immeasurable worthy cause.
It is gratifying to see that there are so many celebrities taking up the vacuum that a giant like Bob Hope left with his departure. And these are the people to whom I express my gratitude.
I want to say a special word about Gary Sinise. I had the privilege to meet Mr. Sinise personally at the 2008 Snowball Express event. The Snowball Express is a yearly event that takes hundreds of families who have lost their loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan on a few days of entertainment around Christmas time.
In 2008, the event was in Anaheim, California, where hundreds of Gold Star wives and children were treated to all expenses paid days at Disneyland and Universal Studios.
Mr. Sinise was one of the speakers at the final dinner and following that he made sure that he took the time to spend few minutes with every participant.
Via his support for Snowball Express, the USO and many other organizations, Gary Sinise is truly trying to give back to our Military and their families, personally and through his Lt. Dan Band, which I saw in concert and enjoyed it very much.
I know that these days there are multiple causes we are asked to support financially, and does not help the fact that our dollars are spread increasingly thin, but a definitely worthy cause is that of the USO.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Favorite Christmas Present Ever
Twenty six years ago today, my God gave me the most precious Christmas present that any man could have: my daughter Jaclyn.
Sure, the arrival of any child is like Christmas in the life of a father, but in the case of my daughter and this father, this child has been a Christmas present every single day ever since.
She was Adriana's and my first child and the beginning of a completely new, exciting but scary phase of my life. What the hell did I know about raising a child, let alone a girl!
But this child grew into the most awesome, compassionate and smart person I could ever hope and pray for (thanks to my wife, I must add).
From the first glance I had of her 26 years ago and every single day ever since, she has filled my existence with joy and pride, earning my respect and support every single day, for every single decision she has ever made.
I will never forget what my daughter, and I must add her husband Brian (after all she chose him to spend her life with!) did for my wife and me in the lowest times of our recent life, her compassion and support for Jessica and love for Noah at the time when her brother Frank was in Afghanistan, putting her own daunting fears aside for sake of the rest of us, in such a discreet and non-intrusive way, but nevertheless always there.
No, I will never forget it!
So I wish my little princess the happiest of birthdays on this day. Hope one day I will be able to express the true depth of my love for her in the manner that she really deserves.
Definitely the best Christmas present I have ever received or ever will.
Happy Birthday, Jaclyn, with all my love.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Heck Of A Litter!

These are just 6 of the 17 puppies that a dog in Germany gave birth to.
I would take 2 right now :)
In a releated story, Octomom was heard commenting on this piece of news:
"Call the doc! no way this bitch gonna beat me!"
Have a good life, puppies...
Just my thoughts!
Great To Hear From You Again, Rep. Ellison
The Islamic radical resident of congress, Minnesota Keith Ellison, is once again in the news.
In what appears to be the next stage of the Muslim Brotherhood plan for the man, Ellison is attempting, and I might say with some success, to fill the void that the padded room ready Alan Greyson will be leaving after his electoral loss (surely, Mr. Greyson will be soon joining MSNBC right next to Olberman, Shultz and Madcow, you know, loony birds of a feather…).
Here is a video of Rep. Ellison, I want to emphasize that this character is an actual elected member of the United States Congress, where he expresses his inspired divine vision of America’s future.
Everyone is outraged by the dream of Ellison that one day, God willing, or more likely Allah Akbar or whatever, the borders of the United States will be irrelevant.
For a long time now, many, including myself, have been screaming about the agenda that radical Islam has been pursuing in the United States, the very same agenda that has been so far, so successful in Europe.
I have been accused of islamophobia, and of being intolerant, and racist and all kind of other niceties, just as have all who have tried to send the same message.
I have been accused of being paranoid and a conspiracy nut, just as have all the others who see the writing on the wall.
So why is Rep. Ellison, speaking at an event of progressive policy seekers, so adamant to describe the perfect Keith Ellison’s America as one without borders?
The simple answer is that in the end game of Mr. Ellison and his leaders in the Muslim world, the day that the borders of America, and all other borders for that matter, will be irrelevant will be when the highly sought Caliphate will be a reality.
That will be the day when Islam will be in total control of America, having eliminated the only real obstacle to their world wide search for dominance.
Yes, on that day, all borders will become irrelevant, and Keith Ellison will realize his fake progressive dream. Progressive and Islam are not compatible, but many are just too guilt ridden ignorant fools to see it.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Eric Holder Insomnia
By Semperpapa
In a recent interview with ABC News, Attorney General Eric Holder expressed his latest epiphany regarding the threats that are leveled against our Country.
And he is suffering from insomnia because of them.
During the interview, Holder manifested his preoccupation with what he sees as a new phenomenon: radicalized US citizens willing to commit mass murder against fellow Americans.
According to the statistics Holder cited in the interview, out of 126 people charged with terror-related crimes, 50 of them were Americans citizens.
He also stated that it is a disturbing trend he has seen increasing in the last two years.
All this comes to great surprise to me, considering that the election of his boss was supposed to bring a new era of understanding on the part of radical Islam toward the United States.
The apology tour Obama made in the Middle East, including various bowing to sworn enemies of the United States like the king of Saudi Arabia; making his first speech on Al-Jazera TV; supporting the building of the Ground Zero mosque were all actions that were aimed at appeasing the jihadists of the world and make them love us. So what happened?
Eric Holder himself, together with the DHS Secretary Napolitano, holding terrorism security related secret meeting with representatives of organizations that have been found to be fronts for radical Muslim terror groups, has been active in the prolonged process of appeasement that was started by George W. Bush and happily continued by the current administration. With one major difference: Bush took the fight to the enemy, while Obama has created a powder cake in Iraq with the premature withdrawal of our combat troops (practically abandoning the whole thing which resulted in an increase of al Qaeda influence) and a half hearted effort in Afghanistan with a telephoned timeline for the benefit of our enemy.
Suddenly, Holder is concerned about those who are US citizens and still have reached the level of radicalization which pushes them to plan terrorist attacks against other Americans.
The puzzling aspect of Holder’s epiphany remains his decision to hold Kalidh Sheik Mohamed’s trial in civil court in New York, issue he has yet to rescind. Just anyone in America with a crumb of common sense saw that decision as a perfect way to give our enemy an ideal podium from which spew anti-American rhetoric and inflammatory diatribe. But not Holder.
A curious mention in the interview was Holder’s belief that contributing to the radicalization of American citizens was "The ability to go into your basement, turn on your computer, find a site that has this kind of hatred spewed ... they have an ability to take somebody who is perhaps just interested, perhaps just on the edge, and take them over to the other side," right at the time when the FCC was about to authorize the government a greater policing latitude over the Internet, the first step toward government censoring of free speech.
But maybe I see too much into these things.
What remains an unchangeable truth is that my trust in Mr. Holder has been eroded by two years of abysmal and hypocritical behavior, about which I have written extensively.
It was easy to stand on a self-gratifying pedestal when it came to criticize the previous administration handling of National Security intelligence with accusations of violations of civil liberties. But it is a whole other potato to peal when he is the one that has to answer the tough questions and take the brunt of Obama’s failed policies.
So now Holder is taking the criticism of the fringe left he loves so much, when he is accused, of all things, of entrapment of some of the high profile cases of domestic terrorism.
And yet, at no time during the interview Holder address the true nature of the threat: radical Islam.
It was his office who stated that the massacre at Ft. Hood was not a terrorist act just minutes after the horrific act had taken place. And even as the truth became known that it had been a radicalized Muslim Army psychiatrist to kill 14 innocent people, there was never any retraction or admission of rush to judgment on the part of Holder.
Ultimately, saying that my confidence in the administration to maintain my country and my family safe is at an all time low point would be the understatement of the year. Maybe is incompetence, maybe malicious intent, but the truth is that our people, We the People of the United States can only count on our Armed Forces, our Law Enforcement and ourselves.
Taking the risk to sound like a broken record, our survival depends on our vigilance.
Just my thoughts!
Victory At Last Or WTF
I am convinced that we are winning the war on terror; that we have beaten the Islamo fascists that want us dead and emasculated the jihadists aiming at destroying our civilization.
Why? Check the following article and video and you will agree with me:
There is no way that al Qaeda, bin Laden or any of the big Islamic radical fools out there have not been defeated, because with the conglomeration of idiotic, moronic, incompetent village idiots in charge of our homeland security, there is no way in hell that the enemy has not been able to hit us with an open terror wave. And do so with total impunity from the alleged authorities in Washington.
On the other hand, there is always the possibility of the calculated approach on the part of radical Islamic leaders.
Why waste good jihadists on US soil, when the very people in charge are doing such a magnificent job at defeating and destroying the country.
Better save those jihadist for the time when the final battle is held.
When the politicians will surrender to Shariah.
When Christians will begin to be interned in concentration camps or just executed.
When the Constitution will be a thing of the past.
When the dictator will have attempted to disarm the American people.
When it will be left to the people to save the Republic once again.
And Save the Republic We Will! You can bet your life on it!!!
Just my thoughts!
How Can You Tell?
The NY Daily News reports that the United Nation Security Council had to be evacuated on Tuesday for about 90 minutes.
The evacuation was prompted by a foul smell of sewer gases that pervaded the assembly building.
The FDNY tested the building for hazardous fumes and later cleared it by stating that the smell most likely came from sewer spillage of some sort.
With all the scum that is usually roaming the United Nations, how was the smell even noticed?
How can you tell that there is something other than normal smell of crap inherent with the United Nations crowd?
Was Ahmedinejad cooking again?
Just curious.
Rep. Ellison Overplays His Hand
By Semperpapa
Just watch this video, at least for a few minutes. It shows two of the worst enemies we face in this country: Ed Schultz, some obscure talk show guy from MSNBC and one of America’s finest congressmen, Keith Ellison form Minnesota.
This was in response to Rep. Pete King declared intention, finally, to concentrate the attention of Congress to the phenomenon of radical Islam within the United States.
Regardless if you have the stomach to listen to these two champions entirely, the gist of the pseudo conversation is that according to the good Muslim congressman Ellison, the actions of King are, of course, driven by islamophobia or something.
There is no surprise in this video, because Ed is one of those left wing, padded room, rabid dog that likes to pander to the six people that watch his crap, and Ellison is, well, Keith Ellison.
The declarations made by Pete King are aimed at radical Islam, an action that should have been addressed by the administration long time ago and that from Obama to Napolitano to Holder has been swept under the proverbial rug. The reasons I leave to you to ponder on, as I have written copiously about my opinion on it.
Regardless how Ellison wants to spin the issue, it remains a verified truth that all terrorist acts conducted or attempted in the last ten years have had the signature of radical Islam.
But Ellison appears to have overplayed his hand a bit in this case.
Congressman King has specifically declared that he wants to look into those Muslims who are in America and who have become radicalized to the point of being a National security liability.
When Ellison compares the investigation of radical Islamists to McCarthyism, it tells me that in the opinion of the Minnesota congressman, the US government should not investigate them at all, as a matter of fact they should be engaged in the discourse of the safety of the country.
What Ellison has declared openly is that the United States should instead embrace radical Islam, a goal that he and groups like CAIR have been working on for years. The relevant part of his statement is that in the past he would use political correctness to advance the cause of Islam, while now he is clearly standing in defense of that portion of the "religion of peace" that has hijacked the faith and misuse its intentions.
In other words, Ellison no longer stand in defense of peaceful Muslims, but also in defense of those who have sworn to kill us.
And until CAIR was found to have ties with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ellison is attempting to go on the offensive in view of the ability of Rep. King to dig much deeper into the modus operandi of suspicious Muslim organizations throughout the United States. That most likely will include CAIR and there may be some uncomfortable findings to be had, considering the close relationship that Ellison has with the organization.
I sure hope that the NY congressman, King, will go through with his proposed action, and that he will not get swept away by the accusations of witch hunting and McCarthyism that are being thrown around.
As I hope that King will hand a small defeat to the cancer that is killing America: political correctness.
Just my thoughts!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Screw, Forgive The Expression, You, Nina!
Today was the first time I have heard of Nina Totemberg, and really, I wish it would have remained the case.
But Nina Totemberg has the chance to express her opinion on the air; she has the chance to spew her politically correct poison to what ever many fools hear her on NPR.
Ms. Totemberg said:
"...and I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas party at the Department of Justice..."
Well, I am not forgiving this moron at all. The insinuation that there is something to be forgiven for the mentioning of the word Christmas is a deep insult to my religious beliefs.
Maybe I should call for jihad against this idiot. Maybe call for the followers of Christ to seek and destroy this infidel and bring me her head!
Oh, wait. That's what the people she drools over do. We Christians just forgive.
There is always the hope that a "Merry Christmas" wish to Ms. Totemberg would have the same effect of water on the witch of the Wizard of Oz.
Just my thoughts!
START Must Be Stopped!
I have already written about the START agreement that Obama and Russia want so much.
Congress is set to vote on the ratification of this accord that is designed to appease our potential adversaries and weaken our ability to defend ourselves and our allies from nuclear attacks from rogue nations like Iran.
Here is a link to a commentary from the Heritage Foundation.
Is Obama so stupid not to see that the treaty is detrimental to our country's security?
Or does he know and that is really his aim?
Just my thoughts!
A Moment Of Levity
The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them, then jumps onto the pool table, grabs one of the billiard balls, sticks it in his mouth, and to everyone's amazement, somehow swallows it whole.
The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?"
The guy says "No, what?"
"He just ate the cue ball off my pool table! He swallowed it whole!"
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy, "He eats everything in sight, the little bastard. Sorry. I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff."
He finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate, then leaves.
Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again. While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it. Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it.
The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" he asks.
"No, what?" replies the guy.
"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his ass, pulled them out, and ate em!" said the bartender.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he had to shit out that cue ball, he measures everything first."
Smart monkey!
A Weekend to Forget
I am almost glad to be going back to work this morning.
This has been a weekend to forget as I had a bout with the flu which has left me miserable Saturday and Sunday.
To make thing even worst on Saturday, the cable service went down leaving me stranded in bed without been able to at least watch any College football. The irony was that I could watch only some channels, like the weather channel and some home shopping crap. On the weather channel it would tell me that it was raining, just as a deluge was coming down outside. Thanks for the news!
Fortunately on Sunday the service was back and I was able to watch the NFL. But I missed seeing my grandkids as I could not take the chance to get them sick too. And that pissed me off even more!
So it is Monday morning and I am going to get ready for work. The misery is that I have to drive my car to work, because I still feel like I got hit by a truck. On top of it, it is supposed to rain even more and even I would not ride my bike in this crap.
So I'll forget the past weekend and look forward to a short week and some time off for Christmas. Just hope this bug goes away.
Hope everyone has a good day!
Just my thoughts!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Score One For The Good Guys And The Constitution
A Houston, Texas, store owner is alive today, and his wife as well, thanks to the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.
The man and his wife, who own a jewelry store, found themselves facing three armed men intending to rob the store.
One of the bandits tied up the wife and took her to the back of the store. As they attempted to tie the man too, he pulled a handgun from his waistband and shot one robber, killing him.
He then reached for a shotgun and proceeded to shoot and kill the other two criminals, even as he was shot in the stomach.
As it has happened in similar situations in the past, the action of taking victims to the back of stores has resulted in their execution for elimination of witnesses.
In this case, the ability of a law abiding citizen to possess firearms saved the day and reduced the criminal population by three, not to mention the taxpayers' money saved!
Of course there is the danger of the ACLU accusing the man of hate crimes for interfering in the business operation of the three scumbags, but we can always hope for common sense to prevail sometimes.
Well done, sir, and damn good shooting, I might add! Hope your wounds are not too serious and you will be able to get back to your family soon.
Just my thoughts!
Americans Must Remain Vigilant This Christmas Season
ABC News reports that intelligence agencies in Europe are warning of potential attacks conducted by radical Islamists against the West and especially against Christians, during Christmas celebrations.
The “radical Islamists” qualifier is my own, by the way, as the apologists at ABC are still asking the question of who is behind such threats. I am sure we can safely say that the threats do not come form Jews, Buddhists or Shintoists.
The warning sent by DHS to local law enforcement agencies is about the possibility of car bombs and small arm attacks perpetrated against Christian observers at Christmas functions.
Moreover, there are warnings about possible vehicles being rammed into groups of innocent people gathered at Christmas celebrations.
In the last couple of months we have witnessed the discovery of two homes full of explosives, one in California and one clear across the country in Connecticut. Of course DHS is not discussing any details about the investigations.
In the case of the California home, the name of the owner of the bomb house was revealed: George Djura Jakubec.
For the Connecticut case, no name has been released as I did some research, as a matter of fact, it is difficult to find any updates on the story.
So we do not know the intricacies of the two cases as of yet, but it is disturbing, although not surprising that the potential of IED attacks would begin to materialize on American soil.
How many more houses are out there storing explosives? Hard to tell.
We have had cases of radical Muslims intending to execute terrorist attacks in Texas and Washington State and the only reason they were unsuccessful was because their planning had been intercepted by law enforcement and thwarted.
And we have seen the horrible attack that radical Muslims conducted against Baghdad's largest Catholic Church on October 31 taking worshipers hostage and killing dozens of them.
There is currently no official defense against such type of terrorism.
Law enforcement cannot be everywhere. It is for such reason that We the People must augment the efforts of law enforcement at the local level by being extremely vigilant and aware of our surroundings and of what we see.
And wherever legal, let us make sure that We the People use the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution to provide an additional layer of protection for the innocent people of America.
Remember history: Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, architect of the attack against Pearl Harbor, rejected Tojo's consideration of an invasion of mainland USA, warning that they would face a "gun behind every blade of grass."
Let the enemy know we are are here and that we are not going to retreat from our country's defense.
Just my thoughts!
Mexican Drone Flies Over US Soil And Crushes: DHS Covering Up Something
I understand that the violation of our air space is nothing compared to the ground invasion conducted by the Mexican government across our southern border, but the fact that an unmanned air drone operated by the Mexican government crashed in an El Paso, Texas, backyard, should be something that the Department of Homeland Security should be transparent about.
Instead, the crushed aircraft was swiftly returned to the Mexican authorities even before the NTSB got a chance to actually see it.
Additionally, the El Paso police was told that it was not a police matter.
There are many questions that demand an answer.
First: a Mexican surveillance drone flying over El Paso. Besides the fact that it was in American air space, as I mentioned above, it remains interesting to find out what was the drone looking at or for. These crafts are designed to gather intelligence of some sort. What kind of intel would the Mexican government look for in El Paso?
Second: a craft crushes on private property on US soil and the whole thing is “cleaned up” before the NTSB, a federal agency in charge of investigating anything that flies and crushes, is kept out of the investigation.
DHS clumsily covers up. What are they covering up?
Third: local law enforcement, which has jurisdiction over the incident site, is told that the whole thing is not a police matter.
Considering that an aircraft crushing on US soil is a potential danger to the safety of the citizens of the United States, calling it "not a police matter" defies common sense, which, again, is standard operating procedure for Janet Napolitano, Obama and the rest of the fools in Washington.
I believe that the incident should be prodded by someone in the media, but I am not holding my breath on that, unless there is a way for the media to enhance the image of failure that Obama holds in regard to our safety and security with Mexico.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Going After Financial Bonanza
When one is too lazy to earn their wages or to be a parent, there is always the possibility of finding an ambulance-chaser that will concoct a law suit against some deep pocket corporation and one can get financially set. The part of the ambulance-chasing is, in this instance, played by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Some Sacramento woman, one Monet Parham, is just such a person. She has found the right backing that would take her law suit against McDonald restaurant chain.
The suit claims that McDonald is adopting marketing techniques that are designed to entice young children to eat at the restaurant franchises by offering toys that children want.
She says:
“I don’t think it’s OK to entice children with Happy Meals with the promise of a toy,”
Ms. Parham complains that she has had to say no to her daughters, 6 and 2 in age, when they would pressure their mother to visit McDonald to get one of the “Shrek Forever After” toy collection.
“Needless to say, my answer was no,” Parham said. “And as usual, pouting ensued and a little bit of a disagreement between us. This doesn’t stop with one request. It’s truly a litany of requests.”
Oh my God! The woman has had to say no to her daughters! The suffering!
In the first place, the advertisement campaign of McDonald is a marketing tool used by every business in order to attract customers. It may not be politically correct or socially acceptable any longer for a business to pursue customers and aim at a profit, but it is still legal.
When the marketing ploy is directed towards adults, the beauty of capitalism is that the consumer has the choice to patronize that business or not. Directing a marketing campaign to a young audience does not jeopardize the ability of the parents of such audience to decide the nutritional habits of said child.
Secondly, expecting a business to modify its entire “legal” marketing campaign because one woman is annoyed by the nagging of her two young children is beyond preposterous. What we are witnessing is a lazy, poor excuse of a mother attempting to have her definite minority demands being forced upon the vast majority of the rest of the country.
And finally, there is what I see as the real reason behind this vast waste of taxpayers money.
This obviously indolent woman has found a way to score some free money from a corporation, yes, one of those evil corporations, which success depends inherently on public image. It is not far fetched to connect the Sacramento woman legal action to the publicity that San Francisco’s ban on Happy Meals toys has generated last Summer.
The crusade against fast food establishments (everything Michelle Obama wants) and especially an evil corporation continues, fostered by groups that place the word “science” on their business cards and expect everyone to just genuflect to their elitist wisdom. Just as many did with the global warming farce.
In a perfect world, the San Francisco Superior Court would just throw the whole thing out and tell the woman to employ some form of parenting instead. But the world is not perfect and even less so in San Francisco, or California in general, where social insanity is rampant, and where it is very likely that the woman will receive one of those nice cash infusion that will allow her to be even less of a mother to her daughters.
Just my thoughts!
I Am All Chocked Up!
My heart is bleeding. I thought that Obama had stopped the use of torture on the enemies of America, but I guess I was wrong.
It appears that Pfc. Bradley Manning is complaining about the torturous treatment he is receiving in prison while awaiting for a Court Martial proceeding for his divulgement of hundreds of thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks Julian Assange.
The complaint from Manning is that he does not like to be in solitary confinement.
Guess he is lamenting that he is not able to build some “meaningful relationships” while he awaits for the wheels of justice to grind him into dust.
I actually have to agree with the little prick. Had I been in charge, the scumbag would have received a very, VERY speedy trial and an even speedier sentencing and execution.
I do have a solution that may make everyone happy, maybe not everyone, but at least the majority of us.
Julian Assange has just been released from prison in England. Let’s get a Special Forces Team to get him and put him into the same cell with his little bitch Manning so that they can share some quality time together before we drop them in the center of the Helmand Province and let the Taliban have some fun.
Just my thoughts!
Trivial Fact
Got this little piece of trivia today:
In the coming New Year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day.
It is an ironic juxtaposition of events: one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for prognostication,
while the other involves a groundhog.
My thoughts exactly!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Another War The White House Ignores
The news of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s murder on Tuesday is certainly not a surprise. It was only a matter of time before the declared war against the United States on the part of Mexico was going to translate into the death of one of our officers.
The situation at the southern border of our Nation is beyond bad, closer to unsustainable.
What we are experiencing, and what is the root cause of the loss of life, is open warfare on the part of a foreign entity against our country and our rule of law.
Sure, it is not the Mexican government openly conducting bellicose acts against the United States, but it is the Mexican government that does not address the scourge of the violence in the northern states of Mexico with the determination necessary.
But the bulk of responsibility rests on the US government for years of unchecked lax attitude toward the problem of open border.
The killing of agent Terry took place 16 miles inside US sovereign territory, but an area, more like a swat of land paralleling the border itself, where the US government has basically relinquished control of US territory.
Instead of deploying the Military and sealing the border, Obama, through the DHS, installed a number of signs indicating that the area was dangerous for US citizens because of marauding drug runners and gangs of illegal aliens.
It is hard to grasp the meaning of the actions that the US government has been engaging in regard to illegal immigration. Millions of illegal aliens roaming the nations and clogging the social structure and creating a level of chaos that should be addressed vigorously instead, have created the perfect conditions for the level of condescension toward the actions of clearly identifiable criminals.
I am not massing the multitude of illegal aliens working in the shadows in America with the number of those who take advantage of the situation to perpetrate their criminal activities, but the defiance of the rules of our nation cannot go unchecked.
The regulations governing the legal immigration of people from any country, including Mexico, into the United States are there to assure that our country would maximize the character value of those admitted into the country. The process is designed to weed out those whose background and behavior is not up to the standards of the United States.
Already circumventing such process and entering the country illegally is a proof of poor judgment. Starting a live in another country as a criminal is not the best choice.
Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and every other innocent person who lost their lives or have been victimized by illegal alien criminals are the casualties of a war that our political leadership has been ignoring for way too long.
In the pursuit of cheap labor and potential electoral support, elected politicians have been allowing the travesty to continue undisturbed for years.
In the 1980s then President Reagan granted amnesty to about 3 million illegal aliens, in the hope that the move would put a stop to additional illegal aliens entering the country.
20 years later, the estimated number of illegals is ten fold that amount.
And while the family of agent Terry is mourning the death of their loved one, the amoral agents of defeat in Washington are pushing for another amnesty for the sole purpose of securing an electoral block for their side.
More appeasement of another of America’s enemies continues, while those in power continue to ignore the danger they place the Nation in.
Just my thoughts!
Bending Rules For Muslims Or Else...
By Semperpapa
Safoorah Khan was a teacher for a middle school in a suburb of Chicago. She resigned her position when the School District refused her request for a three weeks leave of absence in order to participate in the Muslim yearly pilgrimage of hajj in Mecca.
The reasoning behind the refusal was that the teacher’s request was not covered by the contractual agreement between the union and the District.
Ms. Khan had demanded that she would be allowed to be absent from her job because she could not justify, based on her religious beliefs, to delay her pilgrimage any longer.
Considering that all she would have to do is wait few more years for the hajj to fall during a period of school vacation and considering that she was not in imminence of death, except for the inherent danger of being a Muslim woman, the demand was lacking of justifiable basis.
Or maybe not, because the Department of Justice has filed a law suit on Ms. Khan’s behalf against the School District, for violating Kahn’s rights and reasonably accommodate her religious needs.
The law suit is demanding that the District would reinstate Kahn’s job, pay her retroactive salary and add compensatory damages.
It is unquestionable that the current regime in Washington is hell bent on granting Muslims much greater latitude in their demands for special treatment in the face of rules and regulations.
Preferential treatment appears to be only way that Obama’s DoJ applies the law of the land these days. Eric Holder, the spineless puppet on the strings of Obama, is more interested in doing the bidding of an Islamic love bonanza as long as we can keep the religion of peace happy.
Ms. Kahn could have gone on her pilgrimage prior to be hired by the school district. Instead she waited a year before expressing her “need” to go on her hajj.
And, as Robert Spencer explains in his article on Jihad Watch, with the Islamic year being only 355 days long, she could have waited until a vacation period, which today’s schools, is already very often.
Now we have the weight of the federal government coming down on the School District to insure that the alleged rights of an Islamic woman are safeguarded even as they are outside of the rules she undersigned to when she took the job.
Something tells me that if she had been, for example, a Catholic wanting to go see the Pope, Holder and his goons would not be involved in this...
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Enemy Within
By Semperpapa
In January 2007, Keith Ellison was sworn in as a U.S. Representative in the House.
Mr. Ellison was the first Muslim to be elected to the Congress of the United States. But really that is not the relevant part of the story. Nor is the fact that Ellison took his oath of office placing his hand on the Quran.
The part that instead holds more importance is who Keith Ellison really is.
On the surface, the Minnesota Congressman wants to appear as the champion of diversity and the knight in shiny armor of the United States Constitution.
But the truth may be somewhat different, as the actions of the man prior and following his election to Congress, show a pattern that would bring someone to ponder where his allegiance rests.
For instance, it is disquieting to see the sort of company Ellison has been keeping. In the first place he is obviously a member of CAIR, the Council for American-Islamic Relations.
CAIR is an American front organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. MB, based in Egypt, is an Islamic net of conspirators that have the sole goal to achieve supremacy for Muslims.
In a memo from the MB in Egypt to the Brotherhood in North America, the strategic scope is that the members "must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
One of Ellison’s “friends” is, for example, James “Yousef” Yee, a Military chaplain who was indicted by the US government for espionage when he was caught with classified material upon his return from Guantanamo prison. The material found in Yee’s possession included maps of the prison, list of name of interrogators and of al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners.
Charges were dropped by the U.S. Army to prevent the divulgement of the classified material as evidence in an eventual trial. But that did not mean that Yee was exonerated from his crime.
Regardless, Yee had received full support from CAIR and, in 2006, Nihad Awad, CAIR executive director, flew Yee to Minneapolis as a featured guest for a fund raiser for Keith Ellison’s Congressional election.
Keith Ellison has benefited greatly by the campaigning efforts of CAIR. These efforts are illegal, because, as a 501(c)(3) organization, CAIR is prevented by law from engaging in any for of political campaign and campaign fund raising. They are supposed to have members of opposing political views at their events, requirement easily satisfied by inviting Congressman Ron Paul to their gathering thanks to his opposition to the War on Terror, and they are definitely not to raise money for specific candidates, which they continuously do for Democrats.
But CAIR has powerful friends in Washington, because thanks to Keith Ellison and the current administration, and the scourge of political correctness so ably manipulated by people like Ellison, any attempt to stop the actions of radical Muslim activists within our legal and political system is immediately labeled Islamophobic.
Keith Ellison is a convert to Islam, conversion he reached after following Luis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and he is a good friend of Nihad Awad of CAIR. Awad even contributed to Ellison campaign with $2,000 which he donated under an alias name.
And Keith Ellison trip to Mecca for the haji was sponsored by the Muslim American Society, also a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood, at the tune of over $13,000.
Many would accuse me of exercising a form of guilty-by-association approach. In fact I am.
The issue I see is very simple. Rep. Ellison is a close allied and supporter of an organization, CAIR, that has been the target of numerous FBI investigations for their ties with Islamic terror groups (Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas).
Rep. Keith Ellison has been conducting regular prayer meetings with CAIR and other Islamic groups in offices of Capitol Hill during which he has expressed his goal of wanting to have an increased number of Muslims taking positions in the Congressional environment and in the Obama administration.
Such goal, Ellison contends, would allow the voices of Islam to gain more power and influence policy within our government.
But at the same time, Ellison has also come out in defense of individuals who represent a danger to our security, showing to me that his allegiance resides more with his Islamism than with the interests of the country he is supposed to be serving.
Mr. Ellison is a dangerous man, not because he is a Muslim, but because he is dedicated to see that radical Islamic principles, which are so diametrically opposite to the American principles, become dominant in our country.
I am not Islamophobic, a term that would define me as “afraid of Islam.” I just do not believe that the ideals driving Mr. Ellison are compatible with the principles of liberty our Nation was founded on.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, December 10, 2010
"The Gun Is Civilization"
"The Gun Is Civilization"
By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret)
Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force.
If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force.
Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that's it.
In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion.
Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.
When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force.
You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force.
The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.
There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations.
These are the people who think that we'd be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a [armed] mugger to do his job.
That, of course, is only true if the mugger's potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat--it has no validity when most of a mugger's potential marks are armed.
People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that's the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.
Then there's the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury.
This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser.
People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don't constitute lethal force watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst.
The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level.
The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter.
It simply wouldn't work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.
When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I'm looking to be left alone.
The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force.
It removes force from the equation... And that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act.
I think that the Major got a lot of issues covered in just few words.
Thank you Maj. Caudill.
Semperpapa Out!