Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Interesting Opinions

By Semperpapa has an article that I found very interesting regarding some statements made by a high ranking USAF officer about President Obama.
The officer is the Senior Military Aid for Bill Clinton, retired Lt.Col. Robert Patterson, which should disqualify him from membership in the vast right wing conspiracy so dear to the Clintons’ hearts.

In an interview with Newsmax, Patterson is of the opinion that Jodie Evans, a close friend of Obama and one of the largest fundraisers for his candidacy, should be prosecuted for treason in relation to her efforts to aid the enemies of America.

I have written about this woman before in relation to a fundraiser she organized for California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown couple of months ago.
The controversy arises from the fact that Evans is the founder of the anti-Military, anti-America organization called Code Pink. In such capacity, Evans was able, few years back, to raise $600,000 that was delivered to the insurgency fighting the American Military in Iraq.
For just such action, I must agree strongly with Patterson’s assertion that the woman should be brought up on charges of aiding and abetting the enemy of our Nation.

The shenanigans of Evans are well known, but with the current atmosphere of corruption that has completely taken over the Justice Department, no common sense person would ever expect that one of the biggest fundraisers for Obama, not to mention a welcomed guest of the Obamas at the White House, will ever get as much as an informal investigation, at least not as long as Holder and the current circus endures.

The interview with Patterson also shed some interesting light on the issue of morale among our troops deployed in Afghanistan.

Patterson goes as far as declaring Obama guilty of “conduct unbecoming” as he has been making every possible attempt to destroy the Military as an institution. He cites as proof of his assertion the push for the repeal of the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy instituted by his old boss.

Granted that the policy was instituted when he was Sr. Military Aid, which somewhat personalizes his support for it, Patterson still makes some valid points regarding the efforts for its repeal.

In the first place, he predicts that approximately 25% of the Military force would just plain leave as, he states, “they would not want to put up with all the issues and problems.”

Another point well taken is that Patterson believes that engaging in such a high profile social engineering project in the Military at a time when the Country is involved in a war against terrorism is definitely not a good idea.

“He’s trying to change the Military culture,” Patterson says. “He’s trying to remake the military culture much in his own image, much in the image of the radicals he associates himself with”.

Those are pretty substantial accusations coming from a retired Lieutenant Colonel, but they are indeed the same accusations that the majority of those who, like me, took a dissenting interest in Obama even before his election to the Presidency, have been making for over two years.
I have said it repeatedly that Obama did not have what was necessary to be a President, let alone a wartime President, either because he just does not have the capacity to understand what it really means to have the responsibility for the safety and security of the Nation, or because the man just does not care enough to immerse himself in annoying issues regarding our men and women in uniform.
Obama’s main focus, central point of interest is the transformation of our country in the Progressive utopia that he envisions himself being king of.
According to Patterson, the level of confidence of our men and women in uniform in the commitment of their Commander-in-Chief to see their effort victorious is at an all time low. They do not get the warm feeling that their top commander is at all interested in victory, to the point that the President cannot even bring himself to utter the very word.

Our men and women in uniform and risking their lives on a hourly base in the inhospitable terrains of Iraq and Afghanistan are doing so having lost the trust in their Commander-in-Chief that is paramount to the successful completion of their mission, to the point that their commander cannot even identify the enemy by name as Islamic fundamentalists.
Yet, these amazing men and women continue to achieve the objectives they are asked by their local commanders with professionalism, fulfilling the oath they swore to as they entered the Military, the same oath that Obama has betrayed every day since he took it.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sgt. Edmund John Jeffers

By Semperpapa

I came across these words, written by US Army Sgt. E#dmund John Jeffers, and I had to bring them to all Americans.

“Hope Rides Alone” By Eddie Jeffers

I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble, and I look at the frightened faces that watch me pass down the streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly rest; my hands are steady on a device that has been given to me from my government for the purpose of taking the lives of others.

I sweat, and I am tired. My back aches from the loads I carry. Young American boys look to me to direct them in a manner that will someday allow them to see their families again...and yet, I too, am just a age not but a few years more than that of the ones I lead. I am stressed, I am scared, and I am paranoid...because death is everywhere. It waits for me, it calls to me from around street corners and windows, and it is always there.

There are the demons that follow me, and tempt me into thoughts and actions that are not my own...but that are necessary for survival. I've made compromises with my humanity. And I am not alone in this. Miles from me are my brethren in this world, who walk in the same streets...who feel the same things, whether they admit to it or not.

And to think, I volunteered for this...

And I am ignorant to the rest of the world...or so I thought.

But even thousands of miles away, in Ramadi , Iraq , the cries and screams and complaints of the ungrateful reach me. In a year, I will be thrust back into society from a life and mentality that doesn't fit your average man. And then, I will be alone. And then, I will walk down the streets of America , and see the yellow ribbon stickers on the cars of the same people who compare our President to Hitler.

I will watch the television and watch the Cindy Sheehans, and the Al Frankens, and the rest of the ignorant sheep of America spout off their mouths about a subject they know nothing about. It is their right, however, and it is a right that is defended by hundreds of thousands of boys and girls scattered across the world, far from home. I use the word boys and girls, because that's what they are. In the Army, the average age of the infantryman is nineteen years old. The average rank of soldiers killed in action is Private First Class.

People like Cindy Sheehan are ignorant. Not just to this war, but to the results of their idiotic ramblings, or at least I hope they are. They don't realize its effects on this war. In this war, there are no Geneva Conventions, no cease fires. Medics and Chaplains are not spared from the enemy's brutality because it's against the rules. I can only imagine the horrors a military Chaplain would experience at the hands of the enemy. The enemy slinks in the shadows and fights a coward's war against us. It is effective though, as many men and women have died since the start of this war. And the memory of their service to America is tainted by the inconsiderate remarks on our nation's news outlets. And every day, the enemy changes...only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it.

But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society...and they are becoming our enemy.

Democrats and peace activists like to toss the word 'quagmire' around and compare this war to Vietnam . In a way they are right, this war is becoming like Vietnam . Not the actual war, but in the isolation of country and military. America is not a nation at war; they are a nation with its military at war. Like it or not, we are here, some of us for our second, or third times; some even for their fourth and so on. Americans are so concerned now with politics, that it is interfering with our war.

Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the Internet...and there is no outrage, but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed...for doing their job.It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this. Why are we so obsessed with the bad news? Why will people stop at nothing to be against this war, no matter how much evidence of the good we've done is thrown in their face? When is the last time CNN or MSNBC or CBS reported the opening of schools and hospitals in Iraq ? Or the leaders of terror cells being detained or killed? It's all happening, but people will not let up their hatred of Bush. They will ignore the good news, because it just might show people that Bush was right.

America has lost its will to fight. It has lost its will to defend what is right and just in the world. The crazy thing of it all is that the American people have not even been asked to sacrifice a single thing. It's not like World War Two, where people rationed food, and turned in cars to be made into metal for tanks. The American people have not been asked to sacrifice anything. Unless you are in the military or the family member of a service member, its life as usual...the war doesn't affect you.

But it affects us. And when it is over, and the troops come home, and they try to piece together what's left of them after their service...where will the detractors be then? Where will the Cindy Sheehans be to comfort and talk to soldiers and help them sort out the last couple years of their lives, most of which have been spent dodging death and wading through the deaths of their friends? They will be where they always are, somewhere far away, where the horrors of the world can't touch them. Somewhere where they can complain about things they will never experience in their lifetime; things that the young men and women of America have willingly taken upon their shoulders.

We are the hope of the Iraqi people. They want what everyone else wants in life: safety, security, somewhere to call home. They want a country that is safe to raise their children in. Not a place where their children will be abducted, raped, and murdered if they do not comply with the terrorists demands. They want to live on, rebuild and prosper. And America has given them the opportunity, but only if we stay true to the cause, and see it to its end. But the country must unite in this endeavor...we cannot place the burden on our military alone. We must all stand up and fight, whether in uniform or not. And supporting us is more than sticking yellow ribbon stickers on your cars. It's supporting our President, our troops and our cause.

Right now, the burden is all on the American soldiers. Right now, hope rides alone. But it can change, it must change. Because there is only failure and darkness ahead for us as a country, as a people, if it doesn't.

Let's stop all the political nonsense, let's stop all the bickering, let's stop all the bad news, and let's stand and fight!

Sgt. Edmund John Jeffers was killed in Iraq on September 19, 2007.

David Jeffers, Eddie's father, wrote the following:

I'm not sure how many letters or articles you've ever read from the genre of 'News from the Front,' but this is one of the best I've ever read, including all of America's wars. As I was reading this, I forgot that it was my son who had written it. My emotions range from great pride to great sorrow, knowing that my little boy (22 years old) has become this man.

He is my hero. Thank all of you for your prayers for him; he needs them now more than ever. God bless.

Though Eddie is no longer with us, you can help to let his voice be heard.

And I will try my best to help Eddie in his wish.
Now my thoughts.
Sgt. Jeffers paid with his life for the privilege I have to conduct the free life I do, including the ability to express my thoughts like I am doing right now.
Eddie died in 2007, as our Military was paying in blood for the stabilzation of Iraq and around the time Sen. Harry Reid declared the war lost.
Today, Obama is arrogant about declaring combat operations over in Iraq, while our "boys and girls", to use Eddies words, still die in Iraq, arrogant in his delusion that he can take the credit for the move and still obfuscate the truth for the American people.
The truth is that this president is the greatest example of a traitor of the American people and of the United States Military, not to mention his complete disregard and disrespect for the Constitution.
Rest in Peace, Eddie, I will fight to my last breath to keep the memory of Heroes like you from being forgotten.
Just my thoughts!

Here Come The Commies...

By Gretchen Marszalk

We long for the days when the government actually frowned on Communism rather than embraced it. The Communist Party of the United States has really been emboldened by having one of their own in the White House and the control of Congress for the past four years. The damage they have done to America will be difficult to reverse…

The divide in this country is increasing by the day as the President continues to promote class warfare and racism. His continual ranting against the wealthy and successful, and capitalism, and his refusal to correct the race-bating by his supporters, has made him the most divisive leader in American history. After listening to the hate-the-white racism and hate-America rhetoric in Rev Wright’s church for twenty years, it would be impossible not to emerge a racist. His promotion of the unions at the expense of taxpayers and the economy have been nothing short of legal theft. Every piece of his agenda is right from the playbook of Communism. For a little insight on what he and the other Progressives have in store for America, take a look at and (most of the quotes below are directly from these two sources, with underlining added.)

One of the major evils behind the Progressives’ plan are the unions that are a mean and destructive force that has been leading their members down the primrose path for years. They are all about power and have little concern about the “living wage” for the workers. They have driven jobs overseas with their absurd demands and, as the former SEIU president, Andy Stern, borrowing a famous Communist slogan, said: “Workers of the world unite”. Their plans are to spread their corrupt organizations all over the world. (Of course the Communist Party is aggressively supporting the striking union workers in Greece.)

If you love America, you could consider this group of people evil, plain and simple. They are dead set on destroying America and have a plan, outlined in the Communist documents, that is being followed for a move to total Socialism/Communism. They believe:

“Socialism is not just a good idea, but a necessary one – necessary to preserve peace and our planet, necessary to defend and expand democracy, necessary to eliminate gross economic, racial, gender and other inequalities, and necessary to provide a secure life for the billions living on this earth.”

Their plan extends to the entire world where everyone will be equal—and the only way that can happen is for the middle class in America to be driven to the poverty level so those in the underdeveloped third world countries can rise to that same poverty level.

In spite of all the damage that has been done during the past twenty months, the hard-core Commies still have a list of more demands. They are most upset about the failure of ‘their’ DC to pass Cap and Trade and CardCheck. They blame the failure mostly on the “absence of pressure from Americans across the country demanding that serious action be taken to address climate change.” So, of course, they are calling for a “climate movement”.

They speak ad infinitum about “social justice” and have revised their old theme of the haves and the have-nots—it’s now the have-nots against the “haves and the have-mores”.

It seems that the Tea Party movement is really beginning to bug them and they are now going to take a stand to reoccupy center stage.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nothing Will Be Done

By Semperpapa

It is patently obvious that the Democrats in Congress are on the path to self-destruction and that they will not address any of the issues that could further impact their already slim chances of retaining the majority in both Houses after the Nov. 2 Elections.

Beside the refusal to address the Bush tax cuts and their pending expiration in January 2011, the House Ethics Committee is refusing to address the ethics violations of Rep. Charlie Rangel and Rep. Maxine Waters.
All five Republicans on the Committee, Reps. Joe Bonner (R-Ala.), Michael Conaway (R-Tex.), Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) and Michael McCaul (R-Tex.), have addressed a letter to the Committee Chairperson Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) calling for hearings to take place before the Nov. 2 elections, accusing Lofgren to be stalling the proceedings and refusing to establish a specific timeline.

Of course the Democrats are crying politics for the request, stating that they have been attempting to set up specific times but have received no collaboration from the Republicans on the Committee. They state that the bipartisan efforts the Democrats have been putting forward was met by the Republicans running to the first reporter they could find.

I am sure that the forceful request on the part of the Republicans has everything to do with the atmosphere of demise that must be pervading Congress, and especially the Democrats. At the same time, the ethics violation charges leveled by the Committee against Rangel and Waters date back to last July which means that they have had enough time to get to the bottom of the matter.
The stalling on the part of the Democrats is obvious, even if the re-election bids of the two corruptocrats Rangel and Waters is pretty much secured. But the move is clearly aimed at avoiding further inflaming of anti-Democrats sentiments across the Nation, as so many races, which only few months ago seemed locked up, appear today to have become very close (case in point is Barney Frank in Massachusetts, where things got so uncomfortably close for Barney that the DNC dispatched Bill Clinton to shore up the situation).

Similarly, it is also obvious that the move of the Republicans is aimed at exactly the goal the Democrats fear so much: showing even further the level of power corruption that these individuals have reached.

Ultimately, the politics of a very pivotal election cycle are in full swing these days, in its unaltered ugliness. The result is that nothing will be done in the Nation’s Congress until after the elections.
Unfortunately, if my prognostication of a massive advance of Republicans materializes in November, there will be two months of pure hell in Washington, as the outgoing liberals will do whatever necessary, during the lame duck session, to pass as much garbage legislation as possible, sort of a going out with a bang approach that will leave the American people holding the bag as usual.

But I will take that chance.

Just my thoughts!

America's Shield

By Semperpapa

With the approach of the mid-term election, the focus of most Americans has been shifting toward that such awaited event and away from others that still remain as important as ever, like the mosque near Ground Zero.
The reason is not that the public has lost its drive, but mostly some sort of saturation, overload of issues that has placed the mosque issue on the backburner for some people. And the Media has done its work toward that end.

Usually, as seen many times in the past, the radical Islamic forces and their domestic supporters have been able to bring a controversial issue back below the radar as they return to their more comfortable tactic of silent, covert, patient warfare.
So it is sort of unusual that the spotlight would be shown back on the controversy by the Islamists themselves, as Feisal Abdul Rauf did during an interview with CBS “60 Minutes”. It almost looks like the man sort of enjoyed the international attention ha has received and is trying to keep it alive.

The latest approach by the scoundrel imam is quite amusing, as he says that the realization of the Cordoba Initiative project is a must that he has to accomplish in order to protect the non-Muslim Americans from the radicalized members of the religion of peace.
Basically the smoke screen that the old boy is trying to disperse now is that the “Islamic center” is necessary in case the radicals decide to hit the World Trade Center is attacked again, that he wants to be the first to die in that attack, that the presence of the Islamic center would deter wannabe terrorists.

Well, the noble intentions of the good imam to sacrifice his valuable life in defense of our Nation sure bring tears to my eyes, but there are two points that come to mind.

First, there is very little or no chance that the radical Islamist would target the same location for another attack, which makes the man’s willingness to be a sacrificial lamb in the defense of the United States laughable. It appears to me that the self appointed job of America’s protective shield that Faisal is undertaking is a fairly safe one for the man.

Second, if the building of the mosque is going to work as a shield against further attacks against the Ground Zero target, what about the rest of the country? Does it mean that we should have Islamic centers all over the most important potential targets across the Nation as protective shields?
In a way, that is exactly the point and aim of the Islamists. If the Nation embraces Islam and Shariah law, than the appeal of America as a target to the radicalized Muslims will disappear, an approach that the appeasement crowd in America must be eager to consider. I can already hear the praises of “man of peace” and “America’s savior” for Faisal on the part of the folks who believe that there is nothing worth fighting for.

Personally, I will rather take my chances that our Nation will be able to “absorb” the next attack, as long as I am left with my freedom to retaliate against the perpetrators and make them pay. Needless to say, the idea of Feisal Abdul Rauf as a protective shield does not make any tingle go up my leg.

But, of course, I am not as sophisticated as these learned men.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Not All Quite On The Western Toilet Front

By Semperpapa

California lawmakers have failed again to pass a state budget, continuing to set the record, 86 days today, for a state to operate without a budget.
In jeopardy are payments to vendors who have performed services for the state and a myriad of state government entitlements programs that are not currently funded.
But now the state has gone too far, because the lack of a budget is creating a situation in the state parks that is really…shitty! No more toilet paper in the state parks public toilets!

It is quite amazing to witness the incompetence and malicious behavior of the state legislature in the Socialist Republic of California, where among all kinds of totalitarian impositions on its people, they are now forcing us to supply our own toilette paper if we are visiting a state park.
And why is always the toilette paper that goes first?

The quick answer is that the state is in such economic and social shamble that it is already a big pile of shit, so the lack of toilette paper is really not going to be noticed at all.
So while the CA legislature takes on important issues like outlawing the use of plastic bags by grocery stores, measure that was thankfully defeated, while they try to limit the Second Amendment rights of its people even further, the record of “no budget” keeps on being re-set every day.

An all around shitty situation!

Just my thoughts!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The United Nations Is A Global Farce

By Semperpapa

The United Nations never looses the opportunity to demonstrate its uselessness and anti-American leaning, and yesterday’s farce was no exception.

In just the last few months, the organization has seen Iran and Libya taking a seat at the Human Rights Commission table, clearly a move aimed at thumbing its nose at the intelligence of the American people, even if not our alleged leadership.
It appears absolutely absurd that two nations with the human rights violations record like Iran and Libya would be involved in anything that is remotely related to the subject, but the even worst travesty was that Hillary Clinton’s State Dept., surely under Obama’s direct order, did not even file a formal complaint against the directive.

During the 23 September 2010 speech at that international assembly, Americans were treated to yet another demonstration of the absolute need for the United States to get out of the United Nations and throw all the bums out.
While speaking to the Assembly, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proceeded to state that he believes that the attacks of 9-11 had been a scheme perpetrated by the United States government in order to start a conflict that would boost American economy.
The American delegation, thankfully, promptly walked off the assembly, in a move that was, considering the current anti-American leadership in Washington, both welcomed and surprising.

The most disgusting part of the whole thing, though, was not that the Teheran lunatic would make such a statement as it is expected from someone like him, but the fact that the Assembly erupted in applauses after the statement.

It has been a long time since the need for the United States’ departure from the corrupted international agency that is the United Nations, and the events of the last few days have all but reinforced my conviction.

The Blue Helmets of the U.N. have been practically useless for decades and yet the American taxpayers have been funding the travesty at the tune of billions of dollars, only to have that international body oppose our country at every possible turn. And the U.N. has failed just about every other international entity with a regularity that is consistent albeit baffling.
One of the worst records can be seen in Africa, where tribal and local violence has reached levels that should make the common person cringe.
The latest was an orgy of rape perpetrated by Rwanda’s rebels in East Congo this summer, when the rebels surrounded 13 villages and for days, from July 30 to August 2, they engaged in the massive rape of women and children. And the U.N. peacekeeping forces nearby just did nothing. Over 240 women and children, some as young as 7 years old, paid the price for the failure of an organization that is no longer needed and should be eliminated now.
And even the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, another useless Obamadroid, engaged in the understatement of the century when she commented on the situation by saying “"There were flaws and failures in the UN response," You think?
And I do not recall hearing any pearl of wisdom coming out of George Clooney’s island in the Mediterranean.

The United Nation has outlived its credibility and must be dissolved.
I am not interested in the world opinion on this subject, but just in the evidences of the rotted entity that it is. All the corrupted diplomats that freely roam the streets of New York, living high on the hog in luxury that their compatriots in their native countries cannot even imagine, committing crimes for which they cannot be prosecuted thanks to diplomatic immunity, should be escorted by armed officers to the airport and shipped back to the hell holes they come from with a one way ticket. Their ability to come to the United States should be revoked and they should never be allowed to enjoy the perks of American life paid for by the American taxpayers.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, if I had my way, immediately following his speech, should have been escorted to the airport and promptly placed on the first flight out, after been told by the lowest rank State Dept. official available, that he was persona non grata and that his presence was insulting to the people of the United States.
The same exact fate should have been imparted to any of the fools who applauded his lunatic speech.

It is now time for the American people to stand up and demand that our country’s association with the U.N. be terminated, time for all the bums in that body to be sent back to their own countries and time to take back all the property that these officials occupy in New York.

Just my thoughts!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Brief Look At John Holdren

By Semperpapa

President Obama is a big fan of czars. They give him the ability to generate policy without having to bother with Congressional oversight. One of the czars that this President has placed in position of power is the White House Office of Science and Technology Director John Holdren.

In his capacity, Mr. Holdren is able to exert his influence on many aspects of public policy, from global warming to health care.
But the battle horse for Holdren is his extreme environmental positions and his demonstrated interest for drastic social engineering.
John Holdren co-authored a book in 1973 with Paul and Anne Ehrlich titled Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions. The work is aimed at addressing the question of overpopulation and Holdren is very clear in his suggestions of possible solutions.
The book was penned at a time, 1973, when the concerns over the planet’s overpopulation were at a level of obsession, claiming that inaction would quickly bring the human race to a doomsday end.
But that was 1973, you will say,right?

Well not quite, as just last week Mr. Holdren was asked by CNSNews about the content of some of the man’s writing and by his responses, it looks like his radicalism has not subsided with the wisdom of age.
The CNSNews reporter asked about this statement:

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States,”

And should you ask, as I did, what is really “de-development”, here is directly from Holdren’s writing:

“De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation,”


“Resources must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in overdeveloped countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries, This effort must be largely political, especially with regard to our overexploitation of world resources, but the campaign should be strongly supplemented by legal and boycott action against polluters and others whose activities damage the environment. The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge. They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being.”

So what Holdren was championing in 1973 was to have the government set the standards about the level of social-economic development our nation can or cannot achieve, all according to the principle of leveling the playing field among all nations in the world, sort of a global centralized agency (or political entity) setting the guidelines Americans should conform to.
And then, just as Obama and all the liberal progressives push so hard for today, the principle of redistribution of wealth appears to be a very strong motivation of Holdren’s philosophy.

But if you think this is extremist, it is actually small potatoes compared to some of Holdren’s other social engineering positions. Example? Ok. These are quotes from Holdren’s writing:

"Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society."

So this man is completely dedicated to use any methodology necessary to accomplish the desired goal of population control. The idea of a governmental agency or entity being able to impose the rule of compulsory abortion, should be terrifying for the population at large and should sound alarms across this land. Want more?

"Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock."

As you can see, Mr. Holdren would even consider dispersing a sterilizing agent to the population at large in order to accomplish a reduction in population growth. Remember that this man is the policy maker for anything that is related to technology and science for the government.
And one last one:

"If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility—just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns—providing they are not denied equal protection."

And this is the one I find most disconcerting, as it addresses the targeting of his control. It is unclear what would be the parameters by which Holdren, as a policy vehicle of the government, would classify another human as a contributor to general social deterioration. For all we know, that decision could be based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation, even that person’s taste in colors or their weight or the color of their eyes. And the disclaimer at the bottom of the quote is for pure smoke-screen purpose, because a government that has embarked on such a totalitarian control over the minutia of people’s lives cannot be a government much concerned over the denial of equal protection of the individual.
Also interesting in the opinion of Holdren is the reference to the government ability to legislate the reproductive responsibilities of the individual, but he conveniently places the caveat (…and if the need is compelling…) for those who could have special dispensation from the law, most likely the ruling class.

Ok so the man is a radical lunatic, something that is becoming very common among those embracing the eco-terrorist ideologies and the elitist liberal progressive superiority complex, but the scary part of all this remains the fact that Obama has succeeded in placing this level of radicalism in a position where he is capable of implementing some of his crazy ideas. And to compound the threat to the American people, these czars are operating under the radar, undisturbed and unchecked, except for the resilience of some investigative reporters.

Is Michelle Obama’s latest obsession with salt the first step on the slow road toward a complete take over of the most intimate aspects of our lives? Most people would find the question preposterous, but long wars are won sometime by winning tiny small battles. And if you do not believe me, read the history of Islam in America.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama The Absorbent

By Semperpapa

Bob Woodward new book Obama’s Wars has hit the news outlets and it is already a success. Another book from Mr. Woodward is of very little interest to me, as his record of liberal leaning looses credibility when it is presented as the work of a journalist. If he would present himself as a tool of the Left, I would find it more enticing.
So while Mr. Woodward’s bank account will not get bigger thanks to my hard earned money, some of the excerpts that have been published are disturbing enough to inspire this few thoughts.

I want to premise that my comments are based on the assumption that Bob Woodward is telling the truth in his book, but I feel safe enough that he is, because in the contorted mind of a liberal, reporting these statements is considered actually a propping up of the image of Barak Hussein Obama.

The first statement I want to analyze is the following:

"We can absorb a terrorist attack. We'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger,"

In the interest of decency and professionalism I will refrain to express my first thoughts about the content of the above words, and that is why I am not much interested in the speed of publishing for my posting as I am about expressing a clear opinion.
So according to Mr. Obama, the United States is in good conditions to survive another terror attack. On that point I agree with the President, because I truly believe in my heart that the American spirit may be a little subdued, but it is still there.
We survived a Revolutionary War against the most powerful military in the world; we survived a Civil War that could have forever destroy the unity of our Country as we know it today; we survived Pearl Harbor and World War II; and we survived the turmoil of the 1960s and the Progressive-fabricated attack against the very foundations of our country. I am also confident that the United States will also survive Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
But the interesting part of the statement is that he used the word absorb which denotes a very dangerous fatalistic look at the possibility of uncounted American lives being lost even if America would be able to ultimately take its licking and keep on ticking.
I find it highly disturbing that an American President could be so nonchalant about the possibility of another terror attack which would kill more innocent American people.
It is simplistic for Obama to speak of “absorbing” another attack, because more than likely he and his family would be nice and safe in the hands of the Secret Service and in the hidden bunkers of the White House. But the story is a little different for the rest of us who are out making a real contribution to society and therefore exposed to any such attack. What the statement tells us is that in the case of another horrible terrorist attack against civilians and military personnel, the President does not appear to be too interested in portraying an image to our enemies that would hint at any sort of punishing response.

I am sure that the families of each of those who perished on 9-11 have “absorbed” the results of that attack by now. You know? Kind of like “get over it, already”.

And speaking of families, I hope that none of the families of the Fallen I have met are aware of the excerpts from Obama discussions about Afghanistan, because the political approach to a conflict that is costing American families real and tangible pain and suffering is definitely a telling tale of the complete lack of interest and compassion of this man for our uniformed men and women outside of the occasional photo op they may provide to one of his blabbering speeches.
This is what allegedly Obama said about the war in Afghanistan:

"I'm not doing long-term nation-building. I am not spending a trillion dollars…I want an exit strategy,"

and finally, deciding about the timetable of withdrawal of troops, stating:

"I can't lose the whole Democratic Party."

In clear declaration of where his priorities lay.

But he is faithful to his avoidance of any hint toward a little concept called victory. No, all the man is interested in is the transformation he intends to shove our Country in at whatever cost in treasure, as we have already seen, and in blood.
My heart is really broken when I think of the families of those who have died on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan for the purpose of maintaining the offensive against a very determined enemy, an enemy that will not be deterred by flowery speeches nor confused by profuse bowing to the Saudi King.
Their memory and sacrifice is rendered almost insignificant by a Commander-in-Chief with no intention to honor their gift to our Nation.

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Defense Appropriation Bill Defeated

By Semperpapa

Today the Senate voted for cloture on the Defense Appropriation Bill, and the bill was defeated by a vote of 56 to 43, failing to reach the 60 necessary to pass.
This bill was controversial, not because of the appropriation clauses of it, but because Senate Majority leader Harry Reid had recently attached to it two controversial bills: the DREAM Act and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law repeal bill.

The DREAM act is basically a amnesty bill for illegal aliens who have graduated from High School and have proved moral conduct for five years. They also must have entered the United States as minors. Also covered by the DREAM Act are those who have served in the United States Military and have received a honorable discharge.

Also attached to the bill was an attempt to repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law regarding homosexuals serving in the Military and openly admitting their sexuality.

I am going to refrain from addressing the specifics of the two additions to the Defense Appropriation Bill at this time. Instead I am now more interested in the dynamics of this vote.
Just few days ago, Harry Reid had declared his intension to add the two controversial issues to the main bill, but today he was one of the Democrats who voted against it.

So what is going on? It has become a liberal modus operandi for some of these liberal politicians to introduce legislation and vote against it. Charlie Rengal has done so twice, introducing legislature to re-instate the Military Draft and both times voting against his own bill.

It is my belief that Reid has done so with the sole purpose of confusing the American voters in view of the upcoming Elections, knowing well that the opposition would vote against the bill and he could then point the accusatory finger at them.
Also, he voted against it reserving the right to have another voting session later in the year. Basically, his plan is to re-visit the bill after the elections. This is all to Reid's advantage, because if the Democrats take the beating that everyone is predicting in November, the lame duck Congress will be able to pass all sort of obnoxious legislation before they are escorted from out of Capitol Hill.
At the same time, if the Democrats maintain the majority in Congress or just in the Senate Reid will bring the legislation up for vote again under the banner of the will of the people.

In both eventualities, Reid is just playing politics with the funding of our Military, and that is surely nothing new.

What I thought earlier today, as the now infected Defense Bill was defeated, was that it would show leadership on the part of the Republicans in the Senate to as quickly as possible introduce a real Defense Bill.

But so far I have seen nothing.

This bring me to my fear for the aftermath of the November elections.

I am convinced that the democrats will loose both the Senate and the House, which is going to foster the conditions for the outgoing Congress to cram as much ill-conceived legislation through the procedural process as possible in the interim period between the Elections in November and the seating of the new Congress in January 2011.
I fear that the scorned outgoing fools will be able to inflict even greater damage to our country with inpunity.

I guess that is a potential problem that I am willing to face if the result of a devastating loss of the Liberals at the voting polls. The most important thing is to clense Congress of the putrid anti-American crowd that is infecting those sacred Halls these days.

Just my thoughts!

Panderer In Chief

By Semperpapa

Obama will change history when necessary to pander to his audience. When speaking in front of the Hispanic Democratic Caucus, Obama stated that Mexicans populated what today is American sovereign territory before America was even a concept.

Sure that sounds really good if one is a member of Mecha or la Raza, but considering that the country of Mexico did not become such until 1810 while the United States came into existence in 1776, the chronology of facts is a little fuzzy for El Presidente Obama.

But who is paying attention. Certainly not the main stream Media.

Mr. Obama can go around pandering to whomever he chooses, trying to ingratiate himself to the fools who are still today falling for his pointless rhetoric. But the reality of today is that the voices of dissent, mostly the same voices that were practically ignored during his campaigning, are a lot less ignored.
But why is the message coming through today instead of getting lost as it was in 2008?

Well, for starter, there are a lot more people today who have the time to pay attention since they are unemployed. And they hear of millions of dollars being spent to "create" few jobs, while the skill set of American workers sits home hoping for something to change.

Then there is the fact that the fear of being labeled a racist if one dissented with the President has all but disappeared, thanks to the abuse of the term that has been done by the real racist elements of our society, Liberals.

And while Obama is still trying to convince the ignorant masses that he is the Messiah that America has been waiting for; while he tries to appeal to the racial component of his 2008 campaign; while he tries to circumvent the Constitution in order to build new voting blocks at the cost of creating a more visceral division among Americans, those who had read the man's intentions and pointed out his shortcomings in 2008, have now the ears of truly pissed off Americans.

And there is one more historical lesson that Obama should pay attention to: when the American people are pushed into a corner and they decide to come out swinging, the American people, the same peasants that the elite in Washington is so willing to downgrade, usually prevail.

Just my thoughts!

Sad And Disturbing Beyond Any Words

By Semperpapa

There are times we come across stories that are so horrific and disturbing that we cannot believe their veracity, once again proving that as vivid the imagination of fiction can be, it has nothing over real life.

Here is a story that appeared in Blackfive.Net and
The story is a very hard to read and even harder to imagine. So I give you a warning about it.’s-remains-just-imagine-the-horror/

Maybe it is the fact that I am a Military father, but I can clearly imagine myself in the shoes of the grieving man, as he was desperately trying to find closure for the re-opened wound. I only commend him for maintaining the composure he did and not violently lash out at those officials responsible for the incompetence at Arlington Cemetery.

And then it comes to mind that the government is responsible for this obscene mess and it comes to mind that if the government is so incapable to take good care of those who have died for the protection of the Nation, incapable to insure the honored and dignified rest of our fallen warriors, incapable to do right by the grieving families who have already lost so much, what confidence I can have for the government to take care of nationalized healthcare.

Just my thoughts! Sad thoughts!

Let's Get With The Program Now

By Semperpapa

All the objections have been heard now and properly logged in the proper file.
The American people have heard the Republican pundits and their open dissatisfaction about those who have won some of the Republican Primaries and do not fit the establishment mold of the "moderate conservative".

I get the reservation on the part of these Washington insiders regarding the "electability" of some of these candidates, but I do not get the persistence of their attacks.

The elections are over and the people have spoken, so is not the time now to get with the program? Is it not now the time to work toward the victory of our candidates and put our Country on the road to sanity again?

I do not understand the stubbornness of the message against the Miller, the O'Donnell, the Angle coming from Carl Rove and Charles Krauthammer and Bernard Goldberg and others.
I am wondering if the actions of some of these pundits is driven by personal vendetta against the fact that the American people decided to go against the positions the Washington insiders were championing and that they are now taken up the attitude that if these new comers do not succeed in November, they will be able to say the infamous "I told you so".

Conversely, I think that they should stop doing the character assassination work for the Liberals (they do just fine on their own!) and instead put their expertise behind these candidates and do whatever necessary to help their election in November.
Besides, they will be able to still say "I told you so" in the case of an unsuccessful result from the voting booths.

What a support from these pundits would accomplish is showing a united frontal positioning of Conservative America against the abuses that the current political leadership has inflicted upon the American people. Moreover, it would show the due respect to the American people who have spoken.
I can understand that those who make their living in Washington are completely detached from the rest of us peasants across America, that the "party season" is in full swing in the Nation's capital, but sometimes it is more important to follow principles than to get an invitation to some fancy gala on Capitol Hill.

It would do a lot of good to our Nation, to the Conservative cause and to to regaining of some trust of the American people, if these pundits would get with the program and help these candidates to victory.

Finally, I keep hearing that this year Elections are different, that many more people are paying attention and are getting engaged. Could it be that the American people are disliking the direction our country is being taken toward? Could it be that the American people are fed up with politicians who take our lives, our well being and the future of our children for granted and are protesting the "business as usual" of the current political establishment? And could it be that the American people are tired of those who call themselves conservatives and behave like liberals in just about every circumstance?

Just my thoughts!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Death And Taxes

By Stan Marshelk

Death and TaxesThe old saying is that the two things that are not avoidable are death and taxes. Individually that is quite true, but if you wanted to escape to some deserted island you could escape taxes. But that is not what we want to address here.
To add to this miserable thought, in the currently developing economic and political environment it is the tax load that may kill us.
Last week the Senate passed another one of those big spending bills that are supposed to provide credit to small businesses that will be expected to generate jobs. It will provide tax credits for investments in new equipment bought next year. That bill could be called TARP 3 or Stimulus 21 -- it does not matter. In the end it will probably produce an outcome not much different from the results of previous such bills.
There are a few things that are wrong with this spending plan that either the never gainfully employed politicians in Washington, the various and sundry prognosticators or academics, that have never cut a paycheck to anyone, have taken into account. They are all acting as if there was no money available to be lent in the banking system.

First and foremost there has to be demand for credit, and it has to be a demand by credit-worthy borrowers. If the businesses are not very sure that if what they produce will not see much increase in demand, they would be very foolish to overextend themselves. No sane person running a business would do that in the face of very uncertain economic and political conditions. And those businesses that want to borrow money to just meet their immediate operating requirements don't cut the mustard in credit worthiness. Any banker that would lend money to such outfits would deserve to get run out of town on a rail - tarred and feathered.
Responsible bankers that are worth their salt worry not so much about the interest on their money, but the return of their money…So in our opinion what Obama is proposing to do is create another mirage. From everything that is known so far about this expensive boondoggle is that it will turn out to be another slush fund to be spent on so called "tailored" programs in "underserved communities" that will benefit the overall objectives of the Administration and will provide the support to unionized companies, as per Obama's Presidential Executive Orders issued at the beginning of his term…What is so insidious about this whole exercise is that the proclaimed purpose of this is to help small businesses to climb out of the hole they have found themselves in as a result of the financial fiasco that was not created by these small operations, but was initially brought about by the social engineering program pushed by the government - the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 -- that later morphed into the subprime debacle. Then if these small businesses were to climb out, they would be clobbered by higher taxes, because many of them are run as Subchapter-S corporations in which the taxes are directly charged to the owners. What a deal! The moral of this story is that when one hand is doing something, watch the other hand like a hawk.

So far it appears that everything that has been done during the past couple of years has not been done to help small businesses. If the small businesses, the principal job creators in our economy, were of real concern to the guys in the White House, there was more than enough money in the $800 billion original stimulus package to help them! But that was not the objective.

We already started writing about this over a year ago when we mentioned that to achieve the "fundamental transformation of this country" Obama had to achieve the control of sources of money, control of the population, and the means of production in this country. There is almost daily evidence that a very large percentage of the population -- and that includes the talking heads, and the political and economic pundits -- don't seem to realize that almost all the pieces appear to be in place for that vise to tighten.
Being zeroed in on the knotholes, they cannot see the forest for the trees, and they certainly don't know where the heck the forest is located.
The regulation of the financial industry and the banks is already here. The big banks are already under regulatory control that in the not too distant future will extend over the regional and community banks. This latest "stimulus" bill passed last week in due course will put the small banks in the same straightjacket as the big banks. With government money comes government control.

Also, last week's appointment by Obama of Elisabeth Warren to run the new Consumer Protection Agency "on an interim basis", thus avoiding the Senate confirmation process, now has dotted the 'i' and crossed the 't'. Warren is one of the conceptual designers of that agency, and by most accounts she is a very radical Progressive - so the Senate probably would not confirm her. Her opinion that capital should be allocated from the top pretty much tells how that game is going to be played.

Government will control where the capital will go, for what purposes, and who will get it. It will become the tool with which the government will control the industry. (Also, through recent legislation financial institutions now have become subject to affirmative action programs and quotas that are not being advertised.)
For a little more added control of the population we also got the Obamacare that will not only control to what kind of medical care we will have access, but also what we will be able do, or how we will be able to behave - in most aspects of our personal lives… And never mind the costs that ultimately will put the majority of the population on the government dole, thus making as large a part of the population dependent on the government as possible. So who will be controlling whom?

The first steps of taking control of manufacturing industry started with the takeover of the automobile industry. A perception is being created that with the forthcoming GM's IPO the ownership will revert back to private hands. Not by a long shot. Between the government and the unions the industry will be controlled by a central authority for a very long time to come, probably way past our lifetimes.

The recent Gulf oil spill gave the government a perfect excuse to begin to control the oil industry, starting will drilling moratoriums, and thus ultimately putting controls on energy production, allocation and distribution -- with the Cap and Trade and the EPA with its environmental controls and 'global warming' doing the heavy lifting in this area.
In our economy the two lynchpins that pretty much regulate what can and cannot be achieved on a national scale are the capital and energy. Control those two, and you have everything else buttoned up.
To help in the 'fundamental transformation of this country' there is a shadow government of 42 czars that has been set up, responsible and answerable to only one person - Obama - with no visibility or transparency.
This is not a very pretty picture to contemplate, but when looking around all the pieces neatly fit into the picture.
We might as well add here something with which very few people in this country are familiar: In a playbook of the old Soviet regime it was pointed out that to gain control of a country very firm and complete control had to be established over: 1) Education, 2) Information, and 3) Internal Security.
So what else is new?From this vantage point we can say with a high degree of certainty that the forthcoming elections in November will probably be the most important elections in the history of this country. Give the Progressives a free reign for another couple of years and you will not recognize this country"But it cannot happen here…" The famous last words!

To quote the well-known character, Forest Gump: Stupid is, as stupid does". To which we can add the quote attributed to Vladimir Illich Lenin, the first Soviet communist dictator, who in 1923 said that "capitalists will sell us the rope by which we will hang them".
During the past two or three decades American CEOs were falling all over each other to get into China to produce stuff over there and to take advantage of the cheap labor. In the process they were giving away manufacturing secrets and production techniques and as a result were reaping some profits that were pretty unreal. It was obvious that nobody had learned earlier lessons that should have been learned after WW II when the Japanese started out with shoddy products, but learned how to swipe our secrets, and in due course became a technological and manufacturing powerhouse.In the rush to get into China the secrets were just handed to them on a silver platter.

A good early example was when in the 1980s the McDonnell Douglas Company, before it was absorbed into Boeing, subcontracted the airplane cockpit section, known as the 'section-41', to China. In any jetliner that section is the most sophisticated and proprietary one. The Chinese used to ship these aircraft sections back to Long Beach in bamboo crates for final assembly. It was not too many years before the Chinese built their first airliner.
The latest from the Wall Street Journal is that now the Chinese are demanding from our automobile companies to hand over all the advanced technology involving storage batteries, drive motors, controls, etc. pertaining to hybrids and electric cars! Their officially stated plan is to become the #1 producer in the world of those systems in ten years! In return the Chinese would permit our automobile companies to produce those cars in China and have a minority interest in those operations. Apparently the automobile company execs are quite "shook up" over this Chinese demand.
It will be interesting to see what will be the response from this side of the 'big water', and if Obama will 'nudge' the companies to go ahead and do it. But it sure looks like that Obama plan to double our exports in five years will be flushed down the toilet… We have every reason to believe that China will demand, and get, our advanced technology involving many other products and then beat us into the ground.
It looks like Lenin must have been either very smart, or clairvoyant…

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Islam On The Move Again

By Semperpapa

The power of Islam is on the move again, this time in Turkey.

That country has just had a national referendum organized by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyid Erdogan and his Party, the Justice and Redevelopment Party.
The referendum, which was aimed at changing the Turkish Constitution, saw an overwhelming majority of Turkish people, 58%, side with the pro-Islamic Ergodan in drastically reduce the power of the military that has maintained the country on a secular path.

Since his election in 2003, Ergodan has worked to weaken the secular forces of the military under the precept of a greater democratic political environment for the Turkish people, by reducing the power of the Kamalist secular leadership of the country, which had succeeded for some time to keep Islamic fanaticism out of the political discourse.

It is known that the methodology of the Kamalist supporters has frequently been, putting it mildly, dubious and reprehensible, including coups against the government when the tendency has been to turn the country over to Islamic radicals, but nevertheless, the goal of keeping Turkey out of the hands of Islamists has been successful, to the benefit of Turkey and the West.

Via the referendum, the power of the military has been greatly reduced, and in the name of democracy, the country has given Erdogan increased power and probably a sure road to re-election.
It is hard to imagine the connection between increase Islamic influence in the political events of a nation and the concept of democracy, but ultimately it was a decision that the people of Turkey took.

What I find interesting is the overboard praise that the results of the referendum and the political victory of Erdogan have generated from the White House, with President Obama welcoming the modification of the Turkish constitution in a clear move from its secular guidelines.

The Obama administration has supported Erdogan’s position, praising his move toward removing the influence of the military establishment over governmental and civilian life, calling it a model for “Islamic democracy.”
Now there is an oxymoron if there ever was one.

The State Department made a statement reflecting the sentiments of the President via its spokesman Phillip Crowley

"We hope that through these reforms, it will further enhance Turkey's democratic processes and human rights protection, This (the referendum) was a choice for the Turkish people, and there was a very strong, decisive vote to move towards greater civilian oversight of these democratic institutions."

What is getting President Obama and his administration so excited about this?
Turkey has been a long time ally of the United States, one of great importance in the region. The history of Turkey is surely not one of exemplary actions toward human rights, but as a predominantly Islamic nation, it has worked as a buffer in a very dangerous area of the world.

But, in my opinion, the recent events in Turkey have excited President Obama about the concepts of reducing the power of the military and changing the constitution, two goals that he has been chasing since he got into office. Actually, more than wanting to change our Constitution, Mr. Obama has been active in trying to circumvent it.

And there is the issue of separation of Church and State. While adamantly opposed to any interference of religion into American public discourse, especially Christianity, the President appears to be more that accepting and understanding about interference of Islam in the life of the people.
He speaks of one side of his mouth when it comes to his support for the building of a mosque near Ground Zero, championing the tolerance that America has for all religious practices, but is real quick in condemning an idiotic pastor in Florida for his stunt of the Quran burning.
I was opposed to the action of the lunatic, not on religious grounds, because his histrionics are protected by our Constitution, but on grounds of safety for our troops.
Obama’s refusal to select a church, his approach of “not wearing his religion on his sleeve” is not the problem, none of my concerns, as a matter of fact it may be even considered a positive trait for a President, but it is inconsistent with the principles of our country, to so enthusiastically praise another nation’s move toward allowing a greater influence of religion in its political affairs. Especially Islam.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Not Running On Record

By Semperpapa

This is quite a funny scene we are witnessing as we move toward the November mid-term elections.

The Liberal rats are abandoning the Democrat ship faster than the Titanic.

Politico reports that Democrats are spending more than three times as much in advertisement against Obamacare that those who support it, clearly having received the message that the disastrous legislation is a real sore spot for the American people.
It appears very obvious that the toxicity of the record the White House has been racking up since getting into power is affecting just about every level of the political electoral cycle this year.
Of course, those Democrats who are today trashing the “accomplishments” of the current leadership will, if elected, get back in line or face the wrath of the Chicago thugs in office.

CNN reports that 31 Representatives have penned a letter to the leadership, Nancy Pelosi, calling for the maintenance of the Bush tax cuts for everyone, clearly breaking from the position the President has taken.
All those who have signed the letter are involved in very tough re-election campaigns in November.
The justification used in their letter is the feedback they received from economists, small business owners and American people in their constituencies.
The letter continues:

"We believe in times of economic recovery it makes good sense to maintain things as they are in the short term, to provide families and businesses the certainty required to plan and make sound budget decisions. Providing this certainty will give small businesses, the backbone of our economic recovery, confidence and stability,"

Not to mention that getting behind the President would be a quick road to unemployment.

It may, although, be a little more difficult for some of the other candidates who are vocally expressing their displeasure with the Washington establishment of corruption.
Case in point, Tennessee Democratic candidate to the House of Representatives, Brett Carter who sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi asking her to step down from her position as House Speaker.
Carter is describing Pelosi as a hindrance to the chances of Democrat candidates to win their election bids, calling her an albatross around his neck.
Mr. Carter sustains that the actions of the Speaker are a weapon that the Republicans can easily use in their quest for votes in November, and that with Nancy gone, that weapon would not be available.
I doubt Mr. Carter will receive much help from the DNC.

What is really amusing to me is the fact that with all the “accomplishments” achieved by Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Democrat majority in Washington, very few of the Democratic candidates are running on the record of the Administration. Running away from Obamacare, tax increases, uncontrolled spending, as they feel the rejection of the American people and see their political career in real jeopardy.

Of course, if elected, they would rejoin the plantation, but sometimes it may be difficult when bridges are burned.

Just my thoughts!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Shot Across The Bow

By Semperpapa

Yesterday's Primaries across the Nation have shown something very interesting to all those who are actually paying attention. And by the look of things around America these days, there are a lot more people paying attention.

The victory of Christine O'Donnell in the Republican Primaries in Delaware is indicative of a reality that Democrats and Republicans alike are trying so hard to ignore: the American people are tired of the elitism in Washington and are looking for candidates that will bring fresh blood and pro-American values back into the Nation's capital.

Some of the Republican pundits have been warning Conservatives of the danger involved in the potential win of O'Donnell or any of the other anti-establishment candidates that have recently seen success among the primaries' voters.
Be it Miller in Alaska or O'Donnell in Delaware, the pundits have expressed their convictions that these candidates are not able to score victories in the general elections in November, but the reality is that these are now the people who will be on those ballots and they must be assisted in their quest with all possible means.

After the victory in Delaware, Rob Jesmer, executive director of the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) called O'Donnell to congratulate her, but at the same time indicated that the Committee will not be sending any campaign funds O'Donnell's way, indicating that their perception is she is not a viable candidate.

So this is another interesting development. It appears that the Republican establishment is, in reality, not much different than the Democrat, preferring to maintain the status quo only in the name of power grabbing.
Mike Castle, the RINO O'Donnell retired, is a 40 year establishment guy, more of the Arlen Specter kind than anything else, a "Republican" that has never seen a liberal policy he did not like, and one who everyone expected to switch Party as soon as elected to the US Senate.

So it looks like the resurgence of Conservative ideals is making people in Washington nervous, entrenched Republicans alike, as the prospect of unemployment looms on the horizon.
Even the esteemed Bill Clinton chimed in the mix of the New American Revolution, stating that the direction of the Republican Party has shifted so much to the Right that it makes George W. Bush look like a Liberal.
Mr. Clinton pointed out the fact that the TEA Party is behind the latest victories of Conservative candidates. During a fund raiser in Minnesota, where he made his statements, Clinton also said:

"The Boston Tea Party was protesting abuse of power. This is now trading public power for the abuse of private power,"

which seems to indicate that Mr. Clinton believes that the American People speaking up for a return of our country to the ideals of our Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution is, in reality, an attempt on the part of the people to return to the concept of having a voice in the running of the country.
Maybe Mr. Clinton should take another look at that darn document called the Constitution and he may find some solace that it is the way America is supposed to be led.

The New American Revolution is making the elite political class nervous, and that is exactly what the Country needs to return to a foundation of sanity so necessary today.

Regardless of the outcome in November, the main point remains that the Washington elite must understand that the people of the United States are paying a lot more attention to the events impacting our daily lives and that politics as usual are not going to be tolerated any longer.

Just my thoughts!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Plan Is Coming Together Just Fine

By Semperpapa

The Associated Press reports that according to some census data, 1 in 7 Americans live at poverty level in 2009.
According to the report, 15% of all Americans, which comes out to about 45 million people, are considered officially poor according to the parameter established in 2008, which is of a yearly income of $22,000 for a family of four.

The jump from the poverty level of 2008 of 13.2% to 2009 15% is the worst since 1980.

So the Obama plan of hope and change for America is working just fine, in perfect accordance with the true sentiments that the man holds for America.
We have been a Nation of arrogance and imperialism and we deserve to be re-dimensioned to a much lower level so to allow the rest of the world to catch up.
No longer is America’s position as an economic superpower going to be tolerated, because, after all, it is much more efficient in the eyes of our enemies abroad and the wanna-be ruling class domestically, to reduce our standard of living to a much more fair level.

And the President is working overtime in his quest to further erode the economic foundations of our system, as demonstrated by the skyrocketing governmental employment at exorbitant levels of remuneration compared to the steady destruction of the private sector.
And as the employment levels in the private sector continue to drop, Obama is achieving an increased sense of dependency on the government and the inherent control that comes with it.

The type of nation is in the dreams of this President is similar to that of North Korea, minus the Military, which is trying so hard to destroy. The model he is following is one where the political elite live high on the hog supported by the impoverished masses that are under complete control from the central government.
Under this model, only those people who share the ideology of the supreme leader are accepted within the circle of the anointed few. These include the celebrities and public figures who will sing the praises of king Obama, while all the dissenters will plainly and quietly disappear.

So Obama’s plan is coming together just fine. While on one hand he openly and unashamedly conducts a lavish life style going from vacation to golf round to party and back on vacation right in the face of those Americans who are losing everything due to lack of employment, Obama and his cronies in the media viciously attack those Americans who are openly and peacefully demonstrating their dissatisfaction with the abysmal job he is doing.
The frustration of the American people keeps on showing up on the radar of more and more people and the regime’s hope is for it reaching the point where it will be justified on his part to assume absolute powers and abolish the US Constitution, that pesky document that is stopping him from doing so much “good” for the people.

Wonder what the increase in the poverty level will be in 2010.
Maybe the President is shooting for 2.5%?

Just my thoughts!

Michael Moore. Enough Said!

By Semperpapa
For all of you who contributed to the fat pig Michael Moore riches by patronizing his garbage, here is what you help create
He chimes in on the Ground Zero mosque. Just a jewel of a man.

“I want it built on Ground Zero. Why? Because I believe in an America that protects those who are the victims of hate and prejudice,” Moore writes in an open letter on his website. “I believe in an America that says you have the right to worship whatever God you have, wherever you want to worship.
“And I believe in an America that says to the world that we are a loving and generous people and if a bunch of murderers steal your religion from you and use it as their excuse to kill 3,000 souls, then I want to help you get your religion back. And I want to put it at the spot where it was stolen from you,” he added.
The filmmaker is also urging his supporters to contribute money to help fund the controversial project and is pledging to match up to $10,000 in donations.

Such pearls of wisdoms are surely going to boost the opposition to the project, although there are surely out there in Loonistan people who will actually agree with this blowfish with legs.

In fact, Hendrik Hertzberg, former speechwriter for Jimmy Carter, has already come out in support of Moore’s idea. Hendik, who is probably an escaped Nazi concentration camp, dismisses the idea of “too close” for the current location of the projected mosque.

Oh I love Liberal Progressive trash. Waiting any minute for Jane Fonda, Janine Garofalo and Bill Maher to take up Moore on his offer.

Just my disgusted thoughts!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Imam Faisal Rauf's Own Words

By Semperpapa

I do not get the New York Times as I do not have a bird cage to line and my puppies are already house trained, so I want to thank my friend Stan in Florida for sending me the text of imam Faisal Rauf op-ed that the NY newspaper published recently.

As I was reading the piece, I could not help praise the convolution of words, obviously aimed, in a masterful way I guess, to confuse and swindle the minds of those Americas who Mr. Rauf considers the uneducated masses.
Certainly Mr. Rauf understands that the same uneducated masses do not read the trash that the NY Times publishes, but this may remain a contentious point.

I am going to analyze some excerpts from Rauf’s op-ed, confident that those who may really be interested in the whole piece will be able to easily find it on-line.

…We are proceeding with the community center, Cordoba House. More important, we are doing so with the support of the downtown community, government at all levels and leaders from across the religious spectrum, who will be our partners. I am convinced that it is the right thing to do for many reasons…

On this point, Rauf is absolutely correct. Every level of government in the City of New York has willingly accommodated the imam in his pursuit of the project. And he is also correct that many ultra-Liberal leaders across the religious spectrum have blessed the enterprise. But is that a real indication? After all these religious leader have been willing to pass on the issue of abortion on demand when they openly supported the candidacy of Obama, in direct violation of the precepts of their faiths (i.e. Catholics, Jews and other Christian denominations).

Rauf continues,
…Above all, the project will amplify the multifaith approach that the Cordoba Initiative has deployed in concrete ways for years. Our name, Cordoba, was inspired by the city in Spain where Muslims, Christians and Jews co-existed in the Middle Ages during a period of great cultural enrichment created by Muslims. Our initiative is intended to cultivate understanding among all religions and cultures…

The multi-faith approach that Rauf is championing sounds really heartwarming, until one does a little research about the reality of what the imam is trying to mask about Cordoba.
It is true that the period of history Rauf is alluding to is called the Golden Age of Islamic domination of Spain, a period that went from 756 to 1031 called Ummayyad Dynasty. It was a period in which the Muslim occupiers were somewhat tolerant of Christians and Jews, but there were some defined restrictions that these groups were subjected to.
For example, Christians and Jews were forced to live in special locations or ghettos; although allowed to practice their faiths, they were restricted in public observation of their religion; they were allowed to work, in some cases even in civil affairs, but mostly they were relegated to those professions deemed “unclean” and below Muslim status.
Christians and Jews were “allowed” to live in the famous Cordoba Mr. Rauf feels so proud of, as long as they acknowledged Islamic superiority, accepted Islamic power, paid Jizya to Muslims (some sort of ransom) and higher taxes. They also had to wear special badges (where did I see this before?) and could not carry weapons (that takes care of the 2nd Amendment!). Christians and Jews were facing restrictions on the building of churches and synagogues, could not testify in Islamic courts or marry a Muslim woman, although the reverse was allowed.
But at least they could contribute to the cultural scene and they were not forced to convert of die according to the provisions of the Quran.

…I am very sensitive to the feelings of the families of victims of 9/11, as are my fellow leaders of many faiths. We will accordingly seek the support of those families, and the support of our vibrant neighborhood, as we consider the ultimate plans for the community center. Our objective has always been to make this a center for unification and healing…

For some reason, the assertion of sensitivity for the families of the victims of the 9-11 attack gets lost in the fact that if such sensitivity really existed, as the growing opposition to the project is manifested, Rauf should be quick to acknowledge it and respect it. Only the apologists will truly get a warm feeling out of the statement.

…the wonderful outpouring of support for our right to build this community center from across the social, religious and political spectrum seriously undermines the ability of anti-American radicals to recruit young, impressionable Muslims by falsely claiming that America persecutes Muslims for their faith. These efforts by radicals at distortion endanger our national security and the personal security of Americans worldwide. This is why Americans must not back away from completion of this project. If we do, we cede the discourse and, essentially, our future to radicals on both sides. The paradigm of a clash between the West and the Muslim world will continue, as it has in recent decades at terrible cost. It is a paradigm we must shift…

It is convenient to address the minority that is in actual support of this project, while discounting the majority, about 70%, who Rauf labels as radicals on par with the Islamic radicals. So, if one wants to follow the logic, the vast majority of the American people are radicals. That is why there are thousands of mosques across this Nation; that is why there has been no noticeable surge of anti-Muslim hate crimes even following the 9-11 attacks; that is why the only controversy is based on the location of Rauf’s mosque and not on his freedom to build one.
If Mr. Rauf is so “dedicated” to the building of inter-faith bridges, I would expect that he would publicly come out and call on the royal Saudi family to allow the construction of Churches and Synagogues in that country. But he cannot do so, leaving him to only call for “tolerance” in the country that is already tolerant enough to allow him to do so. And I am not at all convinced that “tolerance” is imam Rauf’s real goal, except for the “Cordoba type” mentioned above.

…From those who recognize our rights, from grassroots organizers to heads of state, I sense a global desire to build on this positive momentum and to be part of a global movement to heal relations and bring peace. This is an opportunity we must grasp…

This is somewhat disturbing, as the man’s mention of globalism is perfect harmony with the actions of the current administration, who has, for the last 20 months taken striking steps to surrender the sovereignty of our Nation to outside entities.
Moreover, it fits perfectly with the declared mission statements of terror organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the creation of a new global Caliphate under Islamic law. The history of Cordoba and Rauf’s mention of it is indication that the only way to have peace for the representatives of the Islamic religion is to subject all other to their interpretation of healing relations and tolerance.

…I therefore call upon all Americans to rise to this challenge. Let us commemorate the anniversary of 9/11 by pausing to reflect and meditate and tone down the vitriol and rhetoric that serves only to strengthen the radicals and weaken our friends’ belief in our values…

Finally, I find it reprehensible that the imam would be using the 9-11 to even mention radical Islamist, as it was just that sort of Islamists who came to kill 3000 innocent people on our soil. And it is mildly amusing to hear Rauf accuse those who oppose the Cordoba project of vitriol as we are treated to images of unhinged behavior on the part of some of the followers of the religion of peace.

I am unfortunately convinced that the words written by imam Faisal Rauf will get some traction among the self-proclaimed elitists in the anointed circles of American Progressivism.
Fortunately, I, as part of that overwhelming majority of Americans who are not privileged to be part of the Progressive elite, find the words of Rauf cunning and offensive.
Oh well, I guess I will be getting my Christian badge soon.

Just my thoughts!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


By Semperpapa

It is the 9th anniversary of one of the worst days in American History. The 9th anniversary of the day that has changed the United States in a manner that few could even imagine.

At 08:46 Flight 11 with 85 innocent people on board, was crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center followed at 09:03 by Flight 175 crashing into the South Tower with 63 innocent people.
At 09:37, Flight 77 with 62 people on board crashed full speed into the outer ring of the Pentagon.
At 10:02, Flight 93 with 38 innocent people on it crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after the passengers, alerted by family members of what had happened in New York and Virginia, attempted to regain control of the aircraft from the terrorists. They were only 20 minutes away from their intended target in Washington.

Subsequently, the Twin Towers collapsed and the casualty toll of that day was just shy of 3,000.

These are the facts, well known by everyone in America, and the only reason I mentioned them is because while they are known facts, they appear to have been somewhat forgotten.
That September 11 2001 is one of those days people will always remember where they were, just like the day Elvis died or the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated, but what seems to have been forgotten is the horror and rage that the events unfolding in front of our eyes sparked.

In the hours following the attack, details begun to appear of the magnitude of the tragedy that had been trusted upon all of us. While the people directly affected had been those in New York, Virginia and Shanksville, the families of those who had been murdered and the families of the firefighters and police officers and EMTs who had perished in their attempt to save others, the repercussion of that day is domain of all Americans, from Maine to Hawaii from Alaska to Florida.

I too must admit that the thought of 9-11 is not as present in my daily routine the way it was for the first few months following the attack, but I also did not lose any loved one that day, still it has remained personal never the less, as the strength of our country is based on the unity among its people, especially during times of National peril.
Just as the country united following the attacks on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the country united following 9-11-01, except that such unity was not strong enough to see this chapter of American history to full completion, thanks to the injection of politics into what should have been solely an issue of National security.

For a long time, following that faithful day, turning on the News in the morning has been an anxious moment as the memory of that simple routine that morning made me hold my breath for few seconds only to be reassured that the world was still there as I left it the night before.

This anniversary, though, has an even more incisive significance for me, as I reflect upon the events of the last twelve months.
A year ago at this time, my Marine son had just begun his pre-deployment training in view of his deployment to Afghanistan, definitely a time when the anxiety of a Military family begins its crescendo into the controlled frenzy that the deployment represents.
A year later, my son safely back to his wife and kids, this anniversary is taking an even deeper meaning.
Every year, it appears that I take a new look at the murderous event under a different light, and this year is not different.
Probably because of the recent personal dealings with my son’s deployment, my thoughts have been focusing more on the horrible consequences of that day as they relate to the sacrifice in blood that the events of a beautiful day in September has cost the American people.
I have been thinking of the names of some of those Heroes who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of our Nation, for the defense of our way of life.

Anzack; Bravo; Klasno; Noble; Karol; Hall; Garcia; Whittle; Alexeev; Scusa; my son’s friends Centanni, Cottle and Qi.
Just some of the names of the over 5,000 KIAs that our Nation has suffered since that day, with the majority of these young men and women having been just happy high school students in September 2001, but having been touched by the events so profoundly to take the step, to sign the contract to protect and defend their beloved country. And they fulfilled their contract!

This anniversary has also been marred by recent events that while not at all connected to the attacks, have succeeded in deterring the attention of the American people from the true significance of what we should memorialize, replacing it with side issues that should be left for any other day. Specifically, I am referring to the projected mosque near the site of the Twin Towers and the histrionics of the so-called pastor in Florida who wants to burn the Quran.
All the nonsense regarding imam Faisal and Rev. Jones are nothing more than an open insult to the memory of those who died on September 11 2001 and those who died afterward on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. It is an insult to their families and an insult to the thousands of troops who have returned home with indelible scars, both visible and invisible. And it is an insult to all American people who are seeing their Country hijacked all over again for personal agenda sake.

This day, Patriot Day, should be free of any politics and instead dedicated to remind the American people that the fight is not over, that the threats to our lives are still there, that our American Best is still paying in blood for the decision to take our fight to the enemy after they had taken it to our shores.

The images and sounds of that day still haunt me.
Human beings falling to their death, exercising their last measure of control by choosing that over burning alive.
Survivors and emergency personnel covered in blood and dust stumbling out of the smoke shocked into a zombie like state.
Recording of phone conversations of individuals on the airplanes as they spoke with their loved ones for the last time.
The sound of terror from the man in one of the tower as he spoke with the dispatcher right at the moment the tower begun to collapse.

If this Nation has any hope to endure as a country, the significance of 9-11-01 cannot ever be forgotten. We have learned to stand together in those days, but we have strayed from that lesson chasing political, racial and religious ideologies that ultimately will be meaningless without the freedoms that only a Nation like the United States guarantees its people.

Just my thoughts!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Have Had Just Enough Of This

By Semperpapa

My patience is wearing very thin on this 10th day of September with the histrionics that these fools are engaging in.
The so-called reverend Terry Jones, the doofus of burning-the-quran fame, with his "major accomplishment" of convincing the people of the Cordoba Initiative to move the mosque away from Ground Zero. He, Jones, is the big hero of the day!

Feisal Rauf, still building bridges, stating he has not agreed to any of Jones' claims and that there was no deal of any kind. Rauf says he is not there to barter but to build peace and harmony. Nothing is more effective in promoting peace and harmony among those who attacked us on 9-11 and the American people than pissing off 70% of the American population.

Donald Trump offers to buy a portion of the financial interests in the mosque project so to get the damn thing moved, attempt that is promptly rejected by the mosque people.

And if things could not get any worst for America, Fred Phelps, the infamous leader of the Westoboro Baptist Church, the so-called congregation of inbreds who gets special kicks at protesting at Military funerals, is jumping into the picture, stating that if Terry Jones is going to be coerced into suspending the burning fiesta, the WBC will take the torch and do it themselves.

What is absolutely appalling is that these morons are all stomping over the memories of the thousands who perished in New York, the Pentagon and Shanksville nine years ago and the thousands of Military personnel that has died since that horrible day combating the evil forces of radical Islam.
Is there no decency left in our country? When people like Rauf, Jones and Phelps are able to manipulate international affairs by virtue of engaging in political stunts that they hide behind religious motivations for the sole purpose of giving legitimacy to their extreme positions.

I wish they would all just plain go away.
Rauf, go back whatever hell-hole he is from.
Jones, go back to your little world of nothingness.
Phelps, just go away.
America would be a much better place already.

Just my thoughts!