Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let's Get With The Program Now

By Semperpapa

All the objections have been heard now and properly logged in the proper file.
The American people have heard the Republican pundits and their open dissatisfaction about those who have won some of the Republican Primaries and do not fit the establishment mold of the "moderate conservative".

I get the reservation on the part of these Washington insiders regarding the "electability" of some of these candidates, but I do not get the persistence of their attacks.

The elections are over and the people have spoken, so is not the time now to get with the program? Is it not now the time to work toward the victory of our candidates and put our Country on the road to sanity again?

I do not understand the stubbornness of the message against the Miller, the O'Donnell, the Angle coming from Carl Rove and Charles Krauthammer and Bernard Goldberg and others.
I am wondering if the actions of some of these pundits is driven by personal vendetta against the fact that the American people decided to go against the positions the Washington insiders were championing and that they are now taken up the attitude that if these new comers do not succeed in November, they will be able to say the infamous "I told you so".

Conversely, I think that they should stop doing the character assassination work for the Liberals (they do just fine on their own!) and instead put their expertise behind these candidates and do whatever necessary to help their election in November.
Besides, they will be able to still say "I told you so" in the case of an unsuccessful result from the voting booths.

What a support from these pundits would accomplish is showing a united frontal positioning of Conservative America against the abuses that the current political leadership has inflicted upon the American people. Moreover, it would show the due respect to the American people who have spoken.
I can understand that those who make their living in Washington are completely detached from the rest of us peasants across America, that the "party season" is in full swing in the Nation's capital, but sometimes it is more important to follow principles than to get an invitation to some fancy gala on Capitol Hill.

It would do a lot of good to our Nation, to the Conservative cause and to to regaining of some trust of the American people, if these pundits would get with the program and help these candidates to victory.

Finally, I keep hearing that this year Elections are different, that many more people are paying attention and are getting engaged. Could it be that the American people are disliking the direction our country is being taken toward? Could it be that the American people are fed up with politicians who take our lives, our well being and the future of our children for granted and are protesting the "business as usual" of the current political establishment? And could it be that the American people are tired of those who call themselves conservatives and behave like liberals in just about every circumstance?

Just my thoughts!

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