Friday, September 3, 2010

I Am So Mad...

By Semperpapa

...that I can spit nails!

I keep on hearing people expressing their remorse about their support for Obama in the 2008 Presidential Elections. These people justify their remorse by saying that they were conned into believing that the Obama presidency was going to bring the country together and wars to an end and equality for all and the restoring of America's image in the world and the lowering of the seas and whatever else the man promised.
Today, after a disastrous 20 months, many of these remorseful voters find themselves without a job, maybe with their home in foreclosure. And now that the depth of their mistake is obvious and devastating, now that the choice they made has hit them personally, they are all for returning the Country to some form of sanity.

I have very little sympathy for these individuals, because all the information needed to realize that the choice of Barak Obama as a President was not the right one were out there and clearly defined. These folks just plain decided to ignore them, transported by the overwhelming sense of historical importance of voting for the first Black President.
In truth, I contend that the majority of non-Blacks who voted for the man did so out of a sense of guilt that has been inculcated in them by years of political correctness.
Granted that there are many across the Nation who have been indoctrinated by the subversive offensive American Universities have been conducting against every aspect of American Exceptionalism, and who, today, will work assiduously for the destruction of our country, but what put the man over the top was a unscrupulous campaign of submission, where dissent was labeled as racism. And many Americans fell right for it!

I can somewhat understand the over 90% of the Black population voting for Obama, if nothing else for historical reasons, but I am very disappointed that many did not realize that they were being masterfully manipulated by a concerted campaign of deception. Can anyone really tell me that the election of Barak Obama has improved the lot of Black America?
And can anyone truthfully tell me that Black America is identifying with Obama or more specifically, that Obama can identify with Black America?

And finally, I am mad as hell about the American Conservatives, who did not go to vote in protest with the Republican candidate and sort of trying to make a point of protest.
As much as I did not care for McCain as a true Conservative, and still don't, the alternative was frightening enough to make voting for the man a no-brainer.
Instead, the attitude of defiance against the candidate McCain gave us a radical Marxist in the White House with a ultra-Liberal Congress to help him in his planned dismantling of American institutions.

Today we find ourselves with health care costs going up for those who still have a job, because the employers are witnessing their costs increase.
We see a job market completely depressed, with the economic engine of America, the small business sector, struggling to stay alive and terrified into holding on to their cash because of the uncertainty of the future.
We see the image of America compromised abroad, with dictators all around thumbing their noses at America and proceeding with their plans of terror, sure that the man in the White House is too busy destroying America to pay much attention.
We see Obama's cronies speaking of "nationalization of American industries", of "re-education of the American people", of wishing that freedom of speech was not there. We see a federal government pushing legal action against its own people for enforcing the law. We see a Secretary of State allowing some of the most corrupted and assiduous violators of Human Rights judge legal legislation of one of the states of the Union.
We see a government pandering to the enemies of the United States, foreign and domestic, from Code Pink and the ACLU to Imam Rauf and his Cordoba Initiative (after paying for the guy to do his fund-raising campaign in the Middle East, now the government, which means mine and your money, is marketing the guy's book too).
The systematic attack against the Constitution and governmental violation of the law. And the ever present hypocrisy of flowery words of support for our Military while doing everything in his power to undermine their mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, while consistently trying to stick it to the Veterans.

So this is what causes remorse for some folks out there. Personally, I feel no sympathy for you, nor do I absolve you because of your epiphany. You are the reason why what once was the very last bastion of hope for the world for liberty and greatness is on its way to be relegated to a Third World status, and it will be a arduous and bloody road to the restoring of those principles our country was founded on.

Just my thoughts!

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