Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Panderer In Chief

By Semperpapa

Obama will change history when necessary to pander to his audience. When speaking in front of the Hispanic Democratic Caucus, Obama stated that Mexicans populated what today is American sovereign territory before America was even a concept.

Sure that sounds really good if one is a member of Mecha or la Raza, but considering that the country of Mexico did not become such until 1810 while the United States came into existence in 1776, the chronology of facts is a little fuzzy for El Presidente Obama.

But who is paying attention. Certainly not the main stream Media.

Mr. Obama can go around pandering to whomever he chooses, trying to ingratiate himself to the fools who are still today falling for his pointless rhetoric. But the reality of today is that the voices of dissent, mostly the same voices that were practically ignored during his campaigning, are a lot less ignored.
But why is the message coming through today instead of getting lost as it was in 2008?

Well, for starter, there are a lot more people today who have the time to pay attention since they are unemployed. And they hear of millions of dollars being spent to "create" few jobs, while the skill set of American workers sits home hoping for something to change.

Then there is the fact that the fear of being labeled a racist if one dissented with the President has all but disappeared, thanks to the abuse of the term that has been done by the real racist elements of our society, Liberals.

And while Obama is still trying to convince the ignorant masses that he is the Messiah that America has been waiting for; while he tries to appeal to the racial component of his 2008 campaign; while he tries to circumvent the Constitution in order to build new voting blocks at the cost of creating a more visceral division among Americans, those who had read the man's intentions and pointed out his shortcomings in 2008, have now the ears of truly pissed off Americans.

And there is one more historical lesson that Obama should pay attention to: when the American people are pushed into a corner and they decide to come out swinging, the American people, the same peasants that the elite in Washington is so willing to downgrade, usually prevail.

Just my thoughts!

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