Friday, September 10, 2010

Have Had Just Enough Of This

By Semperpapa

My patience is wearing very thin on this 10th day of September with the histrionics that these fools are engaging in.
The so-called reverend Terry Jones, the doofus of burning-the-quran fame, with his "major accomplishment" of convincing the people of the Cordoba Initiative to move the mosque away from Ground Zero. He, Jones, is the big hero of the day!

Feisal Rauf, still building bridges, stating he has not agreed to any of Jones' claims and that there was no deal of any kind. Rauf says he is not there to barter but to build peace and harmony. Nothing is more effective in promoting peace and harmony among those who attacked us on 9-11 and the American people than pissing off 70% of the American population.

Donald Trump offers to buy a portion of the financial interests in the mosque project so to get the damn thing moved, attempt that is promptly rejected by the mosque people.

And if things could not get any worst for America, Fred Phelps, the infamous leader of the Westoboro Baptist Church, the so-called congregation of inbreds who gets special kicks at protesting at Military funerals, is jumping into the picture, stating that if Terry Jones is going to be coerced into suspending the burning fiesta, the WBC will take the torch and do it themselves.

What is absolutely appalling is that these morons are all stomping over the memories of the thousands who perished in New York, the Pentagon and Shanksville nine years ago and the thousands of Military personnel that has died since that horrible day combating the evil forces of radical Islam.
Is there no decency left in our country? When people like Rauf, Jones and Phelps are able to manipulate international affairs by virtue of engaging in political stunts that they hide behind religious motivations for the sole purpose of giving legitimacy to their extreme positions.

I wish they would all just plain go away.
Rauf, go back whatever hell-hole he is from.
Jones, go back to your little world of nothingness.
Phelps, just go away.
America would be a much better place already.

Just my thoughts!

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