Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just Another Stooge

By Semperpapa

Three people, last weekend, witnessed some essay that one of Obama’s stooges wrote on USA Today, the very last three people who actually still read that piece of alleged journalistic trash.

The stooge is Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who wrote that jobs are out there and that is the responsibility of the American unemployed to go find them.
In the piece she is publicizing some new department web site that helps unemployed assess their skills and find jobs.

“By visiting the site – she writes - and adding information about your most recent work experience, you can see exactly what skills you need to qualify for a broad range of careers. You can also find local training and education providers and, yes — you can see local job postings.”

And she adds,

“In other words, what’s next … is up to you...there are jobs out there.”

So what is the message from this pile of elitist ignorance?

The American people do not need another web site promoting the praises of lord Obama and his failed policies. The unemployed American people know exactly what their skill levels and abilities are. What they need is not another condenscending government line of bull, but economic policies that are directed to improve the business environment and create conditions optimal for the economy to create new jobs.

The message between the lines is that the government has done its job and that the jobs are available, but that somehow the American people are too lazy to go get them.
Maybe there is a portion of the unemployed population that is just happy with the prolongation of the unemployment benefits and who are just enjoying their status, just as Nancy Pelosi suggested on several occasions.
But the majority of those who are seeing their quality of life disappear due to lack of income, the same Americans who would like nothing more than to leave their position of servitude to the government assistance and become once again responsible for their life, should be very much offended by such comments.

This is just another example of the elitism of the throngs in Washington.
Obamadroids’, and their RINO counterparts, attitudes are not much different than the French monarchy just preceding the French Revolution.

Just my thoughts!

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