Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here Come The Commies...

By Gretchen Marszalk

We long for the days when the government actually frowned on Communism rather than embraced it. The Communist Party of the United States has really been emboldened by having one of their own in the White House and the control of Congress for the past four years. The damage they have done to America will be difficult to reverse…

The divide in this country is increasing by the day as the President continues to promote class warfare and racism. His continual ranting against the wealthy and successful, and capitalism, and his refusal to correct the race-bating by his supporters, has made him the most divisive leader in American history. After listening to the hate-the-white racism and hate-America rhetoric in Rev Wright’s church for twenty years, it would be impossible not to emerge a racist. His promotion of the unions at the expense of taxpayers and the economy have been nothing short of legal theft. Every piece of his agenda is right from the playbook of Communism. For a little insight on what he and the other Progressives have in store for America, take a look at and (most of the quotes below are directly from these two sources, with underlining added.)

One of the major evils behind the Progressives’ plan are the unions that are a mean and destructive force that has been leading their members down the primrose path for years. They are all about power and have little concern about the “living wage” for the workers. They have driven jobs overseas with their absurd demands and, as the former SEIU president, Andy Stern, borrowing a famous Communist slogan, said: “Workers of the world unite”. Their plans are to spread their corrupt organizations all over the world. (Of course the Communist Party is aggressively supporting the striking union workers in Greece.)

If you love America, you could consider this group of people evil, plain and simple. They are dead set on destroying America and have a plan, outlined in the Communist documents, that is being followed for a move to total Socialism/Communism. They believe:

“Socialism is not just a good idea, but a necessary one – necessary to preserve peace and our planet, necessary to defend and expand democracy, necessary to eliminate gross economic, racial, gender and other inequalities, and necessary to provide a secure life for the billions living on this earth.”

Their plan extends to the entire world where everyone will be equal—and the only way that can happen is for the middle class in America to be driven to the poverty level so those in the underdeveloped third world countries can rise to that same poverty level.

In spite of all the damage that has been done during the past twenty months, the hard-core Commies still have a list of more demands. They are most upset about the failure of ‘their’ DC to pass Cap and Trade and CardCheck. They blame the failure mostly on the “absence of pressure from Americans across the country demanding that serious action be taken to address climate change.” So, of course, they are calling for a “climate movement”.

They speak ad infinitum about “social justice” and have revised their old theme of the haves and the have-nots—it’s now the have-nots against the “haves and the have-mores”.

It seems that the Tea Party movement is really beginning to bug them and they are now going to take a stand to reoccupy center stage.

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