Monday, October 25, 2010

Ignorance Of History

By Semperpapa

Rob Reiner, better known as Meathead and not necessarily because of the show "All in the family", shows his ignorance of history once again.

Meathead stated that the TEA Party reminds him of Nazism. Boy, that's a new one!

Except that Meathead is missing a clear difference in the political aspects of the National Socialist Party of 1930s Germany and what the TEA movement driving force is.

The goal of National Socialism was to place the German state in charge of every single aspect of the lives of the German people and to expand that control to all German speaking people. Hence the word "Socialism" in their name. They also aspired at the predominance of the Arian race over all others in a manner that was strictly controlled by the government.

The TEA movements, instead, aims at exactly the opposite, specifically at reducing the control of an over-intrusive government in the lives of the people. Not to mention that TEA philosophy is all inclusive when it comes to participants' ethnic background, religious beliefs and, I dare say, political affiliations.

So Mr. Reiner, in all his elitism, should stop ingesting triple cheeseburgers long enough to educate himself before opening his big mouth and remove all doubts about his ignorance.

Just my thoughts!


  1. I agree that the Tea Party movement is not synonymous with Nazi Germany in its intent - and I agree with what Reiner points out. Knowing the history well, what Reiner is pointing out was that a combination of elements existed in post WWI Germany, making people ripe for a strong ideological leader with strength to bring back the pride of a nation bruised badly. Many of the sentiments existent in Germany at the time were not limited to Germany, but shared by many European countries...and in varying degrees, here in the United States as well.

    Here in the U.S. today, the perspective of government (size, level of intrusion) can be argued by different people of varying political stripes - but one thing most everyone agrees on is that economically and socially, we're in a very low point. The lack of relevant historical education is prevalent among much of the Tea Party (indeed, much of the nation's populace overall) - and the banding together of unexpected individuals in the face of our nation's low point right now puts us in a position of being just as ripe for leadership changes that are antithetical to true American values.

    The history can be viewed from varying perspectives, and layers of understanding and compassion...recognizing that anger in the Tea Party is reflected by many of us who do not share their political perspectives - and sympathy for their plights...varied as those plights are. :) Just my 2 cents.

  2. All valid points, for sure. But again there is a major difference historically.
    The people of post WWI Germany were used to the Imperial form of government, as they sought to separate themselves from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As much as they were ripe for the a nationalistic take over after the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles, they still revered the Kayser.
    For the TEA party people, it is not so much to hail some charismatic leader (that was the Liberals with Obama) but to have the political leadership return to the observation of the US Constitution and get out of every small aspect of their lives.
    Thanks for the comments.
