Saturday, October 30, 2010

I Admit: I Stand Corrected

By Semperpapa

Yes, I have to admit that I have been wrong for years now. It had always been my contention that the junior U.S Senator form California, Barbara Boxer, was a woman of very, very limited mental abilities, one whose IQ level could be compared to her shoe size. Sure, I considered her to be the sort of politician who does not belong anywhere near the reins of anything, let alone a country.

But in the last few weeks I have had to re-evaluate my opinion about the woman and reluctantly come to the realization that she is a very smart one.
While she maintained a low profile and eroded the freedoms of the people of California and the Nation, while she championed the cause of global warming, Boxer has been a very busy worker.

In 2001, Boxer was successful in pushing a bill in the Senate that re-instated an Indian tribe that had been designated as “defunct” by the BIA for 40 years. In addition to it, the same bill removed all the gambling prohibitions on the land supposedly owned by the dead tribe. I am sure she appealed to the fairness the evil white people owed to the tribal entity, enhancing her bleeding heart image.
What was kept under the radar was the small detail of the deal. Two organizations took the reins of the development of the Indian casino in the San Francisco suburb called Rohnert Park: one was a lobbying consulting firm called Platinum Advisers, the other an investment firm called Kenwood Investments 2.
An even more underplayed detail was that Doug Boxer, coincidental lawyer son of Sen. Boxer, was a partner in both organizations.

Moral of the story. The good, bleeding heart senator used her influence in the United States Senate to institute legislation that would resuscitate, literally from thin air, an Indian tribe that was conveniently in need of a casino for its “financial” survival. By pure coincidence, her son was partner of one of the firms who fronted the capital necessary to purchase much of the land around Rohnert Park, supposedly a high value area of San Francisco. The whole deal netted Doug Boxer a nice, cool profit of $8 millions.

And if that was not enough, the land in question, and the resurrected tribe, were exempt, again thanks to the good senator, from having to comply with any of the environmental restrictions that are burdening all other California businesses. This she achieved by being such a champion for the cause of environmental protection!

I sort of feel sorry for the old battleaxe, though. All these years that Boxer had complete control over her re-election had been so comfortable for her. Not having to face any real opposition had enabled the senator to keep all these little details away from the knowledge of the people of California. But this time around, facing a real threat to her perpetuation of power, people have been digging deep into the history of who used to be called “dumber than a doorknob”, uncovering all that was necessary to realize, just as I am doing now, that she is not as stupid as she wanted everyone to believe.
And I am not only talking about Conservatives.
Barbara Boxer was asked about the whole story by reporters from the ultra-liberal Sacramento Bee newspaper, and, according to reporters, her body language was betraying some discomfort at the inquiry.
Her answer was as pointless as usual:

“I can’t talk about any developments because my son was a lawyer who was part of some consultant that was somehow related to this.”

Talk about understating the truth: her little Doug has made a fortune out of the “somehow related” thing!

With all my prayers and wishes, come November 2 all this could be sent to the new Senate Ethics Committee chairperson for possible investigation of ethics violations. But only of Ma’am Boxer is going to be called “former senator” because currently she is the Chairperson of the Senate Ethics Committee.

Just my thoughts!

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