Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Last Gasp Of A Republic

By Semperpapa

Ever since the American people have begum to show their dissatisfaction with the policies of President Obama, the message has been clear from the establishment: the voice of the people will be snuffed.

From the side of the elitists in power we were told that we were angry, Nazi like throngs of ignorant masses, clinging to our guns, our Bibles and that useless piece of paper called the US Constitution.

From the other side, the one supposedly on our side, we were told that the Republic will be saved by our dedication to exercise our right to vote. All of it has taken us to the final push just a week before the so awaited 2010 mid-term elections.

Many have expressed the fear that the erosion of our national principles has been so deep and radical that there may not be a peaceful solution to the malaises threatening the survival of our country as we know it.
I was one of the dissenting voices, believing that the voice of the people will be heard on November 2nd, but in just one day my hopes received a massive blow.

On October 26, exactly one week before the people go to the polls, America was treated to the sign that the peaceful use of the ballot to return America to its principles may not be enough after all.

Hundreds of thousands of men and women have already been disenfranchised by the Democrat political machine via the failure of states to insure that the Military abroad would receive their voting ballots in time. And the Department of Justice has done its part in insuring that those in the Military, who tend to usually vote Republican, will be denied the right to express their opinions through their votes.

Several states have advance voting and the mark of fraud is already rearing its ugly head.
In Nevada, several people found that the voting ballot they were about to cast already had the Reid box checked. Several other “glitches” occurred within minutes at the same location, and, what a coincidence, all the “glitches” favored the Democrats.

In North Carolina, a man who was attempting to vote straight Republican ballot, found that every time he tried the voting machine would switch his vote to Democrat. It took him five attempts before the voting machine finally let him vote how he wanted.
Call me cynical, but when it comes to voter fraud, I do not believe in coincidences! Why? Can you say Senator Al Franken?

To increase my level of suspicion, it looks like the voting machines in Nevada that were “inadvertently” casting votes for Harry Reid, are maintained by technicians that belong to SEIU. No kidding!
So what we have here are technicians from a union that has spent millions of dollars for the re-election of the corrupt Reid, in charge of the technical integrity of the voting machines. What the hell could go wrong!

And if the voting frauds were not enough, the 9th Circuit District Court, also yesterday, struck down the Arizona provision that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote in that state.

I have heard the strong stance that people like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have taken in regard to those who are even mentioning the chance that the people may have violent reactions to the slow murder of our Republic.
I have heard the call to civility made by TEA Party participants, yes those racist, Nazi-like 70 and 80 years old radical grandmas.

What we are witnessing is the last gasp of a Republic.
From Obama on down, the training provided by the forces of Marxist ideology, combined with the training in the patient undermining of the principles of America from the Islamist roaming the Washington cocktail parties, are taking our beloved country in the direction that no American ever wanted to see.
We are witnessing the end of what we knew as the great experiment called the United States, turning into one of those banana republics where the “leader” holds elections and receives 99% of the votes.

Finally, Obama will get the same adulation the light of Ahmedinejad, Chavez and Castro. The unions and the DoJ will make sure!

The only question remaining is about the willingness of the American people to go down without a fight.

Just my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, some people, elsewhere, have commented on this piece that I am advocating violence.
    In the first place I have never advocated, nor supported or condoned any type of violence as a mean to carry a point of view. Actual violence for sake of promoting a political ideology would mean the absolute end of our Nation as the Land of the Free. Moreover it would be the ultimate betrayal of those, like SSgt. Bellavia and my son, who have risked their lives, everything they had, for the sort of Republic America is.
    It should be obvious that when I refer to “fighting” I intend to be a political fight. For too long now the American people have become apathetic in regard to what really happens to our country. All my ranting is aimed at waking up those who live in the blessful stupor of freedom taken for granted, not realizing that freedom is like a high performance machine, always in need of attention and maintenance.
    The enemies of America, from politicians to academia to elitist in general, accuse us, the unwashed common people, of just not being sophisticated enough to know what is good for us.
    The attacks against the people of America are so vicious these days because the people have become more informed and are rejecting the control of the politicians and the Media.
    So under that aspect, the American people are winning.

    Oh well, enough ranting…just my thoughts!
