Friday, October 1, 2010

The Progressive Plan For November 2010

By Semperpapa

33 days away from the mid-term Elections, some are wondering why President Obama does not appear to be as concerned as he should be about what looks like a tsunami of defeat that the Democrat Party is facing.

Some of the talk radio personalities are attributing it to the fact that having the Republicans re-gain the majority in one or both Houses of Congress may fit the agenda of the President in view of his 2012 re-election, and I must say that it makes sense, also looking at the distancing that most Liberal candidates have been doing from Obama during the campaign, surely feeling that close association with the President’s platform may be a sure road to unemployment.

But there may be a much more sinister reason for the apparent arrogance of Obama that may be found in the undercover work that his private armies may be doing.
OFA, the Unions, re-named ACORN affiliates and the New Black Panthers are going to be working hard to insure that the elections are going to favor the Progressive movement in America.
Voter’s fraud will occur! After all it worked to get someone like Al Franken into the US Senate!

Everyone remembers the instance of voters’ intimidation in Philadelphia in 2008, where two members of the New Black Panthers stood in front of a voting poll in para-military garbs, one holding a baton and spewing racial slurs at voters. Two years later and much racist behavior on the part of AG Eric Holder and the Dept. of Justice, we can safely say that the incident was what could be considered a dry-run for what may be seen in the upcoming elections and surely in 2012.

Just like terrorists prod the security system looking for breeches to exploit, the supporters of the Progressive agenda have prodded our voting system and have found the breech they were looking for: a complacent and racist federal law enforcement leadership that will do all that is necessary to allow the violation of the People’s rights.

And while Obama, Barney Frank and all the other liberals who are on the verge of being denied by the People, are blaming Fox News and TEA Party, the forces of subversion continue their work, covertly and out in the open.

Case in point is the chief of the AFL-CIO union Richard Trumka, who is exhorting his thugs to seize the power back from the activists of the TEA party and regain “control of the national conversation.”

At a gathering in New York, Trumka incited his followers to counter the will of the American People and take back the control of America.

He says:
“…we need to fundamentally restructure our economy and re-establish popular control over the private corporations which have distorted our economy and hijacked our government. That’s a long-term job, but one we should start now.”

Which in reality is exactly what the agenda of Obama and the Progressives in Congress has been since 2006.

What I read in Trumka’s statements is a call to mobilization of the thug force within the union system to do whatever is necessary to silence the voice of the majority of the American People. For many years now the Progressive forces at work in America have been able to relegate the silent majority to a place where they would be so whipped into the self-guilt by political correctness and accusations of racism that the silent majority has been made irrelevant.
What the TEA party has accomplished, among many other successes, is to renew the interest of the People in the conduct of the folks in Washington, to pay attention to the shenanigans that the “elected officials” have been engaged in. And the American People did not like what the saw!

Surely Mr. Trumka prefers the return to the good old days when the Progressives controlled the masses via the always successful accusations of racism and bigotry. But those days may be, if America is to survive, gone and the People may have had enough of the political correctness yoke.

33 days away. The New American Revolution is approaching, but be assured that the disturbing scenes we saw from Philadelphia in 2008 will be repeated across the country. It may be Black Panthers or purple shirt SEIU or AFL-CIO thugs, we will se it again.
The major difference is that the American People today are more aware of what may happen and hopefully better prepared and informed.

Just my thoughts!

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