Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Legal Blow For NOW And Planned Parenthood

By Semperpapa

NOW, the National Organization for Women, and Planned Parenthood has been dealt a huge blow as one of their heroes is under indictment for murder.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, in Philadelphia, is being charged with eight counts of murder. One count is for the death of a patient and seven for the killing of fetuses that had survived his abortion procedures.

According to District Attorney Seth Williams, Gosnell is responsible for the death of a woman due to the indescribable barbaric conditions his so-called clinic was in.
The charges regarding the fetuses’ deaths are based on Gosnell using scissors to severed the spinal cords of these babies who had been born alive in spite of the abortion procedures and who would have had viable chances for survival.

The “doctor” has been operating his Women Medical Society clinic for over 30 years, his favorite patients being minorities, immigrants and poor women.
He has made millions of dollars by exploiting current laws and the incompetence of state regulators who failed to investigate complaints filed against the monster over the years.

Finally, the law caught up with Gosnell when the DA run an investigation regarding illegal drugs violations and they were appalled by what they found when they visited the “clinic”.
DA Williams described the place as a “house of horror” with bottles disseminated all over the location with aborted fetuses in them. Basically a horrendous scene to witness.

All this considered, NOW and PP will probably come out with some sort of accusation of racism or sexism against the Philadelphia District Attorney for the arrest and the statements made to qualify the charitable work that Dr. Gosnell has been engaged in. After all, the good doc was just providing a all necessary service to women and to the cause. Let me explain.

Gosnell is providing the all needed ability to eliminate a baby from the mother’s life even when the existing law legalizing abortion is no longer applicable, when the baby is about to be born. Just a pesky little legal irritation, the ban on late term abortions, that the on-demand-at-any-time crowd is always trying to get rid of and which has even received the support of our current President.

But Gosnell is also providing a great service to the well documented cause of eugenics that the Left has been pursuing for decades. And the “specialization” in treatment for immigrants, minorities and poor women is perfectly in line with the proponents of a eugenic control of the population procreation by concentrating on that section of the population that is at the bottom of the societal ladder.

Nowhere in the Associated Press article was stated the political affiliation of doctor Gosnell, but the mere fact that the media is practically ignoring the story and my own gut feeling tells me that he is not a registered Republican.

Just my thoughts!


  1. Well, to address a couple of points. Dr. Gosnell is, if the hot press is accurate, guilty of breaking the law with respect to late term abortions...and appeared to have intensive focus on low income and ethic groupings. *shudders* The pro-choice movement does NOT support targeting of classed groupings...and what is described in the indictment is appalling - not what the movement of choice is all about. Viable fetuses should not be murdered. The actual percentage of necessary late term abortions is quite low...and this event is likely to spark outrage among the anti-abortion supporters as a galvanizing push to regulate clinics that do not perform late term abortions.

    The second topic brought up - regarding eugenics ...Margaret Sanger has been vilified about this for decades - and the truth of the history has been blurred horrifically. The history of the "Negro Project" is outlined here via NYU ( the nature of how she became the scapegoat -- vilified alongside the likes of Hitler and the KKK is a grotesque distortion of the actual history. Planned Parenthood also has a historical account ( - though I can certainly understand the question of avoiding a source that might have an agenda. As a PPFA supporter, I do not see an active agenda where Margaret Sanger is the same time, I respect the skepticism surrounding the idea of endorsing a write-up by an organization that would have every reason to possibly skew the history. This is why I provide the NYU link, because of the greater likelihood of the neutrality. The NYU account of the history is simple and verifiable...even in the face of MANY groups who would seek to use any means necessary to destroy women's options of choice and availability for family planning.

    I merely offer these thoughts up as one perspective into two very heated topics - as neutrally and respectfully as I'm able - because many people have passionately held views, which is completely understandable. *nod*

    Just my thoughts.

  2. There is a big difference in the lawful adherence to the law of the land and the subject of my post. The law, independently of my own personal beliefs, is that the a woman has freedom of choice in matters of reproduction.
    It is a very controversial subject indeed, but personally I do not find it to be anything more than a moral issue, instead of a legislative one.
    The point of my post was more directed to the clear violation of the law on the part of Gosnell and even more on the political corruption of the authorities in Philadelphia that allowed it to continue for such a long time.
    And that was the context in which I mentioned eugenics, and you are the one who brought up Margaret Sanger, whose name I never mentioned.
    Anyone who does any research can easily find out that Sanger was vehemently opposed to the practice of abortion, that her life work was more directed to the issue of prevention (which btw I am in full support of!) and that she was also opposed to the so-called "positive eugenics". I also understand that she has been pared to Hitler unfairly when she was very critical of the Nazi "final solution" approach to eugenics.
    On the other hand, she did give a nice speech at a KKK convention in New Jersey in 1926.
    Maybe your mention of Sanger was sparked by the fact that she was the founder of the American Birth Control League which became Planned Parenthood, but I cannot help but think that the mission of the current organization has strayed from the initial intentions of Sanger.
    You are a supporter of PPFA (Plastic Pipe and Fitting Association? Sorry just a little humor here - it has been a long day), and I can appreciate that, even if I am not.

    I thank you for the link and I will look it up as time permits, but I have a nasty predisposition toward the university system, in that, as a source of information, I trust them very little.
    I will, nevertheless, check it out when I get the chance.

    Semperpapa, out.

  3. *chuckle* I appreciate your levity, truly. I mentioned Sanger, mainly because when I hear about eugenics alongside the discussion about abortion, her name inevitably crops up. I have worked tirelessly through the years to try to educate people about what she stood for and what her passion was. She was the original founder of *grin* Plastic Pipe & Fitting Assoc. ;p...her speech at KKK conv has to be consistently put into perspective with the era, and the view of the KKK at the time. My great-grandfather was almost murdered because of his refusal to join them. *heavy sigh* While I am proud of my heritage, I recognize there was a LOT of ugly back then, and I take pains to not commit the "sin" of false anachronisms with respect to today's societal expectations in comparison with the 1920s. Meh.

    I am glad of your journal here, though, SA. I had only heard in passing about the "good doktor" in Phillie...but had not had an opportunity to dig into the story. Upon reading it, I wanted to cry, because what he has done is antithetical to the pro-choice ideals. Viable fetuses are not generally open for discussion with respect to abortion, outside of lifesaving measures for the mother and options for the fetus upon removal from the uterus. *wincing in pain* As a mother of 3 and an egg donor AND an advocate of choice (and prevention first and foremost), the idea of healthy, viable fetuses being stuffed in garbage bags after having their spines cut with scissors - makes my stomach turn.

  4. I am glad you mentioned the idea of prevention first and foremost. I have always contended that the choice should be available in extreme cases (mother's health etc.), but I am against the us of abortion as a birth control device.

    What Gosnell has done, if convicted, is setting the cause of women back, because he has added fuel to those extremist religious zealots and their agenda.
    I also do still contend that the investigation should expand to those city officials, past and present, who kept their eyes closed to these atrocities committed by Gosnell. They should be held accountable too!

    Thanks for the contribution to this topic.

    Semperpapa - out!

  5. *nods heavily* Choice isn't free. It comes with a high price. Responsibility comes *first*, and maybe that is just my opinion.

    I have been criticized heavily (as a parent) for ensuring that my kids have ALL options put right in front of them. With detailed instruction. Maybe it's my vanity and pride...? *sideways grin* I don't wanna be a gramma earlier than I need to be (hell, I'm not even 40 yet)...and I don't want my kids dealing with diseases. How do we prevent those things? Yeah, abstinence is a fantastic idea and ideal....but history bears the truth out.

    Instead of expecting them to be less than human, and instead of adhering to their schools' funding (and parental "education") about such matters...which is predominately church-based, I chose to educate them. It was and IS very awkward, uncomfortable...all that. Guess what? Babies don't *stay* babies. They grow up and figure life out.

    My kids know what their options actually are. Prevention is at the TOP of the list. Respect for *self AND partner* of *self AND partner*...first and foremost. It's really tough for most parents to acknowledge, much less accept...that kids create sex. Every generation does. It is a painful truth. But it is a truth that does not change. Practice doesn't make perfect...but it DOES make permanent. I made the conscious decision to not repeat my parents' mistakes on *this* particular topic.

    I have yet to regret that choice. :)
