Saturday, January 1, 2011

Religion Of Peace Attacks Against Christians: This Is The Tolerance We Can Expect

By Semperpapa

As the Coptic Christian worshipers were leaving the church after the New Year services in Alexandria, Egypt, a car bomb exploded just in front of the building, killing seven and injuring scores of others.
It is unclear, at this time, if the car had been wired to explode or if the explosive had been placed under the parked vehicle. And no claim for the attack has been made by any specific group.

Well, this is the tolerance we can expect from Islam. Today it manifests itself in Egypt, or Iraq or Somalia, but, gone unchecked, it will soon show up within our borders.

Attacks against Christians in Islamic predominant countries appear to be on the rise. This latest attack will, most likely, be forgotten as the complacent Egyptian authorities blame the ever convenient al Qaeda for the attack without providing details for their accusations.
Blaming the terror group is just a way for the Egyptian government to derail attention toward the clear sectarian fighting that exists in that country.

I am still waiting for moderate Muslims in the United States to come out in protestation against these acts. Where is the self-proclaimed prophet of Islamic moderation Feisal Rauf?
Oh wait, I forgot. He is getting ready to tour America to bring attention to the islamophobic intolerance of the American people toward the religion of peace.

Surely, during his touring of those bastions of radicalism like Harvard and Yale, he will be quick to address the intolerance of those Christians who, after the bombing on New Year's Eve, in anger stormed a nearby mosque. Those are the real intolerant folks!

But luckily, here in the United States, we have pillars of knowledge like Katie Couric. She had one of those revelations that make her so "unique" as a stooge.
According to the perky one, there should be a television version of the "Cosby Show" dedicated to Muslims. The reasoning, if one can call it such, is that there is a "seething hatred" for Muslims in America.
In the first place, I find offensive the insinuation that, up to the time the Cosby Show hit the airways, there was a seething hatred for blacks. I used to watch that show because it was a good show, with a really funny actor and a show that promoted family unity and personal responsibility. Not because it represented some sort of "window" into Black culture.

Secondly, the "seething hatred" for Muslims described by Couric is in fact a reflection of her own racism. She is nothing more than another feel-good elitist who likes to point accusatory fingers at the American people from her self-imagined ivory tower.

I, on the other hand, and many like me, realize that if such "seething hatred" really existed, the body count of anti-Muslim crime would be astronomical as a reaction to the 9-11-01 attacks.
Instead, statistics show that so called hate crimes have increased, but that the majority of them have been perpetrated against Jews.
In New York alone, the recently published report on hate crimes for 2009 showed a 14% increase. Hate crime against Jews increased by 15% and for that year, 251 crimes against Jews were reported versus 11 against Muslims.

How is that for "seething hatred", Katie? How is that for intolerance, Rauf?

The average American, the type so loathed by people like Couric and Rauf, only holds hatred against those radical Muslims who are ready to slaughter innocent people. But this is a concept that the elitist crowd does not grasp, because in their eyes there is no innocent people in America outside of some penthouses in Manhattan or some mansions in Hollywood.

The people slaughtered in Egypt, or Baghdad or Somalia were only guilty of professing their religion. They were targeted for that reason only, showing that when mentioning "seething hatred" or "religious intolerance" such attributes should be segregated only for our friends, the radical Islamists.

Just my thoughts!

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