Monday, January 10, 2011

Waiting For An Apology, Linda Lopez

By Semperpapa

Arizona State Senator and liberal progressive douchebag Linda Lopez, asserted in her interview with the dim light Shepard Smith on Fox News that she believed the shooter in Tucson was an Afghan War Veteran.

All she based her ASS-umption was on some misguided news reports, but she was quick to run with it, basking in the orgasmic pleasure of being able to blame this act of lunacy on the Military.

The truth has been found that her position was faulty, misguided and grossly premature, but the twit is now MIA from the media and has not issue any apology, not even a left handed one.

As the father of a US Marine, Afghan War combat Veteran, I demand that the moron apologize for her short sighted, prejudicial statement that clearly shows where her ideological dark heart really lies.

Here is her e-mail address at the AZ legislature (it appears that the contact info for the Senate has been removed)

Let us make our voices heard and demand that she would take responsibility for her ideological blindness.

Just my thoughts!

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