Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cleaning The Backyard

22 January 2010

The Senatorial Special elections of 19 January was an amazing victory for the people of Massachusetts, American Conservatives and American people in general. What Senator Scott Brown accomplished in a predominantly Liberal state was really miraculous, a testimony to a well planned and passionate campaign.
Most of all it showed to politicians that they must listen to the people they elected. Ignoring us will result in a pink slip.

Aside giving the American people the hope that the disastrous legislature in Congress could be constitutionally stopped, what Scott Brown accomplished was to give Conservatives across the Nation the message that perseverance can overcome the most insurmountable odds.

Moreover, the events of Tuesday in Massachusetts have rung an alarming bell in the Liberal camps across Congress, both Democrats and Republicans.

The entire House of Representatives is up for re-election in November and Liberals across the country are now feeling the strain of uncertainty. What Brown's victory demonstrated was that the outcome of any elections is not necessarily set in stone just because the constituency has a specific political makeup.

As the US Constitution dictates, and the Founding Fathers intended to, the voice of the people will be heard and if the people are sick enough of a specific political agenda, the people will change the environment.

Gavin Newsome, the ultra-Progressive, Liberal mayor of San Francisco, expressed his concern at a breakfast in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Mr. Newsome is concerned that if the people are pushed enough by their perception of an overbearing, intrusive government, any candidate is no longer safe, including Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer.

The basic point is that if the people are affected by growing unemployment, runaway spending, over-taxation, increasing intrusion in their lives by the government, bail outs, secrecy in policy making, dirty deals and so on and so on, the people may decide they had enough and make their feelings known at the voting booth.

Scott Brown's got elected because he went to the people of Massachusetts and spoke their language, he addressed their concerns and aspirations. While he was roaming around the state in his now famous pick up truck, Coakley was attending fund raises in D.C., rubbing elbow with who's who in the zoo.

Brown won the elections because he believes in smaller government and low taxes, less intrusion by the government and strong defense and victory, all concepts that the elite Left is alien to.
And the consequences of his victory are creating a predicted frenzy among the loony Left, eager to feed on itself.

This is particularly true in California, where the November elections will witness the people chance to rid the state and the Senate of the Princess of Loon, Barbara Boxer.
According to a late poll, Ma'am Boxer has a 46% approval in the state, first time below 50%. She will be facing a strong opposition in November from finally a viable candidate. Californians will have three good candidates to chose from in the Primaries: Carly Fiorina, Chuck DeVore and Campbell.
DeVore is the most Conservative of the bunch and so far my favorite, but Fiorina and Campbell are also deserving of attention. In any case, just about anyone would be better than Boxer.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done by the Conservatives in California. And we are many. We need to make sure that all the avenues of victory are covered.
But the state and national Republican Party needs to step up to the plate and help the people of California to rid the state of not only of Boxer, but of as many Liberals as possible (Waters, Waxman, Pelosi, the list is so long) so that the State can return to be an economic power, the envy of the country and stop being a welfare state.

Now it is time to benefit from Scott Brown's achievement. I hope that Fiorina, DeVore and Campbell will take a good look at the campaign the Massachusetts Senator run and apply the lesson to their own campaigns. Whatever Mr. Brown did worked!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

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