Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Political Cannibalism

19 January 2010

Results from Massachusetts are premature, but news has already started to flow out of the state into the media cluster. Earlier today info leaked out that Liberal operatives making phone calls to voters to urge them to cast the ballot for Coakley were being summarily dismissed by the people called and told they were voting for Brown.
Polling being what it is, the actual time when the American people will be able to rejoice or not will be when the results will become officials.

While many across America are willing to wait for the official results, it appears that there are some Liberals who are already engaging in pure political cannibalism.
With hours still before the polling places closed, one of Martha Coakley campaign advisors came out swinging against the Liberals in Washington, including the White House. According to this advisor, Coakley may have taken the race for granted, but the Liberal machine in D.C. did too.
He added that Coakley held a 20 points advantage in mid-December and by January 5, that margin had evaporated to 9 points.

But the Coakley campaign was not the first to start the political cannibalism: the initial bite was taken by none other than Rahm Emanuel, followed by Gibbs and Axelrod, all pointing the finger toward Coakley and the way she run the campaign and how she waited so long to ask for help. Gibbs even insinuated how Obama himself was not happy with the way things had been run in Martha’s camp.

So what can be discerned by this show of the big guns of the Administration eating their young? One may assume that the Chicago political machine has written off the Massachusetts Senate seat and that now it is time to go to plan B in order to accomplish the agenda.

Earlier today, Ohio senator George Voinovich had a meeting with Obama. Why would a white, retiring Republican senator be of any interest to Obama? Because Voinovich has a history of going against his own Party, a history of Liberal political positions, so what it looks like is that Obama is starting to pander to those RINOs who he knows have a treasonous past. I expect that Collins and Snowe will be next on the appointment schedule for the Messiah. Of course all he needs is just one traitor to make up for the Massachusetts massacre.

Meanwhile, Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), House Majority Leader, is blaming the whole thing on the Republican Party. Let’s try to follow his logic.
According to Hoyer, the dissatisfaction shown by voters across the country and in Massachusetts in particular, is due to the obstructionism that the GOP has been employing since last summer.
He adds: “I think what the public is angry about is they see, first of all, an opposition for opposition’s sake.”
Well, Mr. Hoyer, with all undue respect, it appears to me that you are complaining about the public actually having a voice that disagrees with your agenda. You and your cohorts are mad that the American people had the audacity to contradict your plans. You, dirty elitists, cannot fathom the possibility that the "lower" masses are not happy with your Fascist take over, that we dare challenge your actions.
Well, Mr. Hoyer, get used to it. The T.E.A. Party you and your kind so smugly dismissed, those who reject wealth redistribution and governmental invasion of our lives are just getting started. This is the first day of the New American Revolution.

And than there is the always entertaining Barney Frank, who, like a good Liberal, has become an opposing force against the constitutionally guaranteed filibuster rule. He stated in a phone interview that it is time to eliminate the filibuster, that God did not create the filibuster (it is really weird to hear Barney mention God) and that the whole thing should be amended.
So, if I understand the slobbering idiot, he wants to change the US Constitution to fit his agenda, he wants to change the same rules that his Liberal kind used to block judicial nominees they did not want. When it came to stopping the nomination of judges they did not agree with, the filibuster was a good rule, but now it should be abolished. At least until the day it is convenient to the Liberals again and than Barney will want to change the rules again. That how Liberals work.

So as the political cannibalism continues, and Liberals take turns to point a finger at each other, anonymously of course, my hopes for a sound victory for Scott Brown increase.
But as I have no other interest in the game outside of my hope for the future of our Nation, I will just wait for the official results before I plan my next step. In the meantime, I just sit back and enjoy how the Liberals tear each other apart and become uneasy about the November elections, especially in California. I will tell you about it next time.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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