Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just As I Thought

One of my fears materialized over the 2009 Memorial Day weekend, when the President announced his pick for replacing Justice David Souter and the winner is: Sonia Sotomayor.

Ok, you would say, so what. Well she is the one that I was afraid of the most, because she is not just a Liberal but she has made some statements that I sure do not want to hear from a Supreme Court Justice.
One of the most famous, and targeted by the Right, is the video that shows judge Sotomayor telling an audience that appellate courts are important because that is where policy is made. She sort of rescinded the statement making a joke about being recorded. Considering the record that federal courts in the United States have regarding legislating from the bench, I find the “joke” not funny and most disturbing.
This is the last step, as I mentioned before, toward the complete defeat of our country. And if you believe that I am blowing this out of proportion, I sure hope you are correct, because this Latina will be seating on the highest court, waiting for the next progressive appointee from emperor Obama to complete the take over of the SCOTUS, which will happen soon with the retirement of Gingburg. Someone should tell this chica that the job of the Judiciary, as indicated by that pesky document called the United States Constitution, is NOT to make law or policies, but to apply the law according to the way it is written and not the way she interprets it according to her ethnic background, her “personal” experiences in life and personal ideology. The division of powers as dictated by the Constitution was specifically introduced to eliminate people like this chick and Obama from arbitrarily imposing her will on the people.

She said that the Constitution is the law and should not be deviated from, but just her statement is in contradiction with this position. So what is it, honey? I know Obama is your Messiah and that he must be your idol as far as being able to juggle two separate positions on the same subject, but you are not the Messiah!

Just about now a lot of you may be upset at me for my disregarding of my own rules about racial statements, but there is a reason behind my madness. One of Sotomayor statements was, and I am paraphrasing, that a Latina woman is most likely to make better decisions that white men.
Now, does that statement make you just as upset? It should, as racism is not a one-way issue in any society. If the only time that a racist remark is disturbing to you is when it aligns with Political Correctness, only when the targets are those that PC has deemed untouchable, than you are not any better than the merchants of racism the like of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.
Let me say, for example, that when the confirmation hearings where being conducted for judge Sam Alito the Media would have come out and found a recording of Alito saying that it is most likely for a white male judge to be right than a black female judge, what do you suppose the reaction in the Media would have been? Would that kind of statement be racially improper? You bet! Was the Latina judge Sotomayor statement racially improper? You bet!
It would be interesting to see the same situation with instead of Sotomayor making the statement would have been Sam Alito. How fast do you suppose the Left would have gone into the streets and protest? How long before Al Sharpton would have been marching in the streets supporting societal underdogs in one of his $1000 suit? Faster than you can say “Sotomayor”.

Yes, the nomination of this woman is a brilliant political move, as she is not competent enough for the SCOTUS (after all over 60% of her appellate decision were overturned by the same court she is slated to join) and the only reason for the choice is to put a new zinger in the Republicans in the Senate, who in their spineless usual way, will cave in their PC corners cowering. People have said it is imperative that the GOP will not appear to oppose Sotomayor’s confirmation, lest alienate the Hispanic vote. Is that the same vote that went to Obama after all the pandering McCain had done to Hispanics?

No, my dear Republicans. Being a political prostitute is not going to work anymore. The American Conservatives are not going to give you a blank check any longer, as you have abused our trust repeatedly. We are tired of it and you will all pay for your betrayal of the Conservative ideals.
It is time to start behaving according to the principles true Americans hold dear, time to act on what is right instead of what is convenient, time to turn up the heat on the enemies of the Republic, and if you cannot stand the heat get out of Congress.

You GOP Senators must ask this woman to thoroughly explain her statement about the judiciary making policy as this alone should disqualify her from the SCOTUS, never mind her racist remarks.
Remember how Judge Bork was treated in the 1980s, and how viciously was Judge Thomas treated. It is not pay back time, but it is time to stand up for the principles of the people that put you in office and who have the ability to fire you.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

1 comment:

  1. Today, Sotomayer has been quoted as saying that she feels the Second Amendment applies to the Federal Government and not to citizens. Only government agencies should be allowed to carry guns. She also says that states are not rules by the Constitution, so they can make laws that directly contradict the Constitution.

    From the sounds of it, she's got the job and not one had better get in her way.

