Friday, February 12, 2010

Biden The Corurageous

By Semperpapa

I must admit that I admire Joe Biden for his courage. No really!

Now before all of you that know me start thinking that I am going to the nefarious side or just plainly lost the little sanity I had left, I want to point out that it takes some real courage and determination to sit in front of the cameras of a nationally televised talk show and maintain a straight face as you spew the most unbelievable lies, distortions and fabrications. And keep that straight face!

Ok I understand that after all the fact that Biden was on the Larry King show really means that the sixteen people that were actually watching him is a mitigating fact, but still this is the damn Vice President of the United States, the man who is second to the Presidency and surely the best life insurance policy Obama could have ever gotten.

This is what Joe said on the Larry King show on Wednesday:
“I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.
I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences.”
Ok, if just about now you start hearing the Twilight Zone music in your head, do not panic as it happens to the best of us when we are faced with such amazing show of pure insanity, the courage of actually go on national television and lie and cheat his way into taking credit for a success in Iraq against which he and Obama and Murtha and Pelosi and Schumer and Levin and Reid and on and on, did all they could to insure that the American blood spilled on the sand of that far land was rendered insignificant.
(Please someone remind this pompous piece of camel crap that the only reason cause the political process is allowed to work today is because there were our sons and daughters willing to use their guns first!)

It also must be courage to be able to talk about how impressed he is with the advances that the Iraqi government has achieved in the area of stability and control, after having been the one person to suggest that Iraq was never going to be a united country under one centralized government and that the best thing to do was to split it into three separate nations.

And all this is to be considered one of the greatest accomplishments of the current administration?

Come on Joe, even you cannot actually believe in such load of bullshit!

The one time that the phrase “it’s Bush’s fault” should have been used, Biden missed the opportunity, and as a matter of fact he may have been incurring the ire of Obama, as Joe’s statement could be construed as a declaration of, dare I say, victory in Iraq?
Careful Joe, your articulate, clean black man Obama still needs those exemplary Americans of Code Pink and the like and such talk does not further Obama’s popularity among the wretched throngs.

And these are my thoughts!

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