By Semperpapa
A report has surfaced in regard to the body scanners that are being employed in airports across the globe to improve security for the millions who travel the “friendly” skies.
The scanners, which are being rushed into operation thanks to the near disaster, man made disaster, of last Christmas Day over Detroit, gives the security officers the ability to detect terrorists threats like the one that the panties bomber, to use a definition from Mark Steyn, was carrying on Flight 253.
Well, just another annoyance for those who have to rely on air travel, while I can already predict some form of PTSD for TSA employees forced to watch thousand of people nude-like images for hours on hand.
But the whole system finds itself in a conundrum, because certain groups belonging to the pro-Islamic terrorism Muslim Brotherhood are protesting the use of the scanners. FCNA (Figh Council of North America) is an Islamic group associated with ISNA, another group associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an organization that aims at the destruction of the West from within (from their own mission statement).
And of course the ever present Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is supporting the contentions of the FCNA.
What are these contentions? Simply put, the images the body scanners are showing the authorities sre considered against the teachings of the Muslim faith.

What the opposition is based on is the aspect of Islamic teaching where decency and modesty of the followers of the religion would be insulted by the fact that others would see their naked bodies. In the typical confusing manner, FCNA statement says that:
"It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women…"
The groups are proposing that body scanners would not be used on Muslims and that Muslims should opt for body pat downs.
Of course, should authorities side with the Islamists, which is a very good possibility with President Obama and AG Holder past record, and exempt them from being scanned, the next step would be for CAIR and whatever other conglomeration of members of the religion of peace, to object to pat downs, as it is probably against their teachings for an Infidel to touch a Muslim, unless TSA officers are Muslims.
So, recapping, in the perfect world of CAIR and all other Islamic terror supporting groups, all those of the Muslim faith should be exonerated from the body scanners and instead should be subjected to physical body searches, but only in the most extreme cases, whatever that means.
Of course the physical body search should only be conducted by Muslim security officers, but cavity searches are not permitted because they would amount to the officer being able to see the Muslim passenger naked. Are you following this? So basically in the case of the Christmas Panty Bomber, he would have gone through anyway, because the explosive was in an area of his body off limits to security check, so not to offend him!
So the best possible solution is for security to take the Muslim passenger at his or her word as non-terrorist status is declared, after all why would anybody doubt the word of people that fight behind innocent women and children, or fly airplanes into civilian buildings.

Or there is also another solution: being the safety and security of the thousands of passengers flying around every hour is so offensive to the followers of Allah, maybe such followers should NOT avail themselves of the use of air transportation, which could make flying much easier and safer for the rest of us.
And these are my thoughts!
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