Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tingle Up My Leg

By Semperpapa

Not a day goes by without the few Americans who actually watch MSNBC are treated to some additional insanity. Be it Matthews, or the straight-jacket-bound Olbermann or the former Air America Maddow. In any case entertainment is assured as this conglomeration of morons continues to pollute the airwaves.

Olbermann is discarded as type of washed out sport commentator at the end of a very meaningless career as a television nobody.
Maddow is a former Air America talk show host, and considering the success of that “source” of information, the business plan of the network for her must have been just one phrase: throw shit on the wall and see what sticks!

But the gift that keeps on coming is Chris Matthews, in some circles considered to be a journalist, who instead has become the laughing stock of so many Americans.

On Monday, Matthews was talking on the air with Eugene Robinson and Susan Page about Sarah Palin’s speech at the Tea Party Convention that took place in Tennessee (oh my God, one of those gun toting, Bible carrying red states!), and at one point Matthews made this statement:

“Charismatic leaders have done this country and this world a lot of harm,”

I immediately thought that Matthews’ accusation of “charisma” as a dangerous quality of Sarah Palin was at least humorous, but a more in depth analysis of the statement brought me to actually agree with the guy.
There is no better example of charisma being dangerous than Matthews’ champion Obama.
Here we have a man with no experience in running anything, no experience of accomplishing anything, a man that has spent his life using the system to advance his own radical agenda via his only ability of being able to speak in a convoluted, confusing way.
Obama experience as a community organizer, and if one looks at the areas of Chicago where his organizing took place, not really much of a success story, proves that Community Organizing is far from being a resume enhancer for this man.

And yet, Obama was able in a stunning short time, to go from being a radical in the streets of Chicago to the White House. How did this happen?
Matthews gives the answer. Charisma, pure and simple. Obama has been able to work his arrogance into the charismatic image of a man who was going to change the world, not just our country. He was able to blow enough smoke in the eyes of so many Americans thanks to a well oiled political machine not seen since the days of Al Capone.
Matthews is also correct in his mentioning the damage a charismatic leader can do. To agree with him one only has to take a look at our economy, our security and our foreign policy.

What does not cease to amaze me is the balls Liberals demonstrate in shoving their hypocrisy directly in the face of the American people.
Dissent used to be patriotism under Bush, but it is racism under Obama.
Government watching out for terrorists was Civil Rights abuse, but government taking over private industry is salvation.
Charisma was all needed to elect Obama, but Palin’s charisma is harmful to humanity.

At least when I watch “Tingle Boy” I do not forget he’s white, and a moron.

And these are my thoughts!

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