White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is at odds with Attorney General Eric Holder over the AG decision to try the 9-11 masterminds in federal courts.
This according to an article from the magazine the New Yorker. And for any person that does not go any further than the headline, for any person who avoids reading into the article and is opposed to the irresponsible actions of Holder, it may seem that Emanuel is taking the high road when it comes to the security of the Nation.
The truth is a different one. Yes Emanuel has declared his opposition to Holder's misguided decision, but not for the same reasons that the majority of America is. Rahm's motivation is purely political.
Good old Rahm, in between f-ing this and f-ing that, was able to explain that Holder’s decision of bringing the Islamic terrorist responsible for the 9-11 attacks to federal courts acted as a turn off for those Republicans the Administration needs to accomplish the closing down of Guantanamo Bay Military prison.
Specifically, Emanuel is now afraid that Obama’s promise of closing the Gitmo facility will turn into the next failure of an administration that already has numerous failed campaign promises. In particular, Emanuel concern is that Sen. Lindsey Graham will withdraw his support to the closing of Gitmo as the senator has spoken and demonstrated his personal opposition to moving terrorist trials in US criminal courts.
The South Carolina RINO Graham has been a supporter of several Obama decisions, including the confirmation of Sotomajor to the Supreme Court. Obama and Emanuel counted Graham in the bag, but it now appears that the RINO is out of the bag and that the calculations made by Obama to put America on trial via the actions of Holder is going to backfire on the whole gang as Graham told the magazine that bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his accomplices to New York, to any Federal court was a non-starter.
Emanuel opposition is purely political, not at all connected to the fact that the actions of Holder and his boss on the subject of the treatment of Muslim terrorists, is counterproductive to the safety of the country. As a good Chicago two-bit thug politician, Rahm only concern is the achievement of his and Obama agenda, regardless what the price is for that accomplishment. After all, according to Emanuel himself, we would not want a f-ing crisis to go to f-ing waist. So the f-ing party was spoiled by f-ing Holder and now the f-ing Republican f-ing senator is going to f-ing hold out his f-ing support.
I really feel sorry for Rahm. Of all the plans to ruin the country, Obama and he have only achieved the semi-destruction of our economy, skyrocketing unemployment, increase vulnerability to our enemies and the alienation of the majority of the American people. But so many of the campaign promises have crushed and burned and Gitmo must have been one of their favorite.
F-ing Holder!
And these are my thoughts!
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