Monday, February 15, 2010

Statistics Will Save Our Country

By Semperpapa

I have always hated statistics, especially when used to justify bad behavior. I realize that in the total scheme of things, statistical analysis may be useful to some degree, but those affected by the bad behavior ultimately care very little about percentages.

Case in point is the September 11, 2001 attacks. Nearly 3,000 people were lost on that faithful day. Considering the population of the United States at a round 300,000,000 the percentage of casualties is not that impressive, isn’t it? Tell that to the families!

Now, according to the statistical line of thought done by John Brennan, 0.00001% casualty rate must be miniscule, if he believes that 5% recidivism on the part of the terrorist released back into circulation is an acceptable rate.
Now you may say that is a joke, but it isn’t.

John Brennan is Obama’s top counter-terrorism official.
Few days back Mr. Brennan made the statement that in the federal penal system, America sees 20% recidivism in criminals released from prison. In his opinion, then, 5% recidivism for released terrorists is really not that bad.

What we heard from the Administration top counter-terrorism advisor to the President is that in his view the American people should not complain about the terrorists that have been sent back to places like Saudi Arabia and Yemen for “re-habilitation” when they show back up on the battlefield fighting to kill our men and women in uniform or attempting to bring harm back on our soil.
If the American society can accept 20% recidivism from our prison inmates, which includes purse snatchers, bad checks writers, and a myriad of other “hard core” criminals, we, the American people, should be ecstatic about 5% recidivism among people who want to commit mass murder and bring our civilization down.
How long before we hear Biden the Courageous tell us that the tiny 5% is one of the Obama’s Administration “great achievements?”

National Security Adviser Jim Jones was interviewed over the weekend by Chris Wallace of Fox News and, when confronted with Brennan’s statement, tried to twirl around the subject. He stated that the inmates at Guantanamo cannot be held in captivity indefinitely without due process. And I say: Why the hell not!
They were captured on the battlefield fighting against our Military. They are suspected of participating and/or masterminding the murder of thousands of American civilians.
Due process? In my humble opinion, a confession should buy a front center ticket to a firing squad. A dead terrorist will not return to the battle. A dead terrorist will not be culpable of recidivism.

The approach of the Obama administration to the War on Terror we are involved in has been mind blowing. From the reluctance to even call it a war to the actions of Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano, the confidence of the American people regarding the ability of this government to protect our security is dropping at an alarming rate.
And in light of the fact that according to the US Constitution the number one role of the federal government is to protect its citizens, the confidence of the people in the ability of this administration to fulfill that role diminishes every time Mr. Brennan opens his mouth.

If We the People get lucky, Brennan, together with Holder and Napolitano, will be perceived as political liability from the always campaigning Obama and thrown unceremoniously under the Ramh Emanuel/David Axelrod bus.
I just hope it will not take a major terror attack to insure it.

Just my thoughts.

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