Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Real Smelly Situation

By Semperpapa
(Warning! Graphic Language)

It was one of those forgettable Senate hearings today, as Michigan Senator Carl Levin went on a rampage against the former Goldman & Sacks head of the mortgage department David Sparks.
Not being one that blushes easily, it actually happened once in 1976, at the sound of foul language, I still feel that the display put on by the senator was a real downer.

The good old career politician from Michiganistan used the word “shitty”, by some accounts, a whooping 11 times while describing the operational conduct of business that the Wall Street Company had engaged in.
Far from being an apologist for Goldman & Sacks, I would have gotten a real kick if Mr. Sparks would have turned around and told Levin that considering to the crap sandwich the senator and all his colleagues in Congress have been feeding the American people, the level of hypocrisy was the real “shitty” part of the whole discussion.

And in reality, that is the whole point of this rant. I personally was not offended by the nasty language of Carl Levin, but mostly by the incredible level of hypocrisy demonstrated by Levin and the other corrupted criminals who walk around the halls of MY Congress.
The man from Wall Street was chastised by a member of a political body that has done everything possible, and even impossible and unethical, to create the perfect conditions for the bad business behavior.

What is shitty is the personal dealings that Obama has done with, remember anyone?, Tony Rezko in Chicago in real estate.

Shitty is Michelle Obama tripling her salary as an administrator for a Chicago hospital the day Obama became senator, only to leave the position when he entered the presidential race. Her position, with the more than $300,000 yearly salary, was so valuable that she was never replaced.

Shitty is the extortion perpetrated by Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank upon lending institutions to give loans to people who could never repay them, by misleading everyone about the conditions of Freddy Mack and Sally Mae, all for the purpose of running some sort of social engineering pet project that in the long run proved to be disastrous for millions of people.

What I find shitty is the Marxist-style take over of private industries on the part of the government and the imposition of undue burdens on small businesses resulting in the level of unemployment we are experiencing.

Shitty was Obama taking months before deciding to give Gen. McChrystal the troops he had asked for to handle the war in Afghanistan, and when he finally made the decision, he only gave a portion of the request and stated a withdrawal timeline. Shitty are the lives of our Military that were lost while the President was busy going on nightly television shows and traveling to Europe for the Olympics.

The list of “shitty” could go on for some time. In reality it appears that there is a lot of smelly defecation in Washington D.C. these days, crap that the elitists are force feeding the American people. Some of us have become so apathetic that we do not even pay attention to any of this until it touches us personally in our pockets; some of us are so happy that we can rest our fate in the hands of the government, absolving us from any need to actually having to take responsibility for our own actions, always happy for handouts and for redistribution of other people money; and than there are some of us who literally foam at the mouth in frustration at the garbage we are witnessing coming from the politicians in power, praying that the damage done by this totally unhinged President and Congress can be reversed when some real American Patriots sweep the elections in November.

My cry remains the same: Fire Them All! And I mean both Republican and Democrats and put in their places new blood with the clear understanding that if they do not act in the best interest of our country, they will swiftly be fired too.

Just my shitty thoughts!

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