Saturday, April 3, 2010

What's In A Word

By Semperpapa

I was not aware that CBS was still on the air, nor that they were doing stuff they call News, so I was somewhat surprised when I heard that Obama had conducted an interview with some guy named Harry Smith.
So I read some of the transcripts of this riveting piece of reporting and one word Obama spoke really got me thinking (at which point my better half screamed “run for the hills” grabbed the children and packed my life insurance papers).

The word that really got my blood pressure up was “troublesome”.
Here is what the President said in response to Smith asking him if Obama is bothered by having been called a socialist and a Nazi.

"Well, I think that when you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, it's
pretty apparent, and it's troublesome, but keep in mind that there have been
periods in American history where this kind of vitriol comes out," Mr. Obama
said. "It happens often when you've got an economy that is making people more
anxious, and people are feeling like there is a lot of change that needs to take
place. But that's not the vast majority of Americans. I think the vast majority
of Americans know that we're trying hard, that I want what's best for the

So here are my thoughts.

What I really find “troublesome” is the fact that Obama and his Circle of Fools has gone to Fascist extents in order to demonize the dissent that a great number of Americans feel for his irresponsible policies, starting with the constitutionally protected right to speech.
When a sitting President begins to express personal disapproval toward those who find it necessary to sound the alarm over policies that are ruining our country by defining them “troublesome”, like in the case of Limbaugh and Beck, he is, for all intents and purposes, manifesting his displeasure at the right for anyone in America to dissent.
I do not recall the Senator from Illinois expressing his concern about dissent and vitriol when George W. Bush was trying to keep America safe and was called every name in the book, nor when books and movies about W’s assassination was depicted. I guess he was too busy voting ‘present’.

What I find “troublesome” is that there are so many much more troublesome issues in our country today than some talk show host or television personality.
How about the financial disaster our Nation is in? And the National debt that looms like the Sword of Damocles over the head of countless future generations thanks to the irresponsible spending this Administration has embarked on?

What I also find “troublesome” is how Obama is so concerned about dissent, when the Saudi Shariah law tentacles are spreading in the American education system all the way down to Elementary school grades.
Sure I am not absolving previous Administration of their culpability in this matter, on the contrary I was, and still am, a visceral critic of the policies of appeasement of the Royal Saudi house on the part of past Presidents, but I am witnessing a level of conciliation toward this enemy of our country that is unprecedented.
From Eric Holder to Janet Napolitano, not to mention the apology speech Obama himself gave to the Muslim world, the tendency of this Administration to insure a much deeper, more profound infiltration of our National interest on the part of our enemies is unmatched.

And I find greatly “troublesome” Obama’s phony interest in the conflicts our Military is involved in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Interestingly enough, Obama having been President since January 2009, he never found the time to make a visit to our troops in the combat zones. Sure he had the time to go to Denmark for the Olympics and the Global Warming circus, but never enough time to visit the troops involved in the “just conflict”. That until the week after his Congress passed the disastrous Obamacare, when the American people were so incensed by the travesty perpetrated by the servants of the people that Obama found the time to get out of the country and blow some smoke in the eyes of Americans.
And even if the brain dead Joe Biden had the audacity to give credit to this Administration for the “victory” in Iraq, this President has yet to visit our Military there.
This is really troublesome, as it appears that Obama is trying to marginalize our troops in Iraq and their sacrifice using the Vietnam War approach, as exemplified by his good friend Bill Ayers.
Thankfully, there are enough Vietnam Veterans out there who will not allow this country leadership to accomplish that mission.

So yes, these are “troublesome” times, but the steadfastness of those Americans who want to insure that Congress is fired in 2010 and that Obama will be a one-term President, will return this country to its position of beacon of freedom for the whole world.

Just my thoughts!

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