Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Don't Cry For Me, America

By Semperpapa

It is a great feeling of relief to hear that the Obama’s are feeling the pinch of the economic disaster America is in, not because I wish bad luck, but because I am sure that it pushes the President to do something about the economy of the country.

I understand the conundrum the President and the miss are in, having to cut down on their vacations and their activities in order to save for their daughters’ college funds.

So what are the sacrifices that the Obama’s are making?
Well, Mrs. Obama and one daughter have booked 30 rooms at the most luxurious hotel in whole Spain, a 5-star place. I guess if she wanted to be extravagant, she would have booked 60?
I do feel sorry, though, because she will not really enjoy such bare bone vacation as her husband and other daughter will not accompany them. Thankfully, they will all go on vacation again next month to Martha’s Vineyard. Wow, I feel better now.

And who can forget the Obama’s’ dog flying to the vacation spot in Maine two weeks ago in its own jet. Granted the poor pooch had to settle for a smaller exec jet that the G3 Gulfstream its masters used, but making the pooch suffer so much because of the cut backs Obama and family had to make is a little extreme. Hope PETA does not get wind of this.

I surely see the self imposed belt tightening as the Obama’s used a smaller jet than the usual 747 to fly to Maine, surely sacrificing so much of their comfort to leave a much smaller carbon footprint and use less taxpayer funded jet fuel. And I am incensed by the right wing fringe saying that the reason was that the Maine location did not have a big enough airport. How racist.

Ok, time to turn the sarcasm off.

It is offensive to the American people that these individuals have the courage of even mentioning the impact that the recession has on them.
In the first place they are absolutely out of the loop of the reality of things across the Nation.
The President will be jumping on Air Force One (the full size one) to make an appearance on the View, so to get the dingle berries on that stage sing the praises of the Messiah, in the attempt to perk up his sinking popularity by appealing to the type of brain dead characters who watch that crap.
The cost to taxpayers for this little escapade is what, half million dollars? Chump change!

And the American people are seeing this and many are beginning to smell the stench of hypocrisy that emanates from those they voted for in the last two elections. Many are opening their eyes to the words of Obama, of Geitner, of Hillary, who are so bold to go on record and speak of the tax burden on the American people.

Geitner hinted last weekend that the White House and many democrat congress members want to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire at the end on 2010, which would translate in one of the largest tax increase in the history of our country. And this coming from a guy who cheated on his taxes. Yes the rich among Americans must pay their fair share of taxes, because Obama needs the money to send the message to the world that America is serious about curtailing its debt.
Really, Timmy, next you are going to tell me that Obama is black, right?

And let’s not forget the good old battleaxe Hillary, who is going around stating that the evil large corporations and the rich bastards in the country are nowhere near paying enough taxes, all the while filling the news with details about the over $2-million wedding she is throwing for her daughter.
Really, Hilly, you have the balls to tell me that the American people who have been in the past the greatest generators of employment are not paying enough? Coming from you it is really laughable.

It is mind blowing that the call for the re-distribution of wealth in America comes from individuals who are rich themselves. And considering that they have become rich by abusing the governmental system into a corrupted branch of special interests bank, the call for more sacrifice is as offensive as it gets.

Surely the family facing foreclosure because of a loss of employment and thanks to the Obama economic policies or the Frank/Dodd scams, will find hard to sympathize with the President lamentation of the impact the bad economy has had on his finances.

But not to worry, because the President’s daughters will be able to go to Harvard, and at taxpayer’s expenses. I am just curious how will Barak work that out.
Will he use racism or will he just get them Kenyan paperwork. We shall see.

Just my thoughts!

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