Saturday, July 3, 2010


By Semperpapa

The Associated Press reported on July 2, 2010 that a federal judge has declared that he will allow a legal brief presented by the Mexican government in support of a law suit brought against the state of Arizona aimed at stopping in court the recently passed law on illegal immigration.

So, if I understand this correctly, a US federal judge will allow a foreign entity the ability to participate in legal action against a lawfully passed legislation inherent to one of the United States of America, technically opening the door to a foreign government to directly interfere in the internal affairs of a State.

The judge, whose name remains unmentioned in the AP article, is therefore effectively telling the American people that the sovereignty of the United States is no longer a consideration in the internal decisions of a state legislature, and that political ideology will be allowed to trample the rule of law and the will of the people.

I find this revelation truly unbelievable. The march toward the effective destruction of the United States has taken a new turn that is much more disturbing that the mere slide toward Marxism/Fascism that the Obama circus is engaged in, because in Marxist/Fascist regimes, the last thing that those despots wanted was interference from abroad, while the current occupiers of Washington D.C. are allowing foreign interests to participate in the defeat of our country.
From allowing the Mexican president Calderon to attack Arizona from within the Halls of Congress to allowing Mexico to participate in legal action against one of the States, the current administration is not so slowly, but surely surrendering the very American institutions to Mexico. And all this is done so that the Liberals may gain political traction with illegal immigrants once amnesty is granted.

In other words, the liberal progressives and some of the so-called Republicans in the leadership are, for all intents and purposes, selling out our Nation to foreign pressure for political gain.

I know I have a simple mind and that I cannot compare with the super-intelligent mongrels in Congress and the White House, but in my opinion openly compromising the legal and security stand of our country for personal gain, be it political or ideological or financial, qualifies for treason and all who are involved, be it this federal judge or Eric Holder or Obama, are guilty of conspiring against our Nation.

Yes, for whatever it may be worth, I am accusing those in power of treason against the United States of America. Obama, Holder, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Waxman, Durbin, Schumer, Boxer, Clinton (both), Rahm, Axelrod, Kagan, Graham, Grayson, and the list goes on, are all ready willing and able to move our Nation toward the abyss and are succeeding in doing just so, as the forces of reason and self-control find themselves increasingly outnumbered by those who are just getting fed up with the obvious attempt of the scum in Washington to destroy our once great Nation.

Just my thoughts!

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