Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hidden Agenda?

By Semperpapa

This is definitely a tall tale sign of a society in decline! The airwaves of every News outlet have been, in the last three days, filled with the non-story of Shirley Sherrod. This woman has risen, in just over 72 hours to a place of journalistic relevance that she could not have hoped for in a million years, and all thanks to a bunch of buffoons that these days populate the 24-hour news cycle.

On one side we have Fox News, whose reporters and anchor people miserably failed the test of context. Not that the Ms. Sherrod is as pure as snow, but in the sense that before running with the vilifying charade, they should have had someone with some common sense take a look at the whole tape and only then the clarity of the irrelevance of the story would have been all to apparent.
This is a woman who has a record as a radical leftist and who was speaking in front of the NAACP, one of the most radical leftist organizations in our country today.
Is really anyone surprised that a well known racist like Sherrod, speaking in front of a racist audience, member of a racist administration would make a non-controversial speech?
Come on, people, let’s pull our collective heads out of our backsides and use some common sense.
Bill O’Reilly is adopting a non-stop programming monopoly toward this non-story, mostly because he screwed up and he is trying, way too hard in my opinion, to come up in the right. And as he is being trashed by the Left, he resorts to the always pandering angle of station ratings.

On the other side we have the Leftist media, who has made Fox News reporting the actual story, demonstrating a giddy attitude of “gotcha!” toward the news organization, Fox News, that on a daily basis tramples them as the favorite of the American people.

The travesty of all this is that the entire news coverage in the last three days has been focused on Sherrod being vilified and subsequently unceremoniously fired by the White House, then damage control took hold of the White House and Sec. Vilsack took the brunt of the accusations over Sherrod’s firing, as if it is not obvious that he did so in order to clean the Obama bed pan. Then everyone started the apology tour, including Obama, and the offer to Sherrod to get her job back, offer that she is now playing hard to get over, while she uses the never lacking accusations of racism against the Fox News organization.

The hard part to swallow for me is that while the liberal and conservative news organizations in the country are so busy in their wall-to-wall coverage of the vicissitudes of a small time racist official, the corrupted politicians in charge are sneaking their way toward the assured destruction of our country.

While Sherrod monopolized the attention of the American people, Obama signed the latest horrendous government takeover of the financial system, with the evil twins Barney Frank and Chris Dodd scoring another victory toward the complete annihilation of the American economy.

While Sherrod was becoming a household name, and not by our own choice, Elena Kegan is one step closer to become a life-long Supreme Court Justice, position that she is not qualified for but that she will readily use to advance and impose her anti-American and anti-Constitution views. And surely the statement from Sen. Dick Lugar, RINO of Indiana to the effect that he will be voting for her confirmation associating himself with the other traitor of America Lindsey Graham, has gone almost completely unnoticed.

And probably unnoticed was also the protest that Louisiana’s governor Bobby Jindal has leveled against Obama’s moratorium on off-shore oil drilling. It was not as important the plea that the governor made for the economy of the Gulf and of his state, as Obama’s actions will cost Louisiana alone, up to 100,000 jobs.

All these stories, of dire importance to the whole Nation, were only slightly covered by a Media that was instead too busy pandering to an insignificant racist woman, while the travesty of the federal government law suit against the State of Arizona begun.

All this is just what the doctor ordered for the Obama administration, who, even through the embarrassment of the Sherrod’s ‘story’, managed to divert the attention of the American people from the real issues that are set to affect us.
The distraction was just delicious, to the point that I am suspicious of the timeliness of the events and the modality of it divulgement. And the reason behind my suspicion is that the source of the initial tape, Breitbart, has been a very reliable source historically, and it is almost too perfect that he did not verified the entire tape before passing it on to Fox News.

So it remains to be seen if the notorious case of Shirley Sherrod is going to go into the history books as just another Obama’s hidden strategy of distraction of the American people, or just another gigantic and annoying piece of bad journalistic work.

Either way, I am sick of it.

Just my thoughts!

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