Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Society In Decline

By Semperpapa

Signs of a American social values gone astray are evident across our Nation. The hard part to accept is that it is not just at the people level that the decline is manifesting itself, but at the leadership level.

The United States is fast making the step from the ideals of inclusion, of tolerance, across the line dividing freedom and reversed discrimination.

No Media coverage, for example, alerted the people of an incident that took place in Dearborn, Michigan, on June 18 2010, where the local Arab community organizers held the Dearborn Arab International Festival. During the festival, which by its name does not imply that it was a Muslim occasion only, four members of a local Christian assembly were arrested for engaging in conversations about Christianity.
The four were handcuffed and led away by police as some in the crowd witnessing the arrest cheered “Allah Akbar”, just another example of authorities willing to violate the Costitutional rights of certain Americans in favor of others.
So much is wrong about this incident as the four were arrested for exercising their First Amendment right. And even the police excuse of wanting to prevent any potential confrontation does not hold water, because there was no indication of any sort of escalation of tempers and the festival was not labeled as a strict Muslim event. Even then, the detention and removal of the four individuals was a clear violation of their rights.

Surely the ACLU will come out any day condemning the incident. Or maybe not.

But we are seeing this type of travesty from the highest level of authority in the Nation, as amply demonstrated by the much publicized case of the Black Panthers member who exercised their will to intimidate voters at the Philadelphia voting poll in 2008, a case that thanks to the intervention of the new racist regime, went from being an open-shut case to one of the biggest travesties of justice in recent times.

The worst aspect of this case is not the level of crime that took place, after all the two black Panther thugs did not actually attacked anyone phisically, but the fact that the Department of Justice and its leader AG Eric Holder have made it clear that the case was not going to be prosecuted on the basis that they black.
It would be iteresting to see if the same development would have occurred if it would have been two KKK in white sheets at a voting poll in Alabama.
To make things even more indicative of the decline of our society, we witness a political leadership in Washington, from Obama on down, that has no qualms about protecting people like these Black Panthers, especially one Samir Shabbazz, the one who in the Philadelphia video was holding the baton, and who has been filmed inciting black people to kill the white folks and their babies, addressing white women with black men as “white whores”, professing his hate for white people.

What happened to the laws governing Hate Speech? Oh, I forgot. They only apply to those who dissent from Obama. Not a word of condemnation can be heard by people like Nancy Pelosi and Dick Durbin as they are too busy calling Tea Party members ‘Nazis’ and ‘racists’.

Yes we are a society in decline, and have been for some time now. Obama and his minions just stepped on the accelerator.

Just my thoughts!

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