Friday, May 14, 2010

And The Invasion Continues...

By Semperpapa

I just about had enough of the crying game New Yorkers are making of the fact they still are target for terrorism. It is obvious that the Big Apple has been, and continues to be, the place where Islamic radicals intend to create mayhem.
But at this point, I would expect the good people of New York to take to the streets their outrage against that buffoon of a Mayor and tell him that there will be NO mega-mosque at Ground Zero.

But the plans for the 13 story temple to Islam to be built just 600 feet from the where followers of the religion of peace flew two aircrafts full of innocent people into the World Trade Center, killing almost 3,000 more innocent people, continue undisturbed.

The NY mayor’s office issue statements stating, among other things, that

"It's private property, and the area is zoned for uses that include this one."

following last week green light to the project given by the Lower Manhattan Community Board.
And this is after the performance that mayor Bloomberg put on following the attempted bombing, when he advanced his intelligent theory that the perpetrator was probably some lone-wolf John Smith from Montana or other state like that, upset about Obamacare; and the same charlatan who, upon discovering that it was one Faisal Shahzad from Pakistan and with terror connections, came out strongly warning about any retaliation against Muslims or Pakistanis.
So what is the fascination of Bloomberg for Islam? Is it the money that comes from the Saudis? Is it the goats?

Gone are the days when Rudy Giuliani told the Saudi Prince where he could stuff his $10 million donation. There is a new sheriff in town and he takes cash, check or credit card!

The founder of the mosque project, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, contends that the project is designed to create a multi-faith community center, that the inquiries in the community have been encouraging and that it would be a place to show America the moderate side of Islam.

Rauf states:

“… the effort is meant to help heal the wounds of 9/11. We've approached the community because we want this to be an example of how we are cooperating with the members of the community, not only to provide services but also to build a new discourse on how Muslims and non-Muslims can cooperate together to push back against the voices of extremism…."

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy counters:

"Even when they have the resources, they are using it for a place of worship, a cultural center for organizations, They are not using it to lead the war like Americans need to see us do and they are wasting our resources, not to mention that being close to the hallowed ground that is so sensitive in the souls of the families of 9/11. I think it is extremely poor judgment."

And that is just a huge understatement. It is not only an insult that these freaks masquerading as religious leaders are throwing at the victims of the attacks of 9-11, but it is a clear sign of victory on the part of the ideology that has snuffed thousands of lives for decades now, over the principles of freedom and decency that have been the basis of American exceptionalism.

As these radicals continue their march toward victory, as their invasion of our soil and culture spreads like wild fire, aided by a complacent and facilitating government and a population teetering between apathy and political correctness, the families of those killed by Islamic ideology continue to be victimized by the pervading lie of religious tolerance.
Next thing we will see will be the New Black Panthers intimidating people from visiting Ground Zero, only to be exonerated by the always accommodating Eric Holder.

Madeline Brooks of the NY Chapter of Act! For America, an organization founded by Brigitte Gabriel to combat the Islamization of America, says she has received hundreds of letters expressing outrage at the actions of the City of New York. This infuriates me to no end! There are approximately 5 million people in Manhattan, and she received “hundreds” of letters? She should have been buried in letters of protestation!

We should be witnessing thousands of people taking it to the streets and to Bloomberg’s office to tell him that the project will not happen, no matter how much the Saudi monarchy pays him.

In the name of the 3,000 people who perished that day in September and in the name of every single Military member lost in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, this project needs to be derailed. We would cringe at a building housing the new Hitler’s Youth being built across the street from the Museum of Tolerance.
To me there is no difference.

Just my thoughts!

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