Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Convenient Lie

By Semperpapa

It is the true mantra of a politician. Tell lies or embellish the truth, which is the same thing really, if the embellishment is designed to paint a picture other than the truth.

Dick Blumenthal has done both for a number of years now, by openly stating few times and hinting many more times that he had served with the Marine Corps in Vietnam.

The truth, for anyone that is still interested in this ancient form of communication, is that Dick (how appropriate) Blumenthal never set foot in Vietnam.
Sadly, Dick is blaming the “discovery” of his half truths by the NY Times (can’t blame the vast right wing conspiracy for this one) as an attack on his service with the Marine Corps Reserves.
How disingenuous of him, but he gets a pass on that because he is a politician and therefore incapable of moral standing.

The issue is not his service in the Marine Reserves, but the fact that he purposely and consciously implied for years that he was a Vietnam War Veteran.
Blumenthal blamed the “confusion” on his use of the word “in” where “during” should have. That’s all, folks. Nothing more to see there.

Not quite, Dick.
At the base of this controversy is not, as I mentioned, his service, but it is a definite insult to the millions of Veterans who did serve in Vietnam to fraudulently place oneself in their ranks.
The revolting treatment Vietnam Veterans received upon their return to the World in those days was just a continuation of their war, except for the possibility of being ambushed and killed. To this day, many of those Veterans carry the scars of the hell they went through, scars that are as much physical as they are emotional.

Placing oneself in the same category with these men, pretending to understand the living hell they endure in order to augment a political career is highly immoral and deserves to be vastly used against Blumenthal.
He is one of those politicians the caliber of John Kerry, who, after dumping on the American troops serving in Vietnam, suddenly made his few months in South East Asia the mantle of his political career.
Blumenthal was obviously on the same track, with the exception that he obviously does not have the spin machine behind him, as demonstrated by the NY Times article. Even other liberal media are sort of dropping him like a very hot potato.
What Dick does not realize is that regardless of the latest flag waving done by the liberal media for our Military due to the fact that Obama is Commander-in-Chief, said liberal media does not like and is not supportive of the Military. Especially Vietnam Veterans.

As a veteran politician, though, Dick had a press conference where he surrounded himself with men in USMC jackets. The power of illusion, or the illusion of power. You decide.
So instead of getting in front of the cameras and apologizing for the misleading he had perpetrated for years, ask the forgiveness of the real Vietnam Veterans and act like a man and disappear, he chose to impugn the Times article as an attack on his service.
But that is too much to ask of a politician.

If Dick Blumenthal did not have enough problems in his bid for the Connecticut Senate seat, he got another near-fatal blow yesterday when Chris Dodd came out in his defense.
Dodd made this statement:

“Dick Blumenthal and I have known each other for almost 40 years, and I’ve
always known him to be the most honorable of people. And nothing I read says
anything differently about Dick Blumenthal. He’s going to be a great United
States Senator in my view. He’s been a terrific Attorney General. So this is a
bump but frankly I think that he’s handled it well and as I said, I’ve known him
to be nothing but the most honorable of human beings in public life.”

Considering that Sen. Dodd is probably one of the most corrupted and despicable Senator in the whole body, having him come out in support is a devastating event. After all Blumenthal is running to replace Dodd who announced his retirement to avoid being creamed in November.

Fortunately, for Blumenthal, Obama has not come out in support of him. That would definitely be the proverbial “kiss of death”.

Just my thoughts!

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