Friday, May 21, 2010

Who Died And Made You King

By Semperpapa

Ok, things are getting a little out of control at DHS.
According to a article, the assistant secretary of Homeland Security in charge of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), John Morton, has hinted during an interview that his agency may not necessarily process illegal immigrants apprehended in Arizona thanks to the latest anti illegal immigration bill passed by that state.

In Morton’s words “I don’t think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution”, which practically stated that Morton’s decision, and of Obama and Napolitano and Holder, will be the law of the land, even if the contrary is mandated by legally passed legislation and supported by the majority of the American people.

What really Morton is telling the American people is that someone has died and made him king, a stand that should be controversial and enraging for any real American, regardless of their position over the Arizona law.

Why is an appointed bureaucrat feel that he has the power to decide if a law passed in one of the states of the Union will be enforced or not? Or better yet, Mr. Morton, who the hell died and made you king?

It appears to me that the Obamadroids have completely lost their minds. They truly believe that they have been anointed to dictate their ideologies to the rest of the American people at a whim.
That was the same attitude that the king of England had regarding the 13 colonies, circa 1776, when he was most uninterested in the needs and opinions of the subjects across the pond. The result, as of right now, is part of the history of the United States.
Similar attitude is demonstrated today in Washington, where the members of the regime are increasingly bold in affirming their goals of completely disregard the will of the American people and the laws of our Nation. And the road they are embarking on could potentially be a dangerous one for the whole country.

What Morton is actually saying is that he is considering not enforce the laws regarding illegal immigration that are currently on the books.
As AZ Governor Jan Brewer correctly pointed out in an interview with Fox News Greta Van Susteren, the “controversial” law passed by the legislature has the same provisions that the federal law has.
To that effect, Alabama Sen. Jess Session puts it perfectly when, asked about Morton’s comments, stated that

"If he feels he cannot enforce the law, he shouldn't have the job. That makes him, in my view, not fulfilling the responsibilities of his office."

I understand that Sen. Session is unofficially bound by diplomatic protocol, but I, not being so, instead hold the opinion that he should be fired immediately for even hinting his intention to ignore the law.

But characters like Morton are in their positions because their radicalism made them stand up in the eye of the current American supreme being, Obama.
And, on the subject, this was the statement from the always dim witted Napolitano:

"ICE has the legal discretion to accept or not to accept persons delivered to it by non-federal personnel. It also has the discretion to deport or not to deport persons delivered to it by any government agents, even its own."

Which means that the new sub-king of DHS John Morton has the support of his boss and that they have found, or fabricated, a legal loophole that fits their agenda.

Meanwhile, as the public clamor grows telling the federal government that illegal immigration is an issue the American people are not willing to put up with any longer, and as certain cities are using the boycott weapon to reinforce their radical stand (i.e. San Francisco, Los Angeles and Austin), states like Texas, Rhode Island, Utah and Georgia are contemplating laws semi-identical to the Arizona one.
So far, according so some reports, there are about 17 states that are considering legislature of the kind.

And finally a positive trend from my state of California: Costa Mesa City Council just passed a declaration in which they define the city as a “Rule of Law” city, basically the opposite of a sanctuary city.
The Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor is no newcomer to wanting to enforce anti-illegal immigration measures, as he, in 2005, proposed that his Police officers would be trained to enforce existing immigration laws. Of course the ACLU filed a law suit against him and the city, but a jury just last December rejected the ACLU lawsuit.

There are local politicians still with common sense, but it is at the national level that changes have to be brought, and fast, because when you have clowns like Morton and Napolitano and Holder and Obama running the asylum, one never knows the extent of damage they can do.

Just my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the ACLU files lawsuits against people trying to enforce the law and get away with it. Things have gotten sooooo out of control with our leadership that the only thing I can hope for at this point is that people stand up and vote in November.
