Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Case For The Crazies

By Semperpapa

And the crazy is me, in this case, because reading this just put me in an awful mood.

It appears that an Art teacher of a middle school from the Santa Rita School District, Salinas, California, had given an assignment to her students. One of the 13 year old student, drew the picture of an American flag and started writing the words “God Bless America” when the teacher stopped her and told her she could not draw that picture and that she was to start another project. The reason the teacher gave was that the student’s picture was “offensive”.

Right after her action, the teacher proceeded to laud the work of another student who had drawn a picture of Obama in red, white and blue colors.

The mother of the chastised student, obviously not too happy, brought the incident to the attention of the principal of the school who was apologetic and arranged for a meeting between the parents and the teacher.
At the meeting, the student’s father asked the teacher what was that she had deemed offensive in the daughter’s drawing and the teacher would not provide any answer.

Supposedly, according to a statement from the school district, the incident has been resolved to the satisfaction of the parents of the child, with no further details given.

So what is the issue with Old Glory being seen as an offensive symbol these days? It appears to me that the number of incidents in which people with some authority or impact openly disrespect the American flag, or any of our traditional symbols, is on a disturbing upswing.

What would bring a teacher, as liberal or progressive or whatever else he/she may be, to have the audacity of calling anything related to a respectful display of the flag, offensive?

The answer, in my simple mind, is that the nutcases of the fringe left, who have been infiltrating the educational system at a college level and are increasingly showing up in ever lower grades, have been emboldened by the anti-American sentiments that are emanating from the very top of the Nation’s political spectrum.
An openly un-American gesture that just few years ago would have been rejected by the establishment, today is considered as the elitist expression of higher knowledge and education.
Love of country, patriotism and religious/spiritual beliefs are rejected and mocked by the Progressive controlling class.
And of course when the President uses pejoratives against the everyday American that dares to question his horrendous policies, it encourages even the most irrelevant minions, all the Obamadroids, to feel free to impose their political ideology in instances where they should keep them hidden.

I am not in the know about what the satisfactory resolution is between the school district and the parents, but I want to hope that it is the only course of action I would be satisfied with as a parent which is to see that teacher be part of the unemployment statistic.
Just as in the case of our dealings with radical Islamic terrorist, who only understand pure violence, the dealing with these kinds of “educators”, should be one that is amply and unequivocally understood: political, anti-American attempt at brainwashing students should be met with clear and immediate termination of employment. I would also advance the clear marking of the person’s record with the true reason for termination, so that hopefully that person would be forced to seek another line of work.

And if this story is not enough to make me want to go totally insane, there is this:


Sure, the video is from 2007, but the “gentleman’, Ron Gochez, is still a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District, in an department called “Public Services and Social Justice”.
Gochez is just one more example of the radical nutcases that are today poisoning the minds of our children, creating the perfect mind set for the type of civil unrest seen on May 5th.

We are in a fight and we do not want to admit it yet.

Just my thoughts!

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