Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our Country Out Of Control

By Semperpapa

Things are getting out of control in America and I fear that with the dissatisfaction on the part of the American people, their tolerance may be eroding fast.

On May 5th, we have been exposed to a myriad of images and reports of people demanding this, accusing that and threatening all.
We have seen people marching in the streets of America waving foreign flags, chanting their intention to force the government to rescind its laws by any mean.
We have seen protesters marching with signs demanding free housing, free food, free health care, free education while threatening to kill law enforcement officers until they get what they want.

We have witnessed an assistant principal at a Morgan Hills high school sending five students home because they were wearing t-shirts with the American flag and colors on, citing that on that day their garbs could provoke violence. And of course the fact that the assistant principal name was Miguel Rodriguez was coincidental.
To make things even more interesting, police authorities in Morgan Hills have increased presence at the school to prevent possible retaliation against the five students on the part of Mexican gangs.

We have also witnessed the victory of the Muslim minorities in the Military to get the politically correct impaired bureaucrats at the Pentagon shut down a innocuous tradition that dates back to the days our Nation was created, the National Day of Prayer.

And the Hollywood elite, the same one that called President Bush all the names in the book and made movies about killing him and books on how to assassinate him all in the name of free speech and uncensored artistic expression, are running away from anything related to Mohamed for fear of being hurt by irate Muslims.

The media is going all out searching for culpability of President Bush for the actions of a Pakistani terrorist with ties to the Taliban for the failed attempt to kill innocent people in New York, practically trying to imply that the man was almost justified in his actions because of his opposition to the previous administration.
The media whores have not even been able to hide their disappointment in the fact that the attempted Times Square bomber was actually an Islamist instead of some disgruntled white Tea Party member.

And while everyone in the media is focusing on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, looking to blame BP, Bush, Cheney and whoever else will further their agenda, the deadly floods in Arkansas and Tennessee that have killed a dozen people and created an economic disaster have been all but ignored. After all who cares for bunch of rednecks being killed, hopefully they were clinging to their Bibles and guns.

It appears to me that things are really getting out of control in our country. Years of perversion of our beliefs and traditions perpetrated by the PC police and supporters are today coming to a head like a gigantic boil, aided and promoted by the current political leadership just sitting back and letting it happen, as our country is one emergency away from government instituted Martial Law.

This administration is doing everything possible to deepened the division among the American people (divide and conquer), fomenting violent reaction on the part of frustrated people. We are already seeing this in the hordes that support Obama and company, with violence already practiced by union thugs, illegal immigrants supporters and emboldened domestic radical Muslims.
All the while, the political system and the media have been conducting a relentless smear campaign against those Americans who have taken to the streets to peacefully protest the ever intrusive actions of the government.
To their disappointment, none of these protests have had any violent expression. Even as the liberals tried to play the race cards with the TEA party protest in Washington DC, accusing uncounted name calling and spitting, none of the images available show any evidence to those accusations. And as the accusations lost traction in the media, mostly due to the total absence of any “smoking gun”, the accusers just faded away.

Things are out of control. And by design on the part of Obama and his minions, as before the November elections, I predict that something catastrophic will hit America, allowing Obama to suspend the US Constitution, which will give him complete dictatorial control, claiming the action necessary for the good of the country.

In a conversation with my daughter, she asked a very common sensical question, although rhetorical.
Why are the Democrats continuing to push their agenda even as the American people are very vocal in their disapproval, especially with elections looming in just few months?
Than she stated that one would think that the prospect of being “fired” by the people in November should be enough for them to just slow down their march toward Socialism.

The apologists tell us that it is their principled convictions that push them to attempt force feeding the people at cost of popularity, but that is just spinning the truth.
This would be valid if term limits were in effect. But considering that these characters feel they are entitled to the office the people elected them to, their very obvious total disregard for the people’s opinions tells me there is some other obscure card up their sleeves.

These concerns are personally alarming. And as usual, I am praying that I am completely wrong in my assessments.

Just my thoughts!

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