Thursday, May 20, 2010

Epitome Of Indecency

By Semperpapa

In one single word: Congress!

Yes, the essence of human indecency is the United States Congress, with major emphasis placed on the party in power.

As predicted, the puppet from Mexico City was utilized by a despicable Obama to further the US president agenda of destruction of America, and, in his address to the joint session of Congress, Calderon delivered.

Never before in the history of our Nation, a foreign leader was allowed to address the legislative body of the United States of America and criticize the lawful action taken by a lawfully elected representatives of the American people.
Calderon was allowed to do just so, by disparaging the law that the Arizona legislative and Governor passed addressing the plague of illegal immigration.

The accusations leveled by the Mexican president at Arizona, were none other than the regurgitation of the accusations made by countless morons from the Democratic Party, but with a Mexican accent.

But the allowance granted to Calderon was not enough, as the level of indecency reached revolution-inspiring levels when the Liberals in the chamber stood up and applauded the outrageous accusations that Calderon had the balls to make.

I had no great hope to see any patriotic display on the part of the Republicans sitting in that room, as they have been, with only few exceptions, castrated by the will of a majority made up of elitist traitors.

Where was the mass walk out on the part of the Republicans? Nobody had the courage to stand up for our country and stand up to tell this foreign idiot not to dare criticize our country in our home? I guess they are all afraid to be accused of been anti-Mexican bigots.

And the frustration among the American people is growing to a level that I have never seen in the last 30 years, as we have to witness a man, Calderon, who has no control over his own country’s security; a man whose military and police is abandoning its role in droves to avoid being killed by the drug cartel goons; a man whose economic policy is based on shipping as many undesirable Mexicans north so not to be responsible for their welfare, tell the government of United States that they MUST pass immigration reform that would legitimize the millions of illegals currently in America.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of this moron. In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, at one point Calderon was asked about the Arizona law and the right of Americans to want the border protected, and basically Calderon responded that enforcing any resolution to that effect would be racist, but when describing Mexico’s immigration policies, he clearly and matter-of-factly responded that if illegals in the south are found without papers they are sent back, as in deported.

Such display of hypocritical duplicity, I thought, was just property of the Liberal Progressives in the Democrat Party, but I guess the movement has been exported to Mexico City too.

And Calderon also felt secure and encouraged enough to take a swipe at our own Constitution, as he placed all the blame for the atrocious violence that his country is experiencing, at the feet of America and especially of the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution.
The Mexican prick had the courage to call for the assault weapons ban to be reinstituted, in clear violation of the rights of the American people.
And again the liberal pricks stood up and applauded, as if sitting on bunch of tasers all wired to Nancy Pelosi’s switch.
And again the Republicans sat there and allowed this to take place.

The epitome of indecency is the political leadership in Washington, and it is about time that the American people take a stand.
Someone has to stand up for America, and it looks like the American people are the only ones willing to do so.

Just my enraged thoughts!

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