Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Obama's One-Two Punch

By Semperpapa

It’s a classic one-two punch to the jaw of the American people.
As time passes, an increasing amount of information becomes known about the latest Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan and more light is shed upon this obscure liberal.
And no, I am not talking about the silliness of her sexual orientation, which in reality makes absolutely no difference to me.

What I am referring to is an article Ms. Kegan wrote in 1996 for the University of Chicago Law review (incidentally, I find very peculiar that all the “president men” are from Chicago, but I digress). In this article Kegan expressed her belief that there are circumstances when the government has the right to restrict freedom of speech. Wow!
In the article, Kegan states that

…the negative impact of a law restricting freedom of speech is subservient to the government motive for enacting such restrictions…

which in reality means that if the government considers some form of speech to be inducing of restriction, the government has the right to do so and that the negative impact of such restriction is secondary to the reason. And the hell with the Constitution.

The point is not in regard to the anecdotal “yelling fire in a crowded theater”, but it extends to all forms of speech, because if there is, for example, a case of a participant to a TEA Party demonstration who takes it upon itself to inflict harm on someone of the opposite political conviction, than the Kegan’s doctrine says that it would be justified for the government to restrict the ability of the demonstrators to voice their dissent. And that would be just fine with Ms. Kegan.

Of course that would never happen, says the naïve, incredulous average American. Not in America. And yet, we have witnessed in the last few months just the opposite.
Either it was a nut case flying his plane into a federal building, or an Islamic terrorist trying to kill innocent people in Times Square, the administration, with the complacency of the whoring Media, were foaming at the mouth trying to find connections with the TEA Party.
And even when the reality of the opposite was shown, the negative connotations and the political pounding remains relentless against anyone who is speaking up against the regime.

So one can burn the American Flag, can march on American streets waving foreign flags, can call for a sitting President’s assassination and even write books about it, and this is all protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
But now Obama wants on the highest court of the land a woman who believes that if the government really wants to, it can violate the constitutional rights of the people, if it is convenient to do so. I wonder what Elena Kegan’s opinion would have been if George W. Bush would have jailed all those who called for his assassination.

So Ms. Kegan is punch number two, because punch number one was the Sotomayor nomination. Now the activist from Chicago has one Supreme Court Justice who is against the second Amendment and he will soon get one that is for the curtailing of the First.
And because the First Amendment is defended by the Second, the plan is taking shape just fine for the Thug-in-Chief.

Obviously the American people cannot hope for the Republican in Congress to do anything about it. They are too spineless to stand up to these indiscretions. And they are so ingrained in their elitism that they are refusing to hear the voice of the people, in the false belief that just by having an “R” behind their names will allow them to ride the possible anti-Democrat wave in November.
Personally, I will remember who were the RINOs who voted for Sotomayor and who will vote for Ms. Kegan.

It is the slippery slope that the Socialist/Communist/Progressive agenda has been pursuing for many years now, slowly eroding the American principles in our social fiber by means of political correctness and now, thanks to the most favorable, if not instigating, environment in the White House and Congress, the enemies of America are going to be embedded in the Nation’s judicial system for the rest of their lives.

Just my thoughts!

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