Monday, May 17, 2010

Update On The New Black Panthers Case

By Semperpapa

After more than a year of official requests for information, from some Republican lawmakers, on the legal standings used by AG Eric Holder to dismiss the cases against members of the New Black Panthers Party, Assistant AG Thomas Perez has finally come out in front of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to tell the commission that the charges were dismissed due to insufficient evidence.
The whole thing goes back to the 2008 Presidential Elections, when Samir Shabazz, Jerry Jackson and Malik Zulu Shabazz were videotaped standing in front of a Philadelphia voting poll in paramilitary garbs. The Samir character was also brandishing a nightstick. All were doing their best to express their intimidation toward white voters.

Once charges had been brought against them, the defendants did not even bother to show up for the court hearings, either because of their contempt for the rules of the white man or, more likely, after receiving some sort of assurance from the goons at the DOJ that regardless of anything, their friends in the White House and the DOJ were going to make the whole thing go away.

Sure enough, soon after the case against them had been “won” by the feds by virtue of the defendants’ no-show, DOJ dismissed the charges without offering any explanation.

Here are some excerpts from Perez’s statement:

"Based on the totality of the evidence and the relevant legal precedent, the acting assistant attorney general made a judgment about how to proceed, choosing to seek an injunction against the only defendant who brought a weapon to the Philadelphia polling place on Election Day and to voluntarily dismiss the other three defendants,"

An injunction means something like “don’t do it again, ok?”
And also:

"We assure you that the department is committed to comprehensive and vigorous enforcement of both the civil and criminal provisions of federal law that prohibits voter intimidation. We continue to work with voters, communities and local law enforcement to ensure that every American can vote free from intimidation, coercion or threats."

Which really put at ease the mind of just about nobody.

So there we have it. Not even a video could derail the open cover-up and travesty of justice of Eric Holder/Obama current Department of Justice. I wonder if it would have been three hooded KKK goons in front of that voting poll and the same video, if the video would have been insufficient evidence.

But Perez is also making sure to add that the DOJ decision was exclusively based on legal grounds and not on political bias.
Just the fact that he came out with that defensive statement, incriminates him and his bosses of just that accusation.

But this is just an example of the way things are done in Chicago, the ways of good old Al Capone, via financial or political coercion.
That’s the hope and change that 52% of voters condemned the rest of us to live under. Hope you enjoy.

A final question: what would the DOJ position be if I went to vote armed just in the eventuality that some of these thugs would try to intimidate me?

Just my thoughts!

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