Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What The Hell Is Going On Here!

By Semperpapa

I apologize for the strength of the title, but things are really getting out of hand in the regime.
The statement is valid, though, when discussing the latest apology on the part of the State Dept., really meaning Obama, to the Chinese delegation on Human Rights.

Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner mentioned in a press conference following the meeting with the Chinese delegation, that the latest Arizona law against illegal immigration had been a topic of conversation during the discussions.
This is what Posner said:

“It was mentioned in the first session, and as a troubling trend in our society and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination, and that these are issues very much being debated in our own society,"

What is inconceivable to me is the fact that the Arizona law has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of human rights as defines in the context of the discussions with the Chinese.
While the AZ bill is addressing the invasion of our land on the part of millions of illegal foreigners who end up costing our nation in blood and treasure, the Commission on Human Rights in question is designed to deal with repressive actions that a government may be engaged in with its people.
Moreover, I do not believe that it is the place of an insignificant bureaucrat from State to comment on a lawful legislation instated by a sovereign state of the union.

And, most likely, Posner does not even have a clue of what the law says anyway, joining the ranks of those in the regime that have been trashing the bill, threatening legal action and called it unconstitutional when they had not even taken the time to read the thing.

Bet Obama has not read it, and he called it a “misguided” action.
Janet Napolitano has not read it, and she and her department are the ones in charge of securing the US borders.
Eric Holder has not read it, and he is the one hinting of the possibility of being unconstitutional.
Hillary Clinton has not read it, and yet she allows some two bit Obamadroid to make a statement of the kind to a delegation from a country like China.

This all fits in with the insanity that the current regime has brought into our government.
Apologizing to China on any issue regarding human rights is on the same level of disgust as refraining from protesting Iran being allowed to be part of the UN Commission on Women Rights.

Equating anything currently happening in the United States, from the point of view of human rights, to the social engineering policies of China is beyond moronic, it is actually close to criminal and seditious. And of all countries China, one of the nations with the poorest human rights record on the planet.

State Dept. spokesman P.J. Crowley, another Obamadroid, went on Fox News trying to smooth out the tempest of indignation that Pozner’s remarks have generated, saying that the in actuality Pozner was standing up for America, not apologizing for it.
Here is part of the interview.


Nice spin, P.J., except that the “dialogue” he claims Pozner was referring to is not a dialogue at all, because it is a verbal lynching of a Governor who had the courage to put the citizens of her state in front of the politically correct current.
And while trying to spin the Pozner’s statement, Crowley did not miss the opportunity to sound the Obama regime lines stating that the law in Arizona opens up the potential for racial profiling.
Asked by the host, Crowley admitted that he also had not read the law.

It is obvious that the people in charge in Washington are a joke, except no one is laughing any more.

Just my thoughts!

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