Monday, May 17, 2010

Theater Of The Bizarre

By Semperpapa

As I have expressed many times before, I really have very limited use for the clowns of the Hollywood crowd. Almost everyone of them lives in the same make-believe world they perform their muse in, especially when it comes to socio-political issues.

The latest in the theater of the bizarre that is the Hollywood sewer, comes to the world from Woody “never-seen-an-adopted-child-did-not-want-to-do” Allen.

After his coming out of the decency closet few days back when he expressed his support for the fugitive child rapist Roman Polanski, Woody just stated in an interview with a Spanish newspaper, that it would be good if President Obama would become a dictator for few years so that he could get done the things that he wants to do without any pesky opposition.

Allen stated that he was pleased with the actions Obama had taken so far and that by becoming a dictator, even for just a short time, Obama could just remove the Republican Party ability to stop or hurt him.

No, I am not surprised by the lack of any morality on the part of Allen, I just find amusing that one who has made a living, and a good one at that, by using and abusing the right afforded to him by the US Constitution, would be so naïve in respect to the word “dictator”.

Maybe Woody believes that he would be a shoe-in for the Goebbels position in the Obama dictatorship, which would insulate him from the permanence of an Obama dictatorial takeover.
Surely Allen is aware that there are not too many historical cases, if any, where an autocratic rise to power was followed by a short period of totalitarianism and a return to democracy, without the necessary blood spilled.

I guess getting away with being a pedophile must give Woody the impression that he is exempted from any authority intrusion in his life. And that his self assumed elitism would make him immune from any kind of scrutiny. That only works in the make-believe theater of the bizarre called Hollywood.

If it was up to me, Mr. Allen would be sharing a 4’x6’ cell with his buddy Polanski until they are both dead.

Just my thoughts!

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