Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another Miscarriage Of Justice

By Semperpapa

Faleh Hassan Almaleki was today sentenced in Arizona to a 34 ½ years imprisonment for killing his daughter Noor in 2009.

The Iraqi immigrant run over the 20-year old with his car because she had become too westernized and was bringing shame to the honor of the family.

In effect, the action of the 50 year old man was one of those “honor killings” we all hear about these days, crimes that make most of us cringe in disbelief.

Almaleki’s actions, on that day included purposely hitting his daughter and the mother of her boyfriend. The older woman survived the attack and was present for the sentencing.

But this sentence is a miscarriage of justice. Sure the man was sent to prison for practically for the majority of his remaining life, as he would be in his mid-80s, should he serve the whole sentence.

According to the reports, the man never showed any remorse for his actions, clearly demonstrating that the taking of a human life for him is a perfectly justified action as long as his religious beliefs tell him to.

The travesty is that Almaleki was convicted of second degree murder instead of first degree which could have landed him on death row.

Why was he not hit with pre-meditated capital murder? Was it not pre-meditated that he went to look for his daughter, drove his car on top of her and another person?

I am just hoping that the lesser conviction is not another sign of surrender to Shariah law and its barbaric directives.

Is the lesser charge part of an attempt of the judicial system to alleviate the gravity of the crime because it was sparked by the religious beliefs of the perpetrator? I am not prepared to believe that this cold blooded criminal is going to escape a deserved appointment with a needle because of an apologetic, politically correct society is willing to attach some form of justification to his actions.

So Almaleki is going to spend some time in prison. His daughter Noor will never see her life evolve in the way that it could have potentially. And there is always the possibility of the case being re-evaluated at a later time by some bleeding heart liberal judicial officer that may decide the sentence was too harsh. There is always the possibility that CAIR could get some politician to intercede in the killer’s behalf, negating a victim of such insanity even this level of misguided justice.

And if we get really “lucky” AG Eric Holder would bring another federal law suit against the State of Arizona claiming hate and civil rights violations.

This was indeed another miscarriage of justice, aimed at lessen the gravity of a horrid crime in the name of some contorted image of religious tolerance. We are indeed on a dangerous path as a society.

Just my thoughts!

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