Saturday, April 23, 2011

Getting What We Deserve

By Semperpapa

Elections have consequences, a phrase we American keep on hearing over and over from both sides of the political spectrum.

We heard it after the 2006 progressive takeover of Congress and in 2008 after the most radical candidate was elected to the Presidency. And we heard it when the House changed occupancy after the 2010 midterms. And it is a true statement.

Unfortunately, there are consequences of those elections that only acute observations can detect before their damage to our society is such that overcoming them is difficult if not impossible.

Probably the worst consequence is that a radical President like Obama is able to surround himself with radical elements that are sworn to do his “change” bidding with abandon.

One of those cases is Bob King, president of UAW and Obama’s appointee to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations.

During a round table discussion taken place on 4-7-11 on the future of the Unions in America, Bob King expressed some of his views. Again I want to emphasize that the man is appointed to do the bidding of Obama, therefore we can safely say that he is a window to the views of his boss.

Some of the statements from King:

“The law is broken in America…WE ARE NOT GOING TO RELY ON THE LAW…”

Is this what electing Obama has gotten us? A Presidential appointee who openly declares his intentions to ignore the laws of the land? And again,

“…if government is violating the workers’ first Amendment right of freedom of association and freedom of speech…we are going to ask our allies in France and the progressive community to join us in branding them as human rights violators…”

Wait a minute, is this administration appointee calling for the international progressive movement to directly interfere with the laws of the United States? It sure looks like.

Mr. King is a darling of the progressive movement in America, hailed by both the Democrat Party and by the lovable Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO union, who was at the same round table discussion. Richard Trumka has boasted, and I take his word for it, that he is in constant communication with the White House, through discussions and visits.

Here are some of the statements that Trumka made at the same time as Bob King:

“…there are 40 some million people that are excluded from the right to bargain…independent contractors, if you are a home care worker…if you are a taxi cab driver in New York…we are going after them and saying “there are new ways we are going to represent you…FORGET ABOUT THE LAW…”

Call me a conspirator, but for some reason I do not believe that the frequent “communication” between Trumka and the White House is not based on the interest of the union thug to find out how Bo the WH dog is doing or what the weather is, which brings me to my original point: elections have consequences.

This is what Hope and Change has brought us. All the promises that Obama made as candidate Obama have all been violated. The alarm that the Right sounded came true.

The progressives in charge have had some success in transforming the Nation, moving it toward the Marxist abyss that characters like King and Trumka, and Obama, are advocating for. What was known as the rule of law means absolutely nothing to these folks, as they clearly stated.

The main goal is to achieve their vision of World Government based on a Marxist utopia that has proven false and flawed for a century, a philosophy that has created more poverty and mediocrity than any other system, an ideology marred by the blood of millions.

Now this ideology has taken over the most powerful political position on the planet, controlling the lives of over 300 million Americans and “changing” what used to be the best Country in the world into a third world nation barely surviving.

Elections have consequences. Feeble minded Americans voted Obama into the Presidency, guided by their own racial insecurities and swayed by the empty promises of a double talking community organizer. He promised to unite the Nation, to be the President even of those who did not vote for him or disagree with his “vision”, but effectively working every single day of his Presidency to fuel a class warfare that would give him absolute power.

The sickening part of this entire situation is that all the damage done by this administration and its cronies are being hailed as having been done in the name of the less fortunate people of our society, never mind the fact that the place this regime is taking the Country is one where those at the bottom of the social scale are going to be the most affected by the demise of our Nation.

In the old Soviet Union, the common Russian suffered as the Party elite got fatter.

In post-war Vietnam, the common Vietnamese suffered as the political leadership benefited.

In North Korea, the common Korean literally starves to death as the political elite lives well.

Some say that such injustice would not occur in America, because we have laws and the Constitution. But what kind of assurance do we have when we hear people so close to Obama, and Obama himself, openly denouncing the laws and the Constitution?

Yes, elections have consequences.

Just my thoughts!


  1. Being critical of Obama and his administration is fine.

    What I'm not seeing is any balance of criticism for the 2010 election results that have had disastrous outcomes in various communities across the country (and that the Obama administration is not to blame for)...

    ...situations like this one...that are seriously repugnant, and that are squarely on the shoulders of GOP officials, NOT on Obama. Why is there not more said about these situations, alongside disparaging the President?

  2. No, the situation in Michigan cannot be blamed on Obama, not directly. But it may be possible that the lack of coverage about what Snyder may be doing is due to the fact that his strong handed tactics may be needed in the attempt to save a state that Democrats have run into the ground for decades, and coverage would show that.
    Everyone knows the situation in Michigan, between the economy, crime and other issues.
    The only people who don't know are Californians, who, by putting Moonbeam Brown in Sacramento, have signed the death sentence for whatever is left of this state.

    SP out!

  3. I suspect a friend of mine (who actually lives in Michigan and has endured much in the thick of it) might (strongly) disagree with you that the Democrats (solely) are responsible for running the state into the ground ~ and she speaks to it very eloquently. I share with you here a few of her older entries (she hasn't written much recently, but I talk with her on the phone and online in other venues semi-regularly):

    Mad As Hell

    Be Vigilant!

    Thoughtful Contemplation

    Yet Another Soapbox Rant



    I would argue that corporate benefiting is extremely bipartisan, but with the GOP responsible (squarely) for the continued deregulation of corporate interests...which is one of the BIGGEST reasons for the mess Michigan (and other states) are in. *nod*

    As for Cali...all I can do is *sigh* and say Cali residents are often in my thoughts - regardless of politics. Much like Arizona, for multiple reasons.

  4. I just came across this article also, and thought you might find the perspective interesting.
